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Posts posted by Harrkonen

  1. Re: Starship combat?


    I ended up running a Star Wars old republic game where the I re vamped the vehicle combat rules almost completely. It was a while back so I'd have to dig up the details but I do remember it working half-way decently.


    I do recall the simplest change was movement which helped speed the game up quite a bit, it was a simpler take on the KM=X amount of hexes formula


    Effectively 1 Hex = 10 Hexes. Using simplified acceleration/deceleration rules things ended up running rather smoothly


    The PCs were engaged in star fighter to star fighter combat meaning they could almost be treated as individual characters. Now I'm working on a game where the group will be in a circumstance similar to your own. I plan on keeping the movement formula but I'm re-vamping space ship construction this is mainly because in this setting there are no Shields.


    Of course this was my first real run with heavy vehicle combat (I've run a few car chases but that's another story)

  2. I'm working on a long running campaign where it takes place effectively in the Star Hero setting. The differences and details are both not important for my questions nor for the system really.


    For a good while in the Campaign starships have been present and prevalent however we've avoided almost entirely engagements between ships and ship to ship combat. The main difference being we (Myself and the co-creator) can't properly decide on good combat systems for the ship combat. We've got most of the Star Hero books and related materials but they are only so helpful...


    Anyone got any tips?


    I'm mostly looking for any insights people have used for Ship to Ship combat and Ship building


    FYI note: We have agreed that star ships do not use the following:

    Force Fields and shields

    any projectile weapons more advanced than Lasers

    Nuclear Missiles

    we still use 5th Edition

  3. Got a western game brewing for my group. Got plenty of resources put together and have been a fan of westerns since I was a kid.


    Still I wouldn't mind some suggestions, examples, resources and tips if y'all don't mind.


    I also can't decide whether 5th edition or 6th would be better...I have access to both

  4. Re: GMing a Post Apocalypse campaign


    If you're still going for a Fallout Adaptation I could give you some of my Resources i've been using Failing that Here's what I did the streamline my campaign


    Excel sheets (Any similar program will suffice) These make weapon/armor/general equipment managing for purchase, bad guy gear, or simple shopping list for the players a breeze simply hand them the list and tell them what's available at the shop. It's best to make the list of things the players would either frequently buy or things that they SHOULD buy I.E. Gasmasks, stimpacks etc...This will also allow you to know the standard pricing of an item without having to constantly think about it. Simply look at it's average price and modify it to fit the shop owner (I.E. Jerk who over prices things or a indebted shop owner who sells at a discount)


    The above listed thing has helped the most for me but another item that's useful is Weapon Tabs these are simple print n cut tabs made specifically for interchangeable firearms, Fallout being a setting where the average player is going to go from POS homemade pistol to somthing better and then something better beyond that it helps to have these items on standby for when the player wants it...Say for instance after they blow away the raider who had a auto shotgun? wouldn't it be nice to go "Oh you want that gun? well here ya go" rather than listing off stats and dragging the game to a halt.


    These are just some things that made GMing much easier for me in most games. It takes a bit preparation but it's worth it in the end.

  5. Re: Greatest Western Movies of all Time


    Greatest westerns of all time eh?


    well while I have my own favorites I have to say that this is a VERY subjective list as westerns are surprisingly varied in how they are portrayed.

    Course me being a simple violence loving midwesterner have to say the following:


    1: Unforgiven

    2: Tombstone

    3: 3:10 to Yuma (The 1957 one and the modern one are both excellent)

    4: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

    5: High Plains Drifter

    6: Appaloosa

    7: Young Guns (This was a tough one)

    8: The Outlaw Josey Wales

    9: Two Mules for Sister Sarah (yes I like Eastwood)

    10: No Country for old men (While not a typical western it does fit the category)


    I know it's a crime to not have at least one John Wayne movie here it's just that I wasn't around for his movies I always liked Eastwood more I suppose

  6. Re: Fallout Hero (6E)


    I've actually been running a fallout hero campaign (Though mine is in 5th still) for some time now. And while the players have done pretty well about avoiding rads in the first place, I've been using the standard hero rules for radiation sickness. They work fairly well considering low end radiation doesn't do much and is what the players would typically encounter.


    For other situations however the regular formula has worked fine, and keep in mind that in fallout radiation is while a fairly common hazard is not nearly the most dangerous thing in the setting (We do have Radaway for such an occasion anyway.)


    Quick other note

    Google search "The Vault Wiki" and you should find a HUGE stash of Fallout information that covers pretty much every single game, even the short lived D20 game and the games that weren't ever released (Vanburen and Project V13)

  7. Hey there I haven't been around for a while but my social life isn't why you're here


    I'm making a western Campaign setting. It's set with a Cinimatic flair and thus the reason that I see it falling into the Pulp setting if any. Anyway I'm looking for any tips, advice or just plain simple builds for some things

    Most in particularly those of Weapons and Firearms.

    I realize the Dark champion and Pulp hero books both provide write ups for weapons but none for the weapons of the western era

  8. Re: True Jack Of All Trades


    Um, you can't improve a (8-) Familiarity's roll.



    BTW, The Ultimate Skill already has something called "True Jack Of All Trades". Page 49. 20 points, give 11- roll on all Profession Skills. ;)


    Exactly i'm trying to work out a way to work around the 8- Familiarity roll. I know it may be in vain but dangit I'm going to try

  9. Re: True Jack Of All Trades


    We've been thinking along those options and so far the VPP thing at the moment. (Comes out to a 5 point total.) The main trick is I'm just trying to get away from the Trained/Untrained issues and bypass them. The build so far I have will make the lowest roll that is based along a characteristic a 11- and with a +2 Overall I can make non-characteristic based skills at least a 10-

    It's such a simple idea but so tricky to make correctly.

  10. In a campaign that is soon to be started we play as rather low level characters (Heroic level 75/75) I'm looking to make the most of my points and wanted to get a Jack of all trades type perk or talent that allows me to make skill rolls at the 8 or less base roll. The only problem is that both myself and the GM are unsure of the best way to go about this. Any suggestions?

  11. Re: How do you become a Jedi


    Personally' date=' I think Luke had the right of it in the EU. In the 6 movies, love proved itself stronger then both sides of the Force in Anakin. Love of wife turned him evil, love of son turned him good again. Luke would've learned a lesson from that, and thus decided to let Jedi benefit from the positive effects without making it a forbidden thing that could lead to the Dark Side.[/quote']


    Emotions are a tool of the Darkside. As wrong and messed up as that sounds it's actually true. Normally love leads to desire which in turn leads to jealousy which in turn leads to anger etc...(I'm not gonna quote Yoda here) With the Dark side everything actually seems often times very much in the right to the user and he/she believes this will benifit either himself and/or others regardless of immediate and long term reprecussions of these actions.

    The way of the Jedi teaches one to be able to Let go of things. Never let anything enter one's life that he will not be able to realease. Even Luke learned this lesson in time...(I'm not gonna say the exact event cause that would technically be a spoiler...)

    While technically the Jedi code Never says that a Jedi is unable to love or caring it does register that a step too far is a mile going back. In other words it's easy to let damage occur but MUCH more difficult to restore it.

  12. Re: Tk with no strength defense


    I'd certainly allow damage to be done with Flight UAA (as an involuntary 0 STR move through' date=' damage halved if you actually break through what you hit). Probably not often going to actually cause much damage that way, but I'd allow it.[/quote']


    Yeah it's a concept to do low damage with it but honestly if in the setting you have the ability to conjure said power then it's a more then likely probability that the enemy you're tossing about can take any of this damage.

    We've often found that the Flight UAA works great as a cheap way to put someone in a entangle that they really can't escape.


    I.E. Grond attacks, I use Flight UAA 2" and keep him above the ground with this. He can't move since he doesn't have flight and keeps him out of trouble until authorities who CAN deal with him arrive.

  13. Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


    Yes that's about right with average effect and what not. Of course to achieve said velocity you do have to fall quite a ways, more so then a normal has any buisness surviving.

    A favored tactic of a super I play as with my group is the ability to Teleport someone a good couple hundred Kilometers straight up only to let them fall to their impending doom. Works wonders for getting rid of groups of pesky Viper agents.

  14. Re: How do you become a Jedi


    Actually Wyrm that's perfect. That sounds like the most probable idea as to what that test would be. A test to ensure that in said situation a Jedi would not call upon the Dark side as a ditch effort to gain the upper hand.

  15. Re: Questions on HTH enviorment modifiers


    I believe someone in a different thread mentioned that the Fantasy Hero book had some extra detail on sword fighting. I think it was in the thread about forcing opponents to take a step back or to move making HtH less static. You may want to ask around as to whether or not that might be where Hyper-Man saw the uneven ground issue discussed (the book' date=' not the thread, I mean).[/quote']


    Yes...now that you mention it I do remember the Fantasy book having quite a bit of extensive HTH combat notes in it. I'll have to track down one of my friends who have a copy.

  16. Re: How do you become a Jedi


    Another mention to be mindful of regarding the styles is a Jedi Knight must be familiar with all the forms mentioned above and have mastered at least one of them. I've been using the Styles in my campaign lately and it's made a bit of a difference. Originally the PC characters had different but reletively similar Manuvers but after introducing this into the campaign setting they have a better feel for their individual approach to combat


    Also many of the styles seem to share a philosphy (I know I spelled that wrong) With existing martial arts that fall into a deep psychological niche such as Kungfu. As a result we adopted manuvers from some of these and using Kenjutsu as a base with influences from Fencing created the various arts. In all retrospect they differ only slightly but the differences show greatly in combat.

  17. Re: How do you become a Jedi


    One they do mention would be the Trial of the flesh. It was mentioned that Anakin Skywalker was no stranger to this test, I'm thinking that they are refering to the loss of his limb. Possibly some sort of pain tolerance test?

  18. Re: Questions on HTH enviorment modifiers


    I seem to remember something about modifying the 'default' Hit Locations used for each combatant in such uneven ground situations. Basically, the lower character has a better chance of hitting feet/legs and the higher character has a better chance of hitting head/arms.


    I don't remember what book I read it in though.


    I've checked the main book and the UMA book and neither give specifications about it. I've considered a possible OCV/DCV system but after discussing it a bit it doesn't really seem like a signifigant enough of a change for that...maybe though the hit locations idea could be something. Perhaps Dex checks when fighting along some surfaces like stairs and hills...after all Sure footing is a luxary when you are trying to not get shanked.

  19. Re: Star Wars Hero Resources


    Finally found my C3-PO writeup






    Val Char Cost

    10 STR 0

    10 DEX 0

    10 CON 0

    10 BODY 0

    18 INT 8

    0 EGO 0

    18 PRE 8

    0 COM -5


    4 PD 9

    4 ED 9

    3 SPD 10

    6 REC 4

    30 END 5



    6" RUN 0

    0" SWIM -2

    0" LEAP -2

    Characteristics Cost: 44


    Cost Power

    12 Standard Droid Talents: (Total: 12 Active Cost, 12 Real Cost) Absolute Range Sense (Real Cost: 3) plus Absolute Time Sense (Real Cost: 3) plus Bump Of Direction (Real Cost: 3) plus Lightning Calculator (Real Cost: 3)

    60 Standard Droid Powers: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 60 Real Cost) Automaton (Takes No STUN (loses abilities when takes BODY)) (Real Cost: 45) plus Does Not Bleed (Real Cost: 15)

    4 Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 1/4), Costs Endurance (-1/2)

    10 Electromagnetic Scanner: Detect A Large Class Of Things 14- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Ranged (+1/2) (24 Active Points); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

    Powers Cost: 86



    Cost Skill

    7 Bureaucratics 15-

    7 High Society 15-

    7 Streetwise 15-

    7 Conversation 15-

    5 Oratory 14-

    5 Persuasion 14-

    3 Scholar

    5 1) KS (6 Active Points) 16-

    3 2) KS (4 Active Points) 14-

    4 3) KS (5 Active Points) 15-

    5 4) KS: Diplomatic Customs and Protocol (6 Active Points) 16-

    5 Cryptography 14-

    3 Trading 13-

    5 Security Systems 15- (7 Active Points); Custom Modifier (only for dealing with computer codes and language based systems; -1/2)

    2 Systems Operation (Radar, Radio) 13-

    3 Mimicry 15- (7 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Custom Modifier (only to mimic languages in translation database; -1/2)

    Skills Cost: 76



    Cost Talent

    23 Universal Translator 16-

    4 Speed Reading (x100) (6 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2)

    Talents Cost: 27


    Total Character Cost: 233


    Pts. Disadvantage

    10 Social Limitation: Droid (Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In Some Cultures)

    15 Reputation: Famous Droid, 11- (Extreme)

    15 Physical Limitation: Requires a daily oil bath to keep joints working properly (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Coward (Common, Strong)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Paranoid (Common, Strong)

    Disadvantage Points: 70

    Base Points: 200

    Experience Required: 0

    Total Experience Available: 0

    Experience Unspent: 0



    yes that will work nicely...not sure if I'll ever need a droid writeup other then a Astromech but ya never know what someone will buy as a follower

  20. Re: Star Wars Hero Resources


    10 Dex? With those hands and that stiff walk? I'd think he was worse than an average person.



    He actually can move a bit better then originally shown (true it's CGI stuff) but still they do at times show him able to move a bit more fluidly then originally presented. I would say though a 8 dex would work.

  21. Re: Starwars Vehicles: Any ideas?


    I set them up, in 4E, as multiple forcewalls in a multipower. This let them simulate the "double front" and such - set both forcewalls to be in front of you, or one front one rear. They were 5 ED each, IIRC, so that a 1d6 RKA *could* get through on a high roll. I had more than just 2 forcewalls on larger ships, so they could take a bit more of a beating before total collapse - you would have to burn through multiple forcewalls.


    I had them run off an END reserve with very limited recovery, and END only required to activate, and then a skill roll to activate or "angle" them.


    I'll see if I still have any of my old write-ups.


    Yeah we've been using a system similar to that for the time being until we come across something better. So far it works for most circumstances seeing as how appearently in Starwars vehicle weapons are actually quite devastating with only larger ships being able to take more then a few hits. With our first trial run a PC got hit pretty hard and it completly wiped his shields out. Course not too terribly worried about things with things worked as when the ship reaches 0 body it stops responding and goes dead (not exploding until it reaches it's full negative body) allowing a PC to safely crashland his battered ship and hopefully escape...unless of course out in the vacuum of space...then they might be kinda screwed.

  22. Re: How Much Experience?


    I have to go with some of the other people's question being how powerful do you ideally see your PCs by the overall end of the story (if there is an end) and how fast do you want them to achieve this power?

    Personally I've never GIVEN xp for nothing. I've always made my Players earn their XP mostly by fairly obvious things such as staying in character, effectiveness, performing certain actions etc... I've always found this to be a bit more benifitial in the long run of things, some can say this is unbalancing and can be at first but with PCs earning XP they gradually have to meet higher and higher expectations for their XP giving some of those with lower expectations a chance to catch up a bit.

  23. Re: Tk with no strength defense


    The idea of using Flight UAA is a tempting idea but one also needs to remember it has the same fault as Teleportation UAA has; you can't cause damage with it, True you can effectively "push" someone with Flight uaa over a ledge and have them fall to their 30d6 impending doom but that's alot circumstance you have to rely on for said thing. I've run into this problem myself recently actually in a StarWars campaign I run, in it things that don't use the Force are effectively unable to resist it, of course I had to figure out a way to make the Push and other things that use TK (in their basic form. trust me we've mulled this over and over and over) And in the end the simplest way to do things with the lowest use of active points was to set up an actual house rule for it.

    I know this really doesn't help you out too much but it's what we've settled on

  24. Re: Does anyone really roll 30D6?


    I find that there is a certain satisfaction with having to roll lots of Dice. I'm part of a Munchkin campaign where...well we get to play as munchkins really lol and being Lobo I get to roll alot more dice for a punch than anyone has any buisness rolling. It's just a very fun thing to say: hmm look at that. I need more dice...

    That and we have a Dice Pool that contains MANY die contribuited from various members of the group so we always have more on hand.

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