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Everything posted by zosodojo777

  1. Can you make a skill check if you don't have any points put into that skill?
  2. My friend and I both have Sidekick, and we disagree on the purpose of active points. I interpreted the Numbers on the character ability guidelines table on page 14 to mean that the GM should set restrictions on the # of active points a character can have going at one time, but my friend thinks it indicates the average points in a single power. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Re: Combining Powers? Alright. I'll probably just allow that.
  4. Re: Combining Powers? Where does it talk about multiple power attacks? I only have sidekick, not Fred, so it might not be in there.
  5. Re: Combining Powers? Thanks, I was looking under advantages, as being able to use two powers at once seems like a good thing to me.
  6. Is there a way to combine powers? Say a beam of energy that damaged the opponent, like energy blast, but also blinded them, like flash. Would that be possible?
  7. Re: A few questions Thanks all. Attack of the mooks/dogs sounds like a solid plan, since I wouldn't want a character death spoiling my players' first Hero experience. Also, lord laiden, the combat rating system looks really nice, I'll have to tr that out. The advice article is intresting, I'll have to remember it.
  8. Re: A few questions Thanks for the help. I found ther recommended AP in sidekick. I'll have to try this with my friends. Is the besitary the best resource for villains/monsters?
  9. I just got Hero system sidekick, and was thinking of introducing my group to it, but I have a few questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 1.Does Hero have some system of letting the GM's know what is an appropriate challenge for the characters? Possibly something akin to D&D's CR system? 2.How do you determine how many active points you can use? Does it just have to be set by the GM?
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