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Questions about a character design?


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Hi, and happy holidays everyone. :) I've had this character written down in one of my notebooks for a while now, and I've finally set to ask opinions and help on it. This character originates in a parallel universe. It's very similar to the Champions 5th ED universe, with some exceptions. One notable exception I wanted was the scale of their universe is one half the Champions 5th ed. universe. It's just something I thought would be interesting, and how it would be applied to this powered armour archetype. :)


So, I've built the character at roughly 3ft. in height. :D


I thought a 3ft tall power armour character might be novel.


3/40 STR (-7) [19]

12/21 DEX (9) [12]

13/30 CON (6) [17]

8/20 BOD (-4) [12]

16 INT (6)

11 EGO (2)

15/18 PRE (5) [2]

14 COM (2)

3/10 PD (2) [5]

3/10 ED (0) [5]

3/5 SPD (7) [13]

5 REC (2)

26 END (0)

18/45 STN (2) [18] <135 total>



20 Main Power Source: Endurance Reserve 200 END, 10 REC; OIF: armour (-1/2)

5 Backup Batteries: Endurance Reserve 20 END, 2 REC;

OIF: armour (-1/2)

15 Advanced Materials Armour: Armour: 10PD/10ED; OIF: armour (-1/2), Ablative: when takes body (-1/2).

8 Structured Energy Field Armour Enchancement: Resistant Defenses: full 10/10. Hardened (+1/4), OIF: Armour (-1/2).

53 Multipowers: Structured Energy Field Generation Abilities; OIF: armour (-1/2): 80 point MP


u1 Structured Energy Field Beam Projection: Energy Blast vs. PD 8D; beam attack (-1/4), cannot be bounced (-1/4), 2x's END (-1/2).


u1 Unfocused Structured Energy Field Overcharge Attack: Energy Blast vs PD 10D; AE: hex (+1/2), Extra End x's 3 (-1), Burnout 10- (-1).


u2 Full Power Structured Energy Field Generation: Force Field 13 rPD / 13 rED; Hardened (-1/4).


u2 Close Structured Energy Field Extension Model: Force Wall 12 rPD/ 12 rED; No Range (-1/2), Restrictive Shape: Bubble

(-1/4), Hardened (+1/4), Burnout 10- (-1).


u4 Restrictive Structured Energy Field: Entangle 6D 10 DEF; cannot force barriers (-1/4).


u1 Structured Energy Sustained Boot Bursts: Flight 15"/120"; 1 Hour long fuel charge (+0).


u2 Structured Energy Boot Bursts: Superleap 48"/96"


2 Armour Life Support: Extended Breathing 1 END/20 Minutes; OIF: armour (-1/2).

1 Safe Enviornment: Low Pressure/Vaccume; OIF: armour


1 Safe Environment: High Pressure; OIF: armour (-1/2).

1 Safe Environment: High Radiation; OIF: armour (-1/2).

1 Safe Environment: Intense Cold; OIF: armour (-1/2).

1 Safe Environment: Intense Heat; OIF: armour (-1/2).


10 +2 DCV [3 ft tall]

4 +2 Stealth Rolls [3ft. tall]

-4 Running -2" [3ft tall]

-1 Swimming -1" [3ft. tall]



3 Scientist

3 Electronics

3 Mechanics

3 Inventor

3 KS: Personal Battlesuit Systems

3 Computer Programming

3 SC: Mathematics

2 SC: Metallurgy

2 SC: Subatomic Physics

3 Systems Operations

3 PS: Battlesuit Systems

3 PS: Inventor

3 KS: Chicago

1 KS: Calligraphy

2 PS: Calligraphy

15 JuJitsu



-Joint Lock


1 Breakfall 8-

1 KS:???


Attributes: 135

Powers: 130

Skills: 58

Total: 323



15 DNPCS: Parents (mother and father); Normals, Unaware 8-

10 DNPC: Younger Brother (25); Reporter {Daily Mirror}; Useful, Normal, 11-

5 DNPC: Robin Morgain; (Defense Attorney); Unaware, 8-, Useful non combat skills, normal.

15 Distinctive Features: 3ft 3in tall; Not concealable, Noticed and recognized

15 Psych Lim: In Love with Robin Morgain; Common, Strong

15 Psych Lim: Code vs. Killing; Common, Strong

20 Psych Lim: Driven to Protect the Innocent; Common, Total

10 Psych Lim: Torn between wanting to return home and remaining in this dimension: Uncommon, Strong

10 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Occassonally 8-, Major

20 Phy Lim: Character is always 3 ft. tall; (mass 12.5 kg, takes +6" KB) All the time, Slightly Imparing.



As you can see this is supposed to be a 350 Point starting character, but I'm having a few problems.


1. I have 27 points left over, and I'm not sure where to put the points.

2. I'm not entirely sure about her martial arts, though I 'would' like her to be able to defend herself outside of the suit should the need arise.

3. She's the primary creator/repairer of the suit, but I'm not sure about the science skills. Given that's it's a battle suit and has force wielding abilities, what sort of science skills should I be buying?

4. I'm thinking she should have wealth, but given she's from another dimension and her alternate is dead here, I'm not sure how that would work.

5. Anything else you might recommend?


-She was quite wealthy in her home dimension. Her parents were killed off by her brother (he used to good, but became slowly corrupted by money and power due to his being into the family business a bit too much. She ran the business with her brother, unaware of his hand in their parents murder. The battlesuit was part of the company research division, and they had a contract with the military for the suit.


She wasn't keen on this idea, her parents hadn't been, which is 'one' reason why the brother had them eliminated. She find information out on him regarding his hand in her parents murder, she threatens to expose him, if he doesn't turn over soul ownership of the company to her, he does so, she goes to turn him in anyway, but he destroys the evidence. He's turned out on the street, but has a backup plan. 5 years later he takes over his own company, and begins warring with her company. She begins using the suit to battle him in and out of the board room. He suspects she's the woman in the suit, but can't prove it. He has her fiance (the head of R&D in her world, but a DA in the Champions Universe) kidnapped to draw her out and expose her. He fights her with an earlier prototype of the suit he'd pilfered and had designed.


In the ensuing battle, her fiance is killed, and the prototye suit experiences a fault and explode, tearing a hole between universes and cutting her loose from her dimension and into the Champions one. She finds in this universe she died in the Destruction of Detroit as a College student attending the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. Her former fiance was a love interest at that same school, Robin Morgain who's now a DA in Chicago. Her alternate and he dated a few times, but it never went anywhere, and then her alternate was killed in the destruction of Detroit.


Her alternate's father and mother are middle class, having no family fortune. Her father never got into business he chose another job, both her alternate and her brother went to college on partial scholarships and student loans. Her alternate brother seems well adjusted, and works as a reporter. He does mostly fluff pieces, but wants to work in crime reporting. Her alternate parents are divorced, the stress caused by the death of her alternate caused the break up of their marriage.


They're her DNPC's because she's actively looking out for them in her heroic ID. They haven't seen her out of the armour. She's desperately in love with Robin, but he has 'no' idea who she is out of the armour, and doesn't know about her feelings. All her relations are though the battlesuit.


Given this unique situation, should she have the secret identity disadvanage?


Any help is appreciated. Thanks! :)

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In my opinion, the secret identity disadvantage is usually taken when some or all occur:


1) The character has another life that she must spend time. The life may be a job, a family, school, whatever. But she can't easily blow it off to say spend a week on Mars. Not to say that she might be trapped on Mars, but her other life will suffer for it. Unlike the Thing from the 8th Dimension, you have a life.


2) There is a reason for this double life. Usually it's because you need to retreat from the troubles of superherodom and have a nice cold soda and have a movie with a date like normal people. Or maybe you're protecting your Aunt May who would simply have a heart attack if she knew you were that evil Spiderman. Whether for selfish or noble reasons, you jealously protect your alter-ego's existance.

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Originally posted by Blue Jogger

In my opinion, the secret identity disadvantage is usually taken when some or all occur:


1) The character has another life that she must spend time. The life may be a job, a family, school, whatever. But she can't easily blow it off to say spend a week on Mars. Not to say that she might be trapped on Mars, but her other life will suffer for it. Unlike the Thing from the 8th Dimension, you have a life.


2) There is a reason for this double life. Usually it's because you need to retreat from the troubles of superherodom and have a nice cold soda and have a movie with a date like normal people. Or maybe you're protecting your Aunt May who would simply have a heart attack if she knew you were that evil Spiderman. Whether for selfish or noble reasons, you jealously protect your alter-ego's existance.


Hm, you make a good point. :) Would this be approriate as Social Limitation: 'Secret'? Instead of Secret ID. This 'is' something she'd rather not have people know. Well, certian people.


Thanks. :)



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