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benserwa's Achievements

  1. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central Kinda new player, tell me what you think of this, please: Cypher Player: Val Char Cost 8 STR -2 20 DEX 15 20 CON 20 15 BODY 10 30 INT 20 25 EGO 30 20 PRE 10 15 COM 3 5/25 PD 3 5/25 ED 1 6 SPD 10 18 REC 24 70 END 0 29 STUN 0 8" RUN 4 4" SWIM 2 3 1/2" LEAP 2 Characteristics Cost: 152 Cost Power 48 Nanosuit: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (Must Speak To Activate Suit Mode; -1/4) 5u 1) Blast Mode: Energy Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Must Speak To Activate Suit Mode; -1/4) 3u 2) Strike Mode: Hand-To-Hand Attack +12d6 (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (Must Speak To Activate Suit Mode; -1/4) 5u 2) Suspension Cables: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF (60 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Must Speak To Activate Suit Mode; -1/4) 5u 4) Flashbang Mode: Sight Group Flash 12d6 (60 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Must Speak To Activate Suit Mode; -1/4) 3u 5) Cloak Mode: Invisibility to Sight , Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups , No Fringe (40 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Must Speak To Activate Suit Mode; -1/4) 5u 6) Warp Mode: Teleportation 20", x32 Noncombat (60 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Must Speak To Activate Suit Mode; -1/4) 36 Telekinesis (30 STR) (45 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Nanosuit; -1/4) 48 Armor (20 PD/20 ED) (60 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Suit Mode; -1/4) 50 Nano-Healing: Healing BODY 5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2) 4 Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Nanosuit; -1/4) 4 Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Nanosuit; -1/4) 12 +5 DEX (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 16 +2 SPD (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 12 +30 END (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 19 Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) 10 Bases and Vehicles: Custom Power (10 Active Points) 10 Knockback Resistance -6" (12 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (Nanosuit; -1/4) Powers Cost: 295 Cost Skill 3 Bugging 15- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 3 Combat Driving 13- 12 Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Hacking and Computer Security, Personal Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Mainframes and Supercomputers) 16- 3 Conversation 13- 5 Cramming 1 Criminology 8- 3 Deduction 15- 3 Demolitions 15- 3 Electronics 15- 1 Forensic Medicine 8- 3 Inventor 15- 3 Lipreading 15- 3 Mechanics 15- 3 Paramedics 15- 3 Security Systems 15- 3 Shadowing 15- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Teamwork 13- 1 TF: X-Jet 2 KS: Mutants and Menaces 11- 4 KS: Computers and Technology 16- 3 Analyze: Combat 15- 3 Climbing 13- Skills Cost: 77 Cost Perk 10 Money: Wealthy 15 Advanced Tech 5 Computer Link Perks Cost: 30 Cost Talent 40 Universal Translator 22-, Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/2) (40 Active Points) 6 Speed Reading (x100) Talents Cost: 46 Total Character Cost: 600 Pts. Disadvantage 10 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses) 10 Social Limitation: Nerdy (Frequently, Minor) 20 Dependent NPC: Glowy the Nano-Kitty 11- (Incompetent) 15 Psychological Limitation: Needs to Prove Himself (Common, Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed with Origins/Purpose (Uncommon, Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: Speaks in Weird Languages Randomly (Common, Moderate) 15 Dependence: Electricity Powers Gain 11- Activation Roll (Very Common, 20 Minutes) 15 Enraged: Father is Insulted (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11- 15 Susceptibility: Airborne Spores, 2d6 damage per Turn (Uncommon) 15 Hunted: His Creator 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching) 15 Accidental Change: Nanosuit Activates when Frightened 11- (Common) Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 450 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  2. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central Cypher Real Name: Christopher Ramsey Occupation: Mega-Techie/Universal Translator Identity: Public Legal Status: Dual Citizen of Canada and the United States (and Registered Superhuman?) with No Criminal Record Other Aliases: None Place of Birth: Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Storm (Surrogate Mother), Original Cypher (Biological Father), Black Panther (Adoptive Father), associated family Group Affiliation: X-Men Base of Operations: Vancouver, BC, Canada First Appearance: X-Council #1 Origin: X-Council #1 History: The man currently known as Cypher is the "son" of the original Cypher, which is to say that he is a mysterious clone of him who's origins are unclear. Cypher's unknown benefactor created him out of gametes artificially generated from that DNA that were artificially placed into the womb of Storm. Ororo was contacted by Cypher's benefactor in the form of a bizarre "angel", telling her of the artificial insemination in dramatic Christ-like fashion. Black Panther and Storm raised them among their own under the name Christopher Ramsey, thinking perhaps he was the one referred to as having a special destiny by The Watcher, especially since much care had apparently been given to ensuring that he had the same mutation as his "father". Earlier in his life, he was told he was "adopted" and the son of the first Cypher. Chris "Cypher" Ramsey went through high school with a calm and assertive attitude and a natural sense of presence and leadership about him, becoming President of the Student Council by a narrow vote. He soon discovered that the other members of the Student Council were also mutants, and like him, had abilities that weren't well-suited to combat but more towards investigation. In this situation, a lot of odd things started happening at his school, and the Student Council, which the members liked to jokingly call the X-Council, had to solve gritty teen mysteries. Cypher operated as the leader of the group and his ability to universally translate, as well as his natural genius for computers and technology, came in handy, as did a deductive skill he learned as he went. He also acquired a dry, understated sense of humor. During this time, Cypher's encounters with techno-organic tech continued, his antagonists just seeming to gain access to it, each disappearing, melting, or exploding before he can get it back home to analyze in any deeper. However, this connection to him, and it's connection to his origins, makes him believe he is being manipulated by his creator, causing him to thrust his attention into technology in order to try to understand more fully these encounters during the time he has to dissect them alone. After he graduated high school, involving a messy falling out with his then girlfriend, he moved to Canada to pursue more advanced technology research, translating anything to anything for a cost to stay afloat. Just recently, as Cypher was wandering Stanley Park at night, a one-man sized alien pod from space crash landed hard and fast. Recognizing the techno-organic tech from previous encounters, he quickly entered, suddenly becoming attacked by alien tech. Awakening in a hospital, Cypher now had a voice in his head... the playful female voice of an artificial intelligence that was now inside him in the form of nanites. Speaking a bizarre alien language that only Cypher could possibly understand, this tech began to speak to him of an ancient underwater civilization that used this powerful technology to explore the land, paranoid of 'monsters of the land' that their culture had prevalent in their fairy tales. So, the nanites are capable of creating a powerful, charged exoskeleton over the body, and producing some interesting weapons and other gadgets. It also serves as a life support system since the underwater people needed to be able to exist and breathe above the water, and since they came in many physiologies, the system is modular, working great in Cypher's body. However, the system has to be activated into "suit mode", causing a thick black exoskeleton and a slick mask to cover his body, before he can use most of the nanites' benefits. Cypher can talk to the AI of the system, but it seems to be under the impression that Cypher is a 'military drone' and can only access information on a 'need to know basis', so even he isn't sure of it's full capabilities. Soon after, Hank McCoy announced the reformation of the X-Men. Convinced it was no coincidence, Cypher went back to the States, seeking his destiny. Personality: Cypher maintains a friendly yet dry and somewhat cynical demeanor with his colleagues, but makes a point of hiding his weaknesses and more complex emotions from others out of an awkwardness over expressing himself. He does however socialize well and makes acquaintances easily... but hard friends need to do a lot to earn his true loyalty and make him open up or admit something. Height: 5'10" Weight: 198 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Strength Level: With the suit on, Cypher's strength is enhanced to above-average, below-brick levels. Normally, he's a bit of a nerd and is of below average strength. Known Superhuman Powers: Cypher's natural mutation is that of the Universal Translator, making him able to understand, speak, read, and write, any language he encounters instantly. Once he speaks the alien words necessary to activate his nanosuit, it becomes like a powered armour with more gadgety flavour to it. (thanks for the template, Sketchpad, hope you don't mind)
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