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Posts posted by Poison

  1. Re: Going from Champions to Mutants and Masterminds


    You have some good points steamteck. I personally did feel like M&M was very stripped down in comparison to Hero System, and maybe in hindsight that is another reason why I was dissatisfied with it...


    You can make waaaay beefier heroes with a lot less points in M&M. Those who like very high powered games might like that system better... :)

  2. Re: Going from Champions to Mutants and Masterminds


    My wife's first RPG was D&D, and that was the reason I went with M&M first (even though I played Champions back in the 80's). So it wouldn't be such a shock to her. However, I realized while playing M&M she relied on me a lot for the rules. Though M&M is D20 system, it is so far away from D20, you are pretty much learning a new game anyway...


    What I didn't like about M&M is the vagueness of some rules, some powers, and though the damage system was interesting, it was so easy to stun someone (because no bell curve on a D20), that you could keep a character perma stunned, if they were having a bad D20 day. I also hated how they figured out Knockback...


    Yeah the hero points were useful, but the heroes in my game used to save them for time they were having bad dice days, and so you missed out on the whole fun of the hero points - spending them recklessly!!!


    That is why I switched back to Hero System...

  3. Re: Tike's Toybox of Doom!


    I might be able to assist you for free.... If you care for my style of artwork.


    Too cute to pass up. I haven't drawn a child for a long time, would be good practice, and wouldn't take too long. I am off on vacation next week and will be doing a bit of drawing, so it would give me something fun to draw.


    If you have any more details you want to add, add them here, otherwise I will improvise... ;)


  4. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


    Hi everyone. Corebrute sent me a PM of a villain group he is using.


    the government hunts down those with super powers, and their greatest enforcers are the Techno Avengers, trained soldiers in powered armoured stolen from or built by super intelligent inventors...


    The armour is black with red accents. The visor is in a V shape that glows red...


    It is very similar to an organization I am using called Saebri-Vanguard who arms device based super soldiers. Unfortunately in my campaign there is only one suit of powered armor on the scene (worn by one of the heroes stolen from this agency - designed and built by him). So I decided to not go with the Iron-man type looking power armor, and instead went with armored agents with pistols. Coincidently, the "V" worked perfectly, as the "Vanguard" arm of Saebri-Vanguard are the enforcers of the agency.


    So I decided to draw two versions of this armor and weapons:

    1) The female is sporting the lighter less armored version, it is more for infiltration and max agility (espionage/stealth technology). She is armed with two pistol devices which shoot various fun things. She also has a jet pack which doubles as a charger for her pistols, housing more power for her guns. The lights on the side of her guns show battery power level, as well as ammunition level. The pistols use clips for ammo and depending on the type of ammo used, will determine how many shots she has available per clip.


    2) The male is sporting the more armored version (core-infantry based). He also has the jet pack, and his gun works similarly to the pistols, however it is much more powerful, with laser sighting, and an extra handle to deal with the strong kick from the gun. ;)


    Corebrute I am hoping this is still useful to you, as I am thinking you were wanting a more iron-man esque style power armor for your group. But maybe these can be the lower level agents in your organization if that is the case.



    This is currently a work in progress, I will be inking and coloring this and using it in my campaign. Thanks Corebrute for the PM! There is no doubt I will be integrating powered armored iron-man like powered armor into my campaign at some point, but it hasn't happened yet. Once I do I will be drawing that level of agent, no worries.


    Anyways here is the work in progress drawing so far in pencils...


  5. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread


    WOW! Thanks so much for the kind words! :jawdrop:


    I am not used to receiving this much attention for my art. :eek: I've been drawing for about 30 years now, but never have published anything (or even tried to). I am still just an amateur. Because of this I usually don't get much attention, heh heh. :o


    After reading your posts I had an idea...


    I am always looking for fresh villain ideas and villain groups. If you happen to have any Villains you think are awesome, fresh, or unique, feel free PMing me with them if you like to share. I am intending to draw all the villains I use in my campaign, and if it is something I think would fit in my campaign, and I would use, I would definitely draw it and share the drawing of your villain here on the boards. I would even give you a special 300 dpi cropped version of it so you could print it or add it to a character sheet and have it look crisp if you like.


    This would save me the time creating and building new villains, and I would rather spend that free time drawing MORE villains!!! If you intend on sharing with me, give me a little background and how you envision his costume to look like in as much detail as possible.


  6. Re: New to Hero System - kind of...


    I gave Mutants and Masterminds a solid effort. We played it for 6-8 months. I always hated the D20 system, and thought that version was as far away from D20 as you could probably get. However, a lot of commonly used powers were very vague in their explanation, and I hated the way knockback was calculated, as well as a few other nitpicky things.


    I've played many many many roleplaying games over the years (I've been playing RPGs since 1980), in various systems, and I have to say, I've never found a system that was better than Champions.


    My wife got into roleplaying about 10 years ago, starting with 2nd Edition D&D, and we moved into 3rd edition D20 as well as 3.5. It was a hard sell to get her to try Superhero roleplaying, as she really liked the Fantasy genre, but I convinced her, and a few of my friends joined as well, and now she likes the whole genre. This is a big "plus" for me, as I prefer the superhero genre to fantasy. I also like drawing it a lot more. :)


    I was ready to burn my M&M books after our last session tho. Some of the rules became too distracting to me as a GM, so it was time to move in my opinion, to a more superior system...


    There is my big story... :eek:

  7. Re: New to Hero System - kind of...


    WOW! Thanks guys!


    I bought the Hero Designer after what you said, and it works perfectly on the imac. :thumbup:


    I just whipped up my wife's character in it as a test. My calculations were actually out by 7 points. :thumbdown So I had to fiddle a bit with her characteristics, heh heh.


    Thanks so much!

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