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  1. I'm new to the Hero System and loving it, but.... I haven't been able to locate any rules (in 5RE or FH) regarding wearing armor and using a power (like force field or damage resistance) together to "stack" resistant PD/ED to cut down the amount of BODY one takes. Also, is it within the rules to use force field and damage resistance powers together to stack PD/ED as well ? Can anyone point out where I should be looking. If there are not any explicit rules regarding this, some advice would be appreciated for a FH campaign. Basically I want to know how to handle stacking of resistant PD/ED using gear + power or power + power. Thank you and I look forward to your replies.
  2. Lets say a character with 10 PD buys damage resistance making 6 of his 10 PD resistant. If he takes 10 BODY and 20 STUN from a killing damage, would the result be......... a) 4 BODY (10 body - 6 resistant PD) and 4 STUN (20 stun - 6 resistant PD - 10 from his normal PD) or 4 BODY (10 body - 6 resistant PD) and 10 STUN (20 stun - 10 from his normal PD) or c) 4 BODY (10 body - 6 resistant PD) and 16 STUN (20 stun - 4 PD left after applying 6 PD to damage resistance) I guess the question I'm confused about is how to resolve STUN when using damage resistance to apply some of your PD to reduce killing damage.
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