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Monday Knights

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Monday Knights's Achievements

  1. Power Charge (extradimensional plasma energy alien) Stalker (subterranean nocturnal race) Overlord (CEO super) Lucy Sky Diamonds (mentalist villain) Witch Doctor Deathgrip 8 Ball Screwball (nutso villain) Myrmidon Jungle Girl Dr. Righteous (crusading priest) Stomper (giant growth) Wild Thang Extinguisher (firefighter super) Desert Fox Slo-mo (speedster- everybody else is in "slow motion") Mindblower (Abigail Headstrom) Stake Crescendo Ground Zero Jester (ego blast- jokes that hurt) White Eyebrow (kungfu fighter) Iron Ox (kungfu fighter) Bullethead (speedster w/move through specialty) Pencil Neck (stretching power super w/Distinctive Feature) If anybody has time and resources, I'd be curious to know what names have been recommended that have already been used in comics. It seems like everything in the Audubon Field Guides has already been used twice.
  2. If the character is psychic use the precog however you want to limit it. If the character is "just that good", then Criminology 20- or greater.
  3. I would like some suggestions on how to make a normal flame thrower, and how to determine if an object has caught on fire.
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