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Everything posted by Poison

  1. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread A couple of older drawings... Here is a Supergirl costume variant sketch: Here is a kid superhero! Here is a christmas drawing I did for a person on another discussion board:
  2. Okay I was asked to share a few more drawings, so I am creating this thread to post a few. I think I will post any new villains I make as well with their character sheets as I get them done. Okay so here is a sample of some of my drawings. I am not very good with inking and coloring, but I give it an honest effort. I will start off with my wife's character TAZER (since it is my latest drawing): This one I did in color: Here are the original pencils for it: Here is a drawing I did for a person who requested a drawing for their character on another discussion board: Here is a drawing I did earlier this year a variant Avengers pic: Here is the colored version: Here is a picture I drew for a contest in NYC earlier this year (I didn't win): Poor me! Here are two characters I played when I used to play D&D: Here is Misty Knight (a la Marvel Comics)
  3. Re: New to Hero System - kind of... Holy Cow! I leave for an hour, and I see a ton of replies already. This is a very active board!!! @everyone - Thanks for the welcome!!! And great comments! @brionl - Unfortunately I have an imac not a PC and I haven't seen this software for the imac. I would buy it in a second if it was ever 'ported to the imac. @radefox - Thanks! I have a bunch more sketches I could share, maybe I will start a thread for that and throw some in there. I am just an amateur artist who draws for fun and relieve stress. I've gone through many style changes over the years, and this seems to be the one I feel most comfortable with so far. I plan to draw the other characters in my campaign, as well as create villains and draw them as well. I think it adds a bit more realism when roleplaying if you have a sketch of what the villains look like instead of just a description. Maybe I will post the pictures and the character sheet of these villains for others to use if people want. @Lord Liaden - I go by other handles on different boards, but I figured being a Game Master I would use a villain name for a change. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I am very excited to get back into Champions and I hope to learn from you all and share more of my stuff with you all.
  4. Hi everyone. This looks to be my first post on these forums. I used to play Champions back in the 80s. My wife and I started roleplaying superhero stuff around 6-8 months ago, and tried out the M&M system because she was used to D20 (D&D). I really didn't like the system compared to my experience with Champions a long time ago, so decided to make the switch over to Hero System v5. Just finished making her character and noticed things haven't changed much since way back in the 80's. I can't believe how this system has survived the test of time. I am excited to start playing. My wife is playing an electricity based blaster type character (named TAZER), who is the spokesperson for her superhero group (taking various skills like Persuasion, Oratory, Conversation, etc... We decided to change a few things when we converted her character over to Hero System, and she bugged me to draw her a fresh new costume, so I broke out my pencils... Here is what she looks like. I may ink and color this one for her so she can have a full color character sheet with her picture on it... She is one character of a 3 character superhero group. The others are named Salvage, and The Ghost. I will be drawing the other characters after I convert them, as I have time. I am hoping I did all the calculations right on her character, it's been a while... Anyways, this is my way of saying Hello Everyone!!!
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