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Everything posted by Prodical

  1. Re: Re: Re: Page 253 You got spunk RDU Neil, and I find it refreshing and infectious.
  2. I don't know what to do. I have three people interested in playing heroes. One of them has the Champions ( IV ) rules and the other two said that they were going to track down 5th Ed. this coming weekend. I have 4 days to decide if I am gonna keep it at 250 (total) or take the plunge with 350. Reading the posts on this thread is helpful.
  3. Page 253 Roll 1d6 1-2 = 50% of Average Damage 3-4 = Average Damage 5-6 = 150% of Average Damage Now that it is "legitimate" , that is, actually written in the rulebook, I don't feel like I'm cheatin' the character out of anything. My 'ferlosserfy has always been that if the attack strength is 15d6 for the attack or whatever, that is what you should roll. The odds of rolling 12 sixes and 3, fives are perhaps astronomical, or even 12 ones and 3 twos, but hey, there is always that chance. Has anyone taken advantage of this "quick and dirty" option? Does anyone else feel a twinge of guilt for not rolling as required? Is it "fair" to the character (I know that they are not alive, however . . .) to "limit" his or her potential by using the 1d6 roll?
  4. I just got my 5th Edition set today for my LGS (an hour away) and , well. . .wow. I do like it but I am not so sure about this 200 point BASE!. HOlY HANNAH! I mean, JUMPIN' JEHOSAPHAT! I am coming in late through the door here. Please can someone tell me that players will not abuse the hell out of this? For example, I love the site that has the writeups for existing Marvel and DC Heroes. I personally think that those make great learning tools for new players who know the comics and the character in quesion. To show them that Crusader has a STR 20 and as a result does 4d6 with a simple punch is one thing, but then showing them a Captain America writeup with STR 20 gives them , IMO, perfect recognition. For instance if you suddenly had 50 points dropped into your lap, what other than "common sense" (which can fly out the window with some players, in my experience) would keep them from boosting SPD by +3 and their best attack by +4d6? I don't like to have a great many disadvantages or limitations for characters that I have written up. I can readilly see the benefits or the extra 50 points in that regard. Has anyone had "abuses"?
  5. Supreme, Well written. Perhaps when yet another Champions rulebook (or Hero VI) is published, the powers that be at Hero Games will print most, if not all of your suggestions.
  6. The time that it takes to clobber. Combat in Champions is slow in comparison to every game from Marvel Super Heroes ( one or two D% rolls to yield a result with pre-determined damage ratings) to M&M (no hit points to keep track of and of course the single d20). What makes it slow? Usually, the higher the power level the slower the combat due to counting the dice. If you have been running or playing in Champions for a while , adding up the score from 10 d6 or less (including BOD totals) takes what? 5 seconds? Newbies can feel overwhelmed when tossing 8 to 12 d6 then counting them out one by one. Next is STUN, BODY, and END bookkeeping followed by REC application. Here is my suggestion for those who have played Champions but get all bent out of shape due to adding , subtracting and having to keep their pencils sharpened: Call a WAAAAMBULANCE!!!!WAAAA!!!! WAAAA!!!! The reason that I got out of Champions and Hero was because someone with a sweet voice and sexy legs convinced me that superhero rpg's like DC Heroes (Mayfair) and Marvel Super Heroes (dice and cards) were more "comic book-like", i.e. "easier and faster" to play. So what do I do when I become a referee for one of those games? I take mechanics from Champions and introduce them to the aforementioned games to make them better anyway (the Speed Chart, for example). My point is I have learned the hard way by spending valuble time and way too much money on crap that Champions is THE BEST. I have not played M&M. I have read the rules. I have seen character writeups of Marvel Characters so that I could more easily assimilate the M&M descriptions. It is a good game. But I want to begin playing the BEST game again. The new Marvel RPG is using stones or tokens to allocated Endurance in order to determine an outcome. It looks interesting. But it will never, ever, be as interesting to play as a Hero System/Champions game. Am I biased? I swear I am being as honest and forthright as I can be. I cannot prove that I am not, but I believe that once you ACCEPT the bookkeeping, AND have a Game Master who knows what he is doing, look no further than Champions.
  7. I just felt the need to post that after being away from this wonderful game system for so long, it feels so good for me to have returned to it. I have strayed and journeyed through many other superhero rpg systems but now I am back with my first love in games. The main thing that I have discovered as I learned how to play various other superhero rpgs was that they were each trying to be as good and as complete as Champions. I have re-familiarized myself with the 4th Edition rules and look forward to adding the 5th Edition to my library.
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