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Manic Man

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Everything posted by Manic Man

  1. oops, forgot to put it in... doh! http://lanceandlaser.com/livinglegends/
  2. People were looking for minis?? Here is a good webpage that I found. They are a bit different but they could work.
  3. Nice to know that New England is not ignored! Some other things that nobody has mentioned about Boston and NE in general is the weather! We get our fair share of snow fall here and that is putting it mildly. A scenario possibility could deal with a horrible blizzard that the heroes must help people. This might be more fun than a slugfest with Dr. Dynamo. Or the blizzard could be part of the background. Read a great comic where the snow storm was just some background but the hero was still trying to stop the evil madman. Also to note that There is a fair amount of good cities around: Manchester, NH; Worcester, MA; and of course the lovely and wonderful Portland, ME. Good luck on your campaign. Keep in mind you are choosing a very American City with lots of Revolutionary War history to it (ghosts from Bunker Hill, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre?). Enjoy it! I know I do.
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