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Posts posted by Life

  1. I love all the conversation around this.


    The video shows a person landing hits, but again, the hits do not land at the same time. In Hero terms what's the special effect? If you have extra limbs or HTH auto fire, are they all landing at once or as a 1,2,3 combo? If a combo, then to me it should be Hit, damage shield, hit. I would agree with an argument of some type of the next hit (assuming 3 hits landed & and it's damaging damage shield) that the 3rd hit does some damage as the person was in full swing but collapsed while swinging (assuming the damage would KO the person). In my case the with HTH Auto Attack -> Hit ->Teleport ->(insert roll here) to see if you still swing the next hit. If the hero declared 3 swings and made their (insert roll here), they would lose no endurance. If they failed the roll, they would only spend the endurance of the 2nd swing, not the 3rd (at least I'd give it to them).


    If you take your hand to cover a small flame. Do you not take fire damage before your hand suffocates the flame? Yes you do, but your defence is higher than the flame's damage shield, thus you're able to put it out.


    While I understand the "system" suggest all land at once, I disagree with the system (5e at least, unsure how 6e handles it), and it should be based on special effects to determine how it all plays out.

  2. Re: Utsusemi aka Blink?


    oic.. SE is stupied then... well maybe not.. Ichi is lvl 12 version of the spell giving you 3 shadows.. NI is the lvl 37 verson of the spell giving you 4 shadows... If you have 4 shadows and need them... i guess it's unlucky for you.. or you could see it as unlucky for the mob.


    I like this idea.. hmm tho getting 90 active hmm

  3. Utsusemi: Ichi / NI - Uses the ninja tool, "Shihei". Creates (3/4) shadow images that each absorb a single attack directed at you.


    This spell is FFXI (Final Fantasy XI) created. The type of "Job" (class) that uses this are Ninjas or Thieves. Both jobs are highly evasive. Taking a hit that would do a brick 60-70 damage would do 100-140 damage. Their are two versions of the spell. Utsusemi: Ichi (v1) has a casting time of 4s, recast delay of 30s and gives the user 3 shadows that absorb all damge that targets the user. Utsusemi: Ni (v2) l has a casting time of 2s, recast time of 45s and gives the user 4 shadows. Both can't be cased upon one another. If you cast Ni (v2) it overwrites Ichi (v1) but you can't cast Ichi to over write Ni. The person can cancel either spell at will, while casting any other spell or other actions. Each time you use the spell it uses a tool called Shihei.


    In game we use this to "Tank" monsters that pretty much hit waaaay to hard even for tanks. You can read about the spell here: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Utsusemi:_Ni





    • casting Delay
    • recast time
    • charges - 2 types??
      • Type 1: The spell uses little tools to cast.. which means if youno tools you can't cast your spell. It Auto uses a tool when you use it. (meaing you don't have to reach and pull one out of your bag.. Which means unless you check you have no idea how many you used (it happens)).
      • Type 2:You have 4 Shadows once you lose it, you can only regain it by recasting the spell.




      [*]Loses all charges (Type 2) if an user is affected by an AOE...

      • If you hit his/her area the spell drops losing all shadows.


    I bolded some the areas that I was in question about. One of the biggest questions I had however... Was.. Well.. What type of def is this? A Force Field or a Force Wall w/ Self only? How many points? The spell would stop a small 1d6 to a 20d6+ spell/HTH attack (so long as it's not aoe). Also a person is able to cast/use Aid spells/items/Ability upon the person with out it taking a shadow away.


    When the caster loses a "Shadow" to message said is," A Shadow asbors the spell or damage and goes away.


    ^-^ Thx!

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