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Everything posted by Kensan_Oni

  1. Re: Biosuit Agent: Could someone critique? Oh! Duh! I bought them as Force Walls, but I mislabeled them. I'll fix that.
  2. I am thinking about using this character, but I'm worried it might be underpowered or just handled incorrectly. I was wondering if people could give me some thoughts? Character Concept: Bobby Piffer was a FBI agent during the Psycihc Crisis that erupted out all over the world during the Alien Conflict. Life afterwards became hard for law enforcement, and it was hard for Bobby to keep his people safe while doing his job against the new rush of "kennies" (what his department called the Kenetics). He was offered a chance to try out for a new program, one that was going to be designed to help handle the rogue criminals that were arising from the outbreaks. It called for the use of Alien Technology, a sort of symbotic relationship with a mechanical biomass. Wanting to be able to do more then just sit on his thumbs, he vollenteered for the chance. The Biomechanic Mass, of BIOMM as the labs called it, melded with him easily. It wrangled around, got into his skin, entertwined with his nervous system and his brain. He could think clearer, and faster. His reflexes were increased. He could see into the infared, and into something... else. He could see the psycics. He knew who the bad guys are. What was even better was that the rest of the mass molded to him, formed a pistol whenever he needed it, protected him from harm, and even let him run and jump in amazing fashions. However, the Aliens were watching. They tried hard to de-program is out of it's military thinking, but the BIOMM is a thinking machine. It's purpose is still to hunt out the enemies of the Aliens. It was designed to fight off the enemies, even when the soldier couldn't mentally think to do so. They are concerned that it might go haywire. They Watch Bobby, to see how he handles the power. Robert (Bobby) Peffier Base Points 200 (up to 150 Disads) Disadvantages: Social : (35 Points) Public Identity Subject to Orders (14-, Major) Enraged (When under Mental Attack) (20 points) Uncommon, Enrage 14-, Recover 11- Distinctive Features: (20 Points) Uniform Biomechanical Mass (Concealable, Always Noticed) Psychological : (35 points) Follows Law Procedures (Common, Total) Protective of Teammates (Common, Strong) Reputation (10 Points) Investigator (11-) Hunted: (15 Points) Watched by Aliens (More Powerful, NCI, 11-, Watched ) Total Disadvantages 135 Total Points to spend 335 Str 15 Dex 15 Con 18 Body 13 Int 20 Ego 15 Pre 15 Com 12 PD 8 ED 7 SPD 4 REC 11 END 36 STUN 30 Total Cost 101 ---- Powers Biomass Control Unit (15 points) Mental Defense (5 Lvls) Infrared Perception Mental Awareness Combat Skill Programming (30 Points) +2 DCV/+2DCEV +2 OCV/+1 DCV at Range Biomech Morphic Mass (80 Points Base, 24 from Powers. 104 total) Multipower Array, 120 AP, OIF (Fixed) Armor (20 PD/ED) (Flex) Plasma Bullet (Energy Blast) 12d6 (Flex) Leaping +10” (Flex) Running +10” Headset Radio (6 points) Biomass Fuel Belt (15 points) Endurance Reserve (End 100, Rec 20), OAF Field Grenades (11 Points) Force Wall (5 PD/ED, 3”), Charges 3, OAF, Range Based on Str. Power Cost 181 Total Cost 282 Skills, Perks, and Talents Fringe Benefit: International Enforcement (5 points) Bribery (lvl 0) Bugging (lvl 0) Bureaucratics (Lvl 0) Conversation (Lvl 1) Criminology (Lvl 0) Deduction (Lvl 2) Interrogation (Lvl 0) Area Knowledge: West Coast USA City Knowledge: Los Angeles Persuasion (Lvl 0) Shadowing (Lvl 0) Streetwise (Lvl 0) Personal Skill: Sports Teams Trivia Personal Skill: Fishing Knowledge Skill: Law Language Skill: Mandarin Total Skills, Perks, and Talents: 53 Grand Total 101+181+53=335
  3. Okay, I got this concept for a power for a low powered game, but I'm not sure how, or if it could be pulled off. Basically, the power is Identifying. By holding a part of an object, or by touching someone, the super (forthwith will be called Idenity) learns about the object or person. From an object, it will learn the name of what that object was, what it was used for, and where it was last used. After touching a person, Idenity will know the person's name, sex (Sometimes it's important!), country of origin, profession, if they're married, and so forth. Some of the information might be damaging (Their job might actually be different then what they are pretending it to be), but nothing like deep mind reading (you might be a spy, for instance, but Idenity wouldn't know for who). This type of power can also be used to idenitify a dead body. While I know that I could get some of it using Telepathy and limiting it, I'm not sure how to get the rest of it. Could someone help me out, please?
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