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Posts posted by Odraude

  1. Re: WWYCD: Foxbat The Mighty!


    Shatter: Well Shatter is more of a dex fighter with teleportation and desolidification. The most he can do is desolidify his hand into Foxbat and kill him, IF Foxbat has no defense for desolidification. If he did I would just teleport him alot until he got dizzy.

  2. Re: 250


    Daredevil's awesomeness!


    I like it! Looks very good :)


    Just a couple of ideas...


    I noticed on this Superman that you didn't go the route of the one with the multipower that he could drum up enough to have an 80 Str. Is there a reason you didn't go that route while keeping to your DC cap? He could have the versatility and still possibly have pts left over to buy more skills if needed.


    Also I doubt its a big deal but I noticed that all of you "street level" guys such as Batman and Daredevil have 8 PD/ED armor and that Power Girl is sitting at 10. Maybe dropping that 8 to a 6? It could save you 4 pts you could use on something else and show shes got that much more natural toughness.


    All of this however is just random questions and comments. YMMV as it goes.


    Still loving the work!!!


    I have a question about armour. I have always wondered about what PD/ED armour the average hero gets in a game? For a 350 point, 75 AP cap game, what armour is good for balance?

  3. Re: Old School Japanese Cartoon Builds


    Here it is, Uchū no Kishi Gigasman! (Gigaman the Space Knight!). There are not alot of skills yet as I will be working on them later. The build is so far 260 outta 350 with a 75 Active Point Limit.The file is in .txt format that is TAB delimited to allow for Importing into Excel.


    His attacks are as followed (and always preceded by him saying the attack). His attacks come from the malfunctioning energy welding ability that the suit would use to weld metal together but the energy would overload. Now used for energy attacks.


    Gigas Punch!: An energy punch that crushes foes.

    Gigas Kick!: An energy kick that can let Gigaman travel forwards into the enemy.

    Gigas Buster!: Energy shots that damage foes

    Gigas Cannon!: a larger beam that punches through armor

    Final Supremacy Gigas Cannon!: A final no-holds-barred Shinku Haodouken type move that spells the end for mighty foes, but drains Gigaman.


    Gigaman can fly at speeds up to 223.7 mph (360 km/hr). He is also able to lift up to 6,400 kilograms. At 5' 8" he can bring on the pain!

  4. Re: Old School Japanese Cartoon Builds


    Haha. Feel free on the writeup...I've got a long enough agenda right now.


    But for a name:


    Daihogusha Jinzo

    ( "great protector Jinzo" )


    Awesome name! I like it! I'll have to write it up sometime tomorrow as projects are getting in the way.


    Also you wouldn't happen to know the Kanji for that would you? I figured maybe I could do a cool design for him.

  5. Re: Old School Japanese Cartoon Builds


    So here is a little something I made for this. I introduce to you... Gigaman!




    Real Name: Katsuji Futamata

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Nation: Japan

    Powers: Super Strength, Flight, Invulnerability, Energy Blast, An "Evil Sense" that tells him when someone has done something wrong.


    Background: In the advanced future of 2005, mankind has reached the stars permanently with space colonies and lunar/Martian arcologies housing thousands of people escaping a polluted Earth. Tensions between Earth and the moon rise because there is a special metal called Giganium that is discovered on the moon. This alloy is an incredibly durable material that is very abundant only on the moon. This causes the lunar colonies to charge high prices for the Giganium. The Earth tried hard to synthesis Giganium but to no avail.


    That is until Dr. Kindly, a smart and good scientist discovered how to create Giganium in small amounts. With it he created nanobots made from Giganium and made a suit that would help with space construction. Durable and granting the wearer super strength, it would usher in a new age of space construction.


    However, there were others that wanted it. Earth wanted the scientist to build an army of those suits. The lunar colonies wanted the formula so they could control the Giganium for their own gain. The lunar colonies and the Earth federation thus both sent SpecOps teams to steal the formula and eradicate Dr. Kindly.


    Dr. Kindly had an assistant named Katsuji that was part psychic and able to sense impending evil as well as a mechanically inclined daughter named Miko. As the teams broke in, fighting ensued between which team would take the formula. Katsuji grabbed the device that would initiate the nanobots and activated it, forming the suit around him. He fought off the intruders and saved the daughter. Unfortunately Dr. Kindly had been shot in the process and died in the lab.


    Since then Katsuji, aka Gigaman has been on the run from all sides with his friend Miko and robot buddy Widget as they save the people from tyranny of both Earth and the moon and terrorist attacks from the Martians, who want Gigaman for their own dark purposes.



    So there he is! Defender of the bright future of 2005!! I thought of a couple disadvantages including:


    Announces a super attack before he does it. His big attacks are the Gigas Punch (energy Punch) and the Gigas Cannon, a large energy beam he projects from both arms.


    Code against killing




    In love with Miko


    Weakness to EMP fields


    The character design was based on Casshan from the anime Neo-Human Casshern.


    I'll post the character sheet eventually. Just gotta deal with RL issues!

  6. Re: Old School Japanese Cartoon Builds


    Maybe a giant robot samurai that only does the bidding of its creator's schoolgirl daughter. She woudl get into various troublesome encounters with space ninjas, demonic bullies, tentactled invaders, what-have-you...and then she would telepathically summon the robot.


    The girl would be normal, other than some telepathy. But the Robot would be a galactic ghero, capable of saving the world from giant monsters, threats from outer space and so forth. It would have to fire missiles from its fingertips and know karate as well as fly and have a protective compartment (with windows) where the girl and her friends could witness all the action in safety.


    I like that :) Now we gotta give the robot an awesome name!


    I think i'll try and make a character sheet for this one unless you want to?

  7. So I was looking through IGN the other day when I came across a new arcade gaming coming out in Japan. It is called Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes. Seems like Capcom once again wants to beat the crap out of another universe. What got my attention was that the Tatsunoko wasn't even a video game company but actually an Anime company that dates back to the 70's. Whats more is that there seems to be alot of the old school late 70's characters (Gatchaman) as well as the Toy-Biz era of the 80's (Robotech). All of the characters for the Tatsunoko side were like Japan's own 4 color superheroes. This got me thinking...


    What if you could make your own Tatsunoko-type Hero? What powers/gadgets would he have? Would he be a robot warrior or a superhero of the future? Alot of the T-Hero archetypes involved space (Gatchaman, Robotech, Tekkaman: The Space Knight) and others dealt with robots of the future (Robotech, Neo-Human Casshern, Voltron). And lets not forget their costumes which were one piece tights with that Samurai swoosh on the helmet (look at every Gundam since Wing as well as Viewtiful Joe and you will see what I am talking about). And lets not forget the corniness factor.


    So what character would you make? That is the challenge!

  8. Re: Dr. Moreau Experiment


    I think you mean coup d'grace. Coup d'etat means to overthrow a leader' date=' if I remember right.[/quote']


    hehe true sorry. My English still needs a bit of polishing. Or perhaps I should say French...


    So how do the powers look?

  9. Re: Dr. Moreau Experiment


    @ jtelson I like the write-up. I've decided your version of his camo is better now that I see the Chameleon option.


    @ Vulcan & Hagadorn: The point costs themselves aren't that expensive and though there are alot of powers, only the tentacles and electricity are attacking and even then I'll have to be within 2' of them. I think you are right about the poison. I will just write that out and maybe work to gain it later. I do want to keep with the multiple animals though. If you look he is really only getting one power from each animal except the octopus, which he gets 3 from.


    Also it isn't invisibility I am really looking for. His camo works very much like Solid Snake's/Laughing Octopus's camo (warning MGS4 Spoiler in that video) in which from afar or first glance you won't see him. However, if someone stares at him directly they can make him out and see him. To be honesty Laughing Octopus was a big inspiration for this character.


    Also I kinda figured the Teflon wasn't enough to be its own limitation. It'll just means that he simply can't climb it.


    I guess a proper back story for him would be good so here it is.


    Dr. Felix Moreau was a well respected member of the biology and geneticist fields. Many of his papers about the human genome and animal physiology showed huge leaps and bounds in understanding life and ultimately creating and improving life. Moreau traveled back to his family's home in France for a time to take care of the mansion that had been passed down through the generations. Upon cleaning the rooms in the mansion he discovered a switch that opened a secret entrance. There he discovered the writings and journals of his great-grandfather, Dr. Alphonse Moreau. Felix began studying the journals and soon discovered the experiments done to animals to make them more human. He became entranced by the idea of genetic splicing and thought that with the advancement in technology in today's world, it could be possible to create a chimera that would surpass his great grandfather's work.


    Felix began secretly working on his experiments, shunning friends and family and obsessed over vivisecting several types of animals, looking for the best traits from each one and creating animals with different traits. His experiments were not unwatched as he was soon contacted by members from a terrorist organization called The Arms. They were interested in his work and wanted him to create chimeras that excelled in the battlefield. Felix was happy to oblige. To him the human race was worthless and his creations would usher in a new age. He thought himself as God and these battles would help as testing grounds.


    Felix moved his operations to the Balkans. There he created a sub-organization in The Arms called Therianthropy and headed all research in human enhancement and animal experiments. Through the years he had finished creating a special forces team that he considered his greatest work. This SpecOps unit was called the Black Menagerie, though most of the members of The Arms simply called them the Hunters. The team consisted of the Lycanthropes, a team of 8 creatures with wolf and feline DNA that acted as a SWAT team-like part of the Menagerie; Nocturne, a night hunter with Tarsier and Snake DNA; Marozi, the Spider Monkey/Leopard/Spider hybrid jungle fighter that creates traps; Tarasque, the huge Gorilla and Hyena hybrid made for breaking stuff; and Lusca, which is the character I am making that excels in ambush and stealth. This team was created and trained to kill all enemies of The Arms. They were sent across the world's warzones from Colombia and Iraq to Somalia and Indonesia. The Black Menagerie's hunting techniques were perfects and became the staple in The Arms. In captivity however they were treated as inhuman beasts, kept enraged to further make them more effective at killing. Each animal thought of Felix as their father and obeyed him without question.


    Out of all of the Hunters, Lusca was the quietest, showing some form of peace amongst the other more brutal and wrathful members. While he did have the instinct to hunt and kill and did so more efficiently than the others, it was more by coercing from his teammates that he would engage in slaughter. Felix saw this as some form of sympathy for humans that wasn't anticipated. To remedy this, Felix had several member of The Arms treat Lusca worse than the others. Lusca suffered through beatings and torture to break his more "human" mind and force him to become feral. Felix would then step in and stop them, acting as though they were doing the tortures on their own free will and not because he ordered them. Through this all Lusca believed that Felix was his savior and kept him from being killed by humans.


    During one session however Lusca overheard one of the captors talking with Felix. Felix was giving him orders to increase the torture regiment to further improve Lusca's lust for killing. Enraged and betrayed, Lusca waited until the men entered his cage before he slaughtered them, slicing most up and crushing one to death with his tentacles. Lusca escaped from the compound, leaving a swath of death and destruction in the halls of the facility.


    Lusca hid from human contact for 6 months, feeding off of the animals in the war-torn area. It wasn't until a blind woman named Nicole discovered him while out going into the city to get supplies. She could hear Lusca and while she didn't get near him, on the way back she left food near him. For a couple weeks this happened and Lusca gradually began to trust her more and more until finally he walked with her back home. They he stay or some time, being taken cared of by Nicole. To not alarm her he had his skin match human texture. Unfortunately The Arms had been tracking him and when word of a monster inhabiting the forest reached them, they quickly went there.


    Lusca gone hunting for food when they arrived. Angered by him being gone, the leader of the team sent to bring Lusca in shot Nicole in cold blood. When Lusca arrived he found them there with her dead body lying on the floor. Furious, Lusca massacred the team, saving the leader for last to be tortured. Before finishing him off, members of the Redeemers (superhero group in my universe. We are doing 3 games all in the same universe and I am running the one with the Redeemers) came by on a tip about a group of Arms terrorists searching for someone. When they came there they found Lusca there. At first Lusca tried to attack them but after seeing their superpowers he bolted. The members finally found him and captured Lusca.


    Once they realized he could speak, they began asking questions about The Arms. Lusca's information about the whole organization was limited to only Therianthropy. When finished interrogating him Iron Phoenix, the leader of the redeemers, told Lusca about a school for people with powers that help people like Lusca. They could give him a home and he would be with people like him and the Redeemers. At first both Lusca and the headmaster were reluctant to have him in but eventually he was brought in and though he keeps his distance from most people, Lusca still tries to integrate into the school culture and suppress his animalistic rage.



    Lusca is essentially a fractured person. He wants to be kinder and good to humans though because of how he looks and who he is he is scared and somewhat mistrusting of people. However, he has a more brutal and destructive side, sometimes lusting for hunt and food like a normal animal. Lusca tries his hardest to be more human, going so far as to change his skin color and texture to look more human as well as hiding his tentacles underneath a large coat. He is very confused about himself and doesn't know if he was once human or just the amalgamation of a bunch of animals. Lusca has a humanoid appearance with clawed fingers and toes. His "dreadlocks" are really a grouping of sensory organs that act like a lateral line on a shark. He has four large tentacles on his back that he uses to stand on and move when going fast, or to attack when hunting. His natural skin feels like an octopus's skin with patches of reptilian scales and is a blue-ish grey though he normally just copies his surroundings a bit. Lusca is currently faced with the fact that he has matured faster than most people and is unsure of how long he will live.


    For his powers. Going to see if I can put them in some Chimera Elemental Control. I added inking because I thought that would be interesting to have. Also not sure how to do the Martial Grab...


    Tergipodial Movement: Extra Limbs (4 Tentacles) Inherent (+1/4) 6 Active Points; Limited Manipulation (-1/4) 5 Real Points plus +10 strength (for a total of 25 points of STR) 10 Active Points; Only with Extra Limbs (-1/2), Non-fig Characteristics (-1/2) 5 Real Points plus Stretching 1" Reduced Endurance (0 END +1/2) Persistent (+1/2) 10 Active Points; Always On (-1/2) 7 Real Points = 26 Active Points (17 Real Points)


    Chromatophoric Shift/Tactile Shift: Invisibility to Sight Group, Reduced Endurance (0 END +1/2) 30 Active Points; Affects Body Only (-1/2) Limited Effect (Can be seen with thermal vision -1/4) Chameleon (-1/2) = 13 Active Points


    Ink Orifice Ejection: Darkness (2" Radius) 30 Active Points; Instant (-1/2) No Range (-1/2) = 15 Real Points


    Claws: HKA 1d6+1d3 (PD) 25 Active Points; Restrainable (-1/2) = 17 Real Points


    Electric Channeling: Energy Blast 6d6 30 Active Points; No Range (-1/2) Increased Endurance (x2 -1/2)= 15 Real Points


    Electrode Initiated Setae: Clinging (+15 STR) = 15 Points


    Accelerated Cellular Growth: Regen 2d6 Reduced Endurance (0 END +1/2) Persistent (+1/2) 40 Active Points; Extra Time (1 Turn -1 1/4) Self Only (-1/2) = 15 Real Points


    Total: 107 Points


    Leaves enough for characteristics and skill. He is an ambush fighter and it going to used alot for sneaking around and delivering coup d'etat to the enemy.

  10. So I am creating a character for a friend's 250 point 50 active limit game. I am creating a chimera that is the experiment of a Dr. Moreau-like scientist. This creature/human is a hybrid of several creatures to make him the ultimate predator. I had some ideas to make each power he has which is based on each animal he is crossed with though I am a bit confused with some things. So here we go.



    Four Long Extra Arms: Four octopus arms on his back that are similar to Dr. Octopus's arms only they are real. These have 3 fingered claws that can do Killing Damage (1D6+KA). The arm are Extra Limbs and are long (Permanent Stretching?). Also ideas for Entangle.


    Wall-sticking: Because of his Gecko genes, hundreds of setae on his palms, soles, and tips of his tentacles allow him to exert Van der Waals force to allow him to cling to any surface except Teflon. This one is easy though would I make the Teflon like a -1/4 limitation? What are the chances of dealing with Teflon or a Teflon-like substance?


    Electricity: Spliced with the Electric Eel, he has several Main, Hunter's, and Sach's organs lining his tentacles that send a shock through the body. He doesn't shoot anyone like Electro but instead shocks with a field around his body like an eel and has a stronger shock when he touches people with his tentacles. (Energy Blast No Range?)


    Camouflage: With the octopus DNA he can change his color and texture to match that of his surroundings. (Shape shift Minor Sight and Touch) Though how can I get a stealth bonus with this since he will be harder to find? +DCV? Minus to sight and touch rolls?


    Poisonous Claws/Bite: With a mixture of Wandering Spider and Komodo Dragon DNA, he has a poisonous drool and poisonous claws. (I don't know this one...)


    Regeneration: From a starfish DNA he can regenerate his health (This was one easy one I have taken cared of)


    Optional Stuff: Long Tongue with a small claw on the end and ability to pass through small holes like an Octopus.


    That's all I really have for powers. The optional stuff is well... optional so you don't have to worry about that :)

  11. Re: A Classic/Full Metal Alchemist Combine


    It doesn't. I could be wrong but I think that if an active point is 50 and the advantages are applied to the control cost, then those advantages are applied to the active cost of the pool. That will still jump the active cost over the 50 pt cap.


    If it does, the GM might ask you to bring it down somehow. My suggestion would be to get rid of the advantages.


    A hundred point pool would actually be 100 for the power pool + 50 for the cost x 2 for the advantages divided by 2.75 for the disadvantages as it is written which is going to be 109 pts


    A 50 pt pool would be 50 + 25 x 2 divided by 2.75 which is going to be 55 pts.


    That is assuming I did the math right.



    I read that the advantages and limitations only affect the control cost, so the 50 + 25 x 2 / 2.75 wouldn't be 55 but 68 because it is 25 x 2 / 2.75



    So for the alchemy VPP what you guys are saying is that I need to have it down to 50 Active points? Alright I'll have to tone it down and see if I can tone down the other powers.

  12. Re: A Classic/Full Metal Alchemist Combine


    I think Gojira is right about the pts. If your pool is capped at 50 active points, it should be 50 + 25 for the pool x 1 + 1 for advantages which is 150 active points.


    To get under the stated cap you might have just leave off one of your advantages.



    I thought that the control cost for the VPP didn't count for the reserve active points used to use each power?

  13. Re: A Classic/Full Metal Alchemist Combine


    Well 100 points definitely greater than 50' date=' so I don't think this'll fly.[/quote']


    The actual powers that are going to be used in the VPP are capped at 50 active points


    For example, one of his abilities is called Transmute Lightning where he actually blasts a person with lightning

    Energy Blast 6d6 30 active points


    So the actual powers in the VPP pool are capped at 50, not the VPP. I ran it by him and he said it was cool especially because of the Charges.

  14. Re: A Classic/Full Metal Alchemist Combine


    Oops, I think I misunderstood your post.


    So the total cost is 136 points for the VPP and the Control together, right? I think that might be over the Active Point cost limit for a Teen Champions campaign, better ask your GM.


    It's not a teen champions game. The power limit is 250 points with a 50 point active point limit. The setting is more Teen-esque, being a school and all.


    I think OAF (Surrounding Objects) looks a lot like what's been written up as OIF (Objects of Opportunity) in the past. I think the idea is that you can't really take away something that's going to be picked up on the fly and used up.


    Good point thanks. I'll have to change that.

  15. Re: A Classic/Full Metal Alchemist Combine


    Ok here is what I have so far for the Alchemy VPP. Anything in red means I am a bit unsure about whether or not I need it or am doing it correctly:


    Active Points subject to change


    100 Alchemetic Reactions Arsenal (VPP)

    Can be changed as a 1/2 phase action (+1/2)

    Charges (50 though I may drop it down to 30) (+1/2)

    Charges can only be recovered in an Alchemy Laboratory (-1/4)

    OAF (Surrounding Objects) (-1)

    Only for Alchemy Spells (-1/2)


    Total Control Cost: 36


    How does it look?


    They're my initials.



    Oh ok hehe

  16. Re: A Classic/Full Metal Alchemist Combine


    Vpp only transformations, OAF



    What is CES?


    One way might be to put charges on the VPP or it's powers, and call the charges Colloids. He uses up a Colloid each time he uses a power, and he needs some time to make more Colloids. (Only recharges back at the lab, or similar limitation.)


    That's a simple idea that doesn't completely capture what you are doing, but it get part of it I think, and the rest could be part of the special effect. IIF might be appropriate too, because he could lose the Colloids somehow before he uses all his charges.


    Obviously, Charges might not work if you don't plan to limit the VPP like that.


    Maybe describe some power ideas you have and how you feel they work for the concept, give us an idea what you have so far.


    That is actually perfect. As for powers here are a couple I had


    Channel Lighting: He transmutes the air around him into lightning and shoots it. (Energy Blast)


    Instant Door: He dissolves a solid wall into a liquid and allows him and other to pass through (Tunnelling)


    Summon Halberd: He transmute a solid object into his signature halberd to fight (HKA)


    Matter Shift: Changes one matter into something else (not working against living beings) (Major Transform)


    Matter Warp: Reshapes material (could make steps out of a wall to get out of a hole) (major transform)


    The main rules I have for this are similar to FMA:


    1. Can only make simple transmutations (swords, chair, hole in the wall) even from complex stuff (turn a car into water but not back). So I cannot make a gun, car, computer, etc. without knowing knowledge of creating the actual device


    2. Cannot skip stages of matter. So Energy - Gas - Liquid - Solid. So for example I could make fire into oxygen but not fire into a sword.


    3. There is a main alchemy transmutation circle that has to be applied to the Philosopher's Colloid to create matter. This includes making the potions.


    4. For transmuting items, the rule of equivalent exchange applies. So you can't create or destroy matter.


    5. It is possible to transmute life forms but only the best alchemists can transmute life (Aether). Many alchemists try and learn to transmute Aether but many fail. (For my character the only Aether he can transmute is a minor-healing Panacea). Only the elite and oldest of alchemists can shape Aether and even then they have yet to obtain the elixir of life.


    Btw thanx ?Man. Great thread it'll really help :)

  17. So i am in a 250 point game where the active point limit is 50 AP. It is a Teen Champion-esque Superhero School game where we play as superpower teens. It can be Magic, Mutant, psychic, or whatever kinds of powers as long as we can explain it.


    I am creating an alchemist character for this game. I already have planned on using a variable power pool though there are a couple of things that I am having trouble with.


    First off I am combining classic Alchemy with the alchemy they have in Full Metal Alchemist. The main point for my alchemist is that he is a boy genius (not the Jimmy neutron Boy Genius but the Slacker heavy-metal-loving boy genius) around the age of 17 from another dimension where Alchemy is the only form of magic. There is no wizardry, superpowers, psychic, weaving (Wheel of Time reference), etc. just alchemy.


    Like classical alchemy this is based on the five elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Aether (go planet! :) ). They represent the different stages of matter (Energy, Liquid, Solid, Gas, and Spirit) and can be used to concoct several potions that can heal, turn you invisible, or whatever... this is the potion making part that I want to keep.


    Like in FMA, there will also be transmutation. Turning one substance into another. I have put a limit on this:


    1. Can only make simple transmutations (swords, chair, hole in the wall) even from complex stuff (turn a car into water but not back). So I cannot make a gun, car, computer, etc.


    2. Cannot skip stages of matter. So Energy - Gas - Liquid - Solid. So for example I could make fire into oxygen but not fire into a sword.


    3. There is a main alchemy transmutation circle that has to be applied to the Philosopher's Colloid (more on that later) to create matter.


    Now the Philosopher's Colloid is a special alchemetical-setting epoxide polymer that is made up of two liquids that are kept separated. The liquids are made up of two of the 5 elements (one liquid is Fire and Water elemental, the other is earth and air elemental) and both liquids have the Aether element in it. When combined and energized by a transmutation circle it can be used to transform matter. This colloid also plays an important ingredient in his potion making.


    Anyways I have though of different ways to use his colloid for the game. Making a halberd, tunneling through a wall, launch lightning bolts. I plan on using this colloid to set up powers for the VPP as well as a major transform for basic elemental transformations. He is going to have two tubes (one on each arm) that are connected to the two canisters that have the two liquids. With a flick of a button he can spread the two liquids on each hand and combine them to unleash the power and perform alchemy.


    So my question is how do I do the VPP and incorporate the colloid and the shooters?

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