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Posts posted by commonsensei

  1. Hey everyone,


    I just wanted to point out that I bought the second to last copy of "HERO System 6th Edition: Character Creation (damaged cover) (Book+PDF)"


    This of course means that it's down to the last copy. Grab it while you still can.



  2. Thanks everyone. Great ideas. This was exactly what I was looking for.


    I had another couple related question to extend the power. How would you alter another characters ability to walk/fly/run/drive when under this effect? So they can still move their max speed but not necessarily in a straight line? And what if the effect made them either a happy drunk or aggressive drunk? Thoughts?

  3. Re: Bring Forth Sidekick?


    Tell us a bit more about this sidekick: is it someone you want to eb able to send away to do stuff for you' date=' or is it someone you just want handy when you need him? If the latter you could use EDM, and 'store' him in a pocket dimension until you need him.[/quote']


    The pocket dimension idea would make for good laugh around the game table since in this particular situation I’ll be playing the sidekick (or personal guard 350 Points) to my wife’s character :). So maybe not EDM. The idea is that she would be able to make me appear in front of her when she’s in trouble and needs a goon. I’d be free to have a life until I was ‘summoned/teleported’

  4. Re: Indestructible Extra Limbs/Stretching?


    Shadow Tentacles

    60 1) Shadow Tentacles: Telekinesis (33 STR), Fine Manipulation 6 END

    24 2) Shadow Tentacle Reaction: Flight 12", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (36 Active Points); Linked (Shadow Tentacles; -1/2) 0 END


    Thanks for all the help. I really like the build concept with TK and flight. It’s simple and makes more sense then I ever have :)

    I added your other suggested limitations to your build. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    Shadow Tentacles

    - Shadow Tentacles: Telekinesis (30 STR), Fine Manipulation (55 Active Points); Action/Reaction (-1/2), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Normal Limited Range 10” (-1/2) Total Cost: 24 Points.

    - Shadow Tentacle Reaction: Flight 16”, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (48 Active Points); Linked (Shadow Tentacles; -1/2), Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4) Total Cost: 27 Points.

    I just have a couple questions:

    1) If I have opponents or other objects currently in a grab would those things come with me if I were picked up by a flying character? I assume yes as long as I have enough TK STR.

    2) I added ‘Only In Contact With A Surface’ limitation to the flight since I would have to use the side of a building to ‘fly’ to the top. Would touching and object with my TK be considered as being in contact with that object?

    3) Would I need to increase my flight if I wanted to carry dates to the top of a building to watch the sunset? Or is this covered by my TK STR?

  5. I’m not sure how to build this power so I thought I’d ask for some input.

    The power would allow the character to teleport their sidekick to themselves no matter where the sidekick was but as long as they were on the same planet. The idea would be that it would only work on the sidekick and that the sidekick wouldn’t have a choice in the matter :eg:. Also there would be no chance of failure as long as the character had enough END to use the power.

    I originally thought this would be some form of the summon power but since the sidekick is a player character and could be built with an undetermined amount of points, it didn’t make sense to me to go that route. Would this just be a teleport with various advantages/limitations like useable on others, megascale and works on sidekick only? How would it get around the attack role needed by the usable on others advantage?

    Side note: The characters share a Mind Link as well. This might be useful since mental powers work though the link.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance. :)

  6. Re: Indestructible Extra Limbs/Stretching?


    II think that the Only in Hero ID verges on double dipping to have it on all three elements - you have limited the stretching by saying only with extra limbs (which are already OIHID) - you have limited the extra STR with only with stretching (which is already limited to only with extra limbs which is already OIHID).


    I originally thought the samething so I posted the question to Steve a couple of days ago. Here's the thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66972


    One more question. Do you think that 'Only Works With Stretching' merits a (-1) limitation? I've seen it used on various powers in some of the 5th Edition books so I assume it's fine. I'm just unsure because it's kinda like 'Linked' which is only (-1/2) or 'Only Works With Extra Limbs' (-1/4). If it's fine then why is more of a limitation? What am I missing? :)

  7. Re: Indestructible Extra Limbs/Stretching?


    Addendum: IIUC' date=' neither of these methods will protect the character from damage from a Damage Shield.[/quote']


    In this case Damage Shield shouldn’t cause damage to the character when I attack because the arms aren’t really part of the characters body. Their more like an object only without the focus limitation. (if that even makes sense) :)

    If you purchase the does not cross intervening space then you avoid the need to be vulnerable and may also pick up the ability to surprise people. You decide to retain the lack of vulnerability to attack but instead allow the SFX to make it obvious the source of the tentacles. You lose aspects of the surprise and possibly the indirect attack nature but you gain in that people may attack the tentacles uselessly. I'd call it about even.


    I really like the idea of trading around advantages and disadvantages for the ‘does not cross intervening space’ advantage in this manner. The only other effect that DNCIS doesn’t provide is being able to grab someone and drag them to me or grab something and drag myself to it. Do you still think this is even trade or should I maybe increase the advantage modifier to +1/2 like in the example below?

    Here’s what I’m thinking:

    Shadow Tendrils-

    Extra Limbs (up to 2) (5 Active Points), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 4 Points)

    Plus Stretching 8”, Does Not Cross Intervening Space/Cannot be damaged through out stretched arms (+1/2) (60 Active Points), Limited Body Parts (Extra Limbs -1/4), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4), Range Modifier Applies (-1/4), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 22 Points)

    Plus +30 STR (30 Active Points), Only With Stretching (-1), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 13 Points) Total Cost: 49 Points

    Any ideas?

  8. Re: Indestructible Extra Limbs/Stretching?


    Thanks. Very good points. Would these be acceptable builds for the power then?

    Built with the ‘Does Not Cross Intervening Space’ approach:

    Extra Limbs (up to 2) (5 Active Points), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 4 Points)

    Plus Stretching 8”, Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4) (50 Active Points), Limited Body Parts (Extra Limbs -1/4), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4), Range Modifier Applies (-1/4), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 22 Points)

    Plus +30 STR (30 Active Points), Only With Stretching (-1), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 13 Points) Total Cost: 39 Points

    Build with the Desolid approach:

    Extra Limbs (up to 2) (5 Active Points), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 4 Points)

    Plus Stretching 8” (40 Active Points), Limited Body Parts (Extra Limbs -1/4), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4), Range Modifier Applies (-1/4), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 18 Points)

    Plus Desolidification (40 Active Points), Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), Only With Stretching (-1), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 15 Points)

    Plus +30 STR, Affects Physical World (+2) (90 Active Points), Only With Stretching (-1), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (Total Cost: 40 Points) Total Cost: 77 Points

  9. Re: Indestructible Extra Limbs/Stretching?


    Thanks everyone for the quick replies. Sorry for not being more specific on how I see the power working. The idea is that the shadow arms/tentacles would allow me to attack, grab, drag things to me, pull myself to things and manipulate things like pressing buttons. Basically everything I could normally do but at my stretching range. Kind of like Doc Octopus but shadow instead of steel and no focus. I guess the arms would be attackable but since they’re made of shadow and aren't really my arms I don't want anyone being able to damage me through them. The description of stretching specifies that you're vulnerable to attack when stretched over the battle field unless you take the ‘does not cross intervening space’ power advantage but that would make them not attached to me. Giving the arms a high PD/ED defense is a good idea but my character could still be affected by powerful attacks to the shadow arms, unlikely but still possible.

  10. Steve,

    I was just wondering if it is legal to apply the power limitation ‘Only In Heroic Identity’ to a compound power which only works with another power that already has the OIHID limitation. For Example:

    Extra Limbs (1) (5 Active Points); Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (total cost: 4 points)

    plus Stretching 3” (15 Active Points); Limited Body Parts (Extra Limbs/hair only; -1/4), Only In Hero ID (-1/4) (total cost: 10 points). Total cost: 14 points.


  11. Since this is my first post on the forums I'd like to start by saying hi to everyone. :)

    I've been a fan of the hero system for years but I'm no means an expert so I figured I should ask the gurus.

    Here is my question: How can I have extra limbs/stretching that can't be attacked and/or damaged in any way?

    I'm trying to build a character that has extra limbs/stretching in the form of dense shadowy tendrils. I originally thought to use Telekinesis but TK doesn't provide any action/reaction effect.

    Thanks in advance.

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