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Mr. Gridlock

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Posts posted by Mr. Gridlock

  1. Re: Bestiar(ies) questions


    I agree with Sean about "stupid inflation." What protects the M1 is not pure armor, but also a form of (partial) Missile Deflection in that most rounds hitting the M1 do not do so at a perpendicular angle, but more of an oblique one which deflects a lot of the penetrating power.


    30 PD is just insane. But this is where the relative degree of the hit should matter.

  2. Aside from Disads (which I hate as a requirement), I'm bothered by the damage system.


    Funny enough, I don't mind the combat system or the skill system.


    But if you have a character who can objectively lift a main battle tank over his head and throw it, yet by the vagaries of the dice might not roll enough damage to punch his way through a common house wall is just SILLY.


    I never got into Fuzion, but I like the idea of simply adding to your base stat so that someone who has a high bonus isn't penalized by the dice.


    I would have a random to-hit system, i.e. combat, but for damage I'd have flat bonuses (no dice rolling at all). I know people have said that that is boring, but I'd rather be bored than annoyed when my brick rolls 1s and 2s.


    Yes, yes, the random damage rolling is supposed to represent how well you hit, but it's a bad mechanic. These kinds of things just do not happen in fiction. Once you pass a certain threshold of STR, say, certain barriers should no longer present an obstacle.


    Yes, yes, the odds are that if you have enough dice to roll, you'll average out at 1 Body per die, but what I'm saying is that there's no reason to lose Body because of 1's rolled.


    If you want to have an optional system (say Hit Location) that will influence the damage to a person by how well or where you hit them, then that's one thing.


    But your basic damage system should neveral penalize someone who has paid the points to be powerful. If anything, make the combat system matter more in determining damage. How well you hit relates to how much damage you do.


    They're decoupled. You can hit by 1 or by 10 and how much damage you roll is independent. You might hit by a margin of 0 and roll many 6's, which is a little wonky for me. You might hit by more than 10 and roll many 1's and that's just unsatisfying.


    Blast away.

  3. Re: Favorite 60-point Power Construction



    Large Stars: RKA 2d6, Penetrating (+1/2), Indirect (always originates with character, but can attack from any angle; +1/2), 16 Charges (+0) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1). Total cost: 30 points.



    I have always been a fan of Indirect attacks. I created a micro-missile for an armored character that swapped One Hex AoE for Penetrating.

  4. Re: Bestiar(ies) questions


    Not true.


    Movement Adding To Killing Damage

    For Killing Damage, a character can add 1 DC

    for every 1d6 of bonus Normal Damage dice. However,

    he still cannot more than double the damage

    done by the weapon or attack (he cannot add more

    DCs than the attack normally has). For example,

    if a character with a sword (HKA 1d6+1) did a

    Move By at 15”, he would add +3 DCs damage from

    velocity, thus increasing the sword’s damage to

    2d6+1. At most, between velocity and other methods,

    he can increase the sword’s damage to 2½d6

    (twice the weapon’s base DCs).


    pg. 407 of 5er

  5. Re: Bloodlust (+3 OCV HandtoHand, -3 DCV)


    I've read all the posts in the thread and I'm not sure where the 3 point level comment came from. Here is your version formated using HDv3:


    Bloodlust, all slots Costs Endurance (-1/2), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2)

    6 1) +3 with HTH Combat (15 Active Points); Limited Power For OCV Only (-1/2) - END=1

    4 2) +2 with HTH Combat (10 Active Points); Limited Power For Damage Increase Only (-1/2) - END=1


    I like it.


    Isn't the last line the same as:


    4 Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6 (10 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), All slots Cost END (-1/2)


    Hmm, though you could add 1 DC to any attack with the skills, and with the +2d6 HA you could only add to normal damage attacks. Is that right? I don't think that it would allow you to add to a KA....


    Things that make you go, hmm....

  6. Re: Bloodlust (+3 OCV HandtoHand, -3 DCV)


    15 Bloodlust: (Total: 25 Active Cost, 15 Real Cost)


    +10 STR (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-3 DCV; -1/2) (Real Cost: 5)




    +3 with HTH Combat (15 Active Points); Linked (+10 STR; -1/2) (Real Cost: 10)

  7. Re: Bestiar(ies) questions


    But the point is to bring the charge into something in line with what being hit by a huge hunk of armor-clad muscle should be. As things stand the rhino (and lots of other horned beasties) does exactly the same damage with its horn when it is at rest as when it connects at its full 27" running. This. Is. Silly.


    Who's to say that the rhino uses its full STR at rest? Just because you can doesn't mean you should, i.e. it might not be the most realistic representation of how the animal defends itself.

  8. Re: Grab vs Mentalism


    The rules on "what can you do when you are grabbed" are rather fuzzy. What would you do with a Mentalist who gets grabbed? Can he still use his powers? Does he get ECV modifiers like he gets OCV modifiers? Can he use them on the grabber and/or anyone else?


    Hmm, I feel pretty clear on what you can and cannot do when you are grabbed. Being grabbed would not effect ECV. The grabee could easily attack the grabber, perhaps much to his surprise!

  9. Re: Bestiar(ies) questions


    I'm of exactly the opposite view.


    It's not like the Rhino looks at a target and evaluates if it looks Resistant.


    As far as I'm concerned, any animal that buys a bunch of attack powers at full cost should go to town with MPA's, especially when it makes sense both dramatically and realisticly.


    I'd totally do a Rhino Charge as an MPA, because that's what rhinos do.

    They gore you then trample your body.


    The gore then trample doesn't have to happen in the same phase by any means. No need for an MPA.

  10. Re: Bestiar(ies) questions


    Why are antlers built with the No Strength Bonus limitation? I can't figure this one out.


    You don't have the leverage that you do with swinging your arm. The best you could hope for would be to add some damage from velocity, i.e. Move-By/Through.


    If a Rhino charges you with its horn (or a Minotaur, etc.), does this count as a MPA with both a normal Move Through and a KA Move Through (I doubt seriously that this is legal)? If not, there's no point in them ever doing it with the horn, since it does less damage than the regular Move Through.

    KA Move-Through, yes.


    When did bite attacks stop being built with the Restrainable limitation? Intuitively, it seems they should be -- not much reach, after all, compared to claws.
    Much harder to restrain a set of jaws than a limb (or pair).


    Also, shouldn't these animals have Discriminatory with Smell instead of just tracking?
    I've always built them with Discriminatory for Normal Smell.
  11. Not in any abusive way, but what's your favorite 60 Active Point power construction?


    I remember back in the day when Increased Stun Multiplier debuted and (I think it was in Super Agents) that the Hyper Velocity Slug Thrower (or something along those lines. Pellet Gun?) was written up.


    I immediately grabbed that up for my hero's new weapon and boy, did I have a good time with it.


    1d6 RKA w/+6 Increased Stun Multiple. 4 clips of 8, OAF. 60 Active, 30 Real.


    Loved those 66 Stun rolls! Now that the ISM is just a +1/4, you could add a silencer! Haha. Ah, the good ol' days.

  12. I know basic half-move and attack is covered in 5er as well as not being able to move after making an attack.


    But what about Sweeping with an attack maneuver and another MA maneuver with the FMove component?




    Whippersnapper and a thug are squaring off 3" apart. Whippersnapper has a whip (RKA, 3" limited range).


    Whippersnapper is going to Sweep two maneuvers:


    Whippersnapper flicks the whip at the thug's eyes (Martial Flash), then

    he executes a Flying Knee Strike (Passing Strike) against the thug (which includes a running leap of 3" as part of the FMove component).



  13. Barring the use of the Sweep maneuver, how would you build a swath attack, e.g. a large lizard hitting a group of people behind him with his tail?


    This seems like an AoE "half" two-dimensional (-1/4) radius (+1) HA.


    What would the Limitation for half a radius be? -1/2?


    Something like this:

    Clearing a Swath :
    (Total: 35 Active Cost, 23 Real Cost) Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) (Real Cost: 13)
    Area Of Effect (up to 2" Radius; +1), Two-Dimensional (-1/4) for up to 20 Active Points of HA (15 Active Points); Only attacks half the radius (-1/2) (Real Cost: 10)

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