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Posts posted by UpChuck

  1. Re: In which Chad thanks those who probably will never read this.


    Yes, thank you to all my old gaming buddies too. This is a good thread....

    Thank you to:

    Brian (BKS) for introducing me to D&D all those years ago

    Kevin for showing up late every single game

    Daniel for introducing me to Champions and showing me how to cheese

    Rita for showing up whenever she felt like it, lol...

    Calvin for being the last of the group to hang around...


    and thank you to the OP for posting this thread.

  2. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel


    The recurring sound/Things that go *BUMP*


    Every night in the dead hours (midnight to 2 or 3 am), as everything is still, you hear a sound like a body or large item falling down the steps. When you go out to investigate, there is nothing there, just as quiet as it had been...

  3. Re: Old School vs. New School


    Originally Posted by jelloflechette viewpost.gif

    Oh, and one very specific question: does 1st edition have the "mod the rules however you like" clause?

    For my money, any game you're willing to pay for has that clause! It's your time, it's your cash, do what you and your friends want to.



    G. Gygax pretty much said the same thing about running a D&D game "...and lastly, If you don't know the answer...make it up" or something along those lines in a DM guide some years ago.


    I think I will go ahead and take the plunge and buy it. I don't have any players here but hopefully I can find some.

  4. Re: Old School vs. New School


    Thanks very much to all who responded. It is indeed fourth edition Champions soft cover which many eons ago I had cut, laminated, and wire bound because the spine of the book just couldn't handle all the constant punishment :ugly: . There were some things wrong with the game... like being able to create stupidly powerful characters with just 250 points...:eg: but that falls upon the GM I suppose...

  5. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel


    The Skittish/Paranoid Kid


    This boy of about 14 or 15 years old is friendly enough but always looks around nervously. When you talk to him he will allways look over your shoulder nervously as if expecting something to happen or as if looking at something or someone. Sometimes he will look to the sides but never over his own shoulder. You never see exactly what it is he is looking at or looking for.



    The Unfriendly Maid


    The maid that you see everywhere, possibly Hispanic (seems to be left out on this forum and you see a lot of Hispanic ladies working as maids in hotels...I work at a Marriott and see them), is always giving you one of 'Those Looks' like you don't belong. When you speak to her she simply turns away and continues on down the hallway.

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