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Everything posted by Diamante

  1. Re: Let's hear it for villainous organizations Came up with this, thinking of this thread... my VIPER clone DRACO Directorate for Resource Acquisition & Control Operations
  2. Re: Let's hear it for villainous organizations We have shadow ops group called MANDOLIN The government pulled a random name from their computers, but with the beauracracy wanted it to stand for something. Metahuman Activities/ National Defense: Operations Logistics INtelligence
  3. Marvel's New Warriors had a villian group called the Soldiers of Misfortune that went by this theme. The ones I remember, a brainwashed Namorita and a captured mercenary who became Hard (with Nita's flying brick powers) and Fast (formerly Sparrow, she was a fast flier with a big gun). Others included: Cut (a sword weaponmaster with a claws) and Dry (who can dessicate things) Right (a brawler with a deformed right arm, it had enhanced strength and looked as big as the rest of his body) and Wrong (she altered sensory perceptions, "see things wrong") Light (with bright energy eyebeams) and Dark (who can make walls of Darkforce)
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