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Timing of END - Followup

Hugh Neilson


There is a question below regarding recovery of an END reserve costing END. The answer is that END would be paid when the REC is used (normally PS 12, but S1 since no action is taken on PS 12).


Can you clarify the application of Costs END to characteristics? I looked in the FAQ, but didn't find it (I could easily have missed it - I checked "costs END").


For example, STR costs END normally, and END is paid when, and to the extent, it is used. If I have SPD that Costs END, my understanding is the END cost is paid every phase (unless I choose not to use that bonus Speed for the turn).


As I read these, each "costs END" stat requires a decision of when it is and is not in effect. If it is, pay the END and the stat works until your next phase (so PD, Costs End, is much oike a force field - which is reasonable since, if I also make it resistant, it has the same cost). Speed is an exception only because it impacts the whole turn, so switching it on and off phase by phase is impractical. Is this correct as a default rule?


[ASIDE: For those wishing bonus Speed that costs END per turn, some form of either Side Effect or Susuceptibility would seem a reasonable approach - "Takes 1d6 END per turn, standard effect, when using bonus Speed", for example, would cost 6 END per turn]


This also makes REC a bit of a special case. Since you can't spend END and take a recovery, the bonus REC is useless during the turn (the same as the END Battery END). It's only valuable on PS 12. Presumably, the player should decide whether to use the END at PS 12 and, if they do, mark off the END in S1. This would also mean that bonus REC (for END battery or normal REC) cannot be used if the character is unconscious (below 0 STUN) as they have no END to spend, wouldn't it?




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I don't see that any particular clarification is necessary. The given answers apply in the situations described in them, but there's no need to create some laundry list to deal with a situation that arises so rarely. I think the existing rules and common sense can govern things pretty well.


It is correct that a Characteristic that costs END won't function when a character is Stunned or Knocked Out, just like any other non-Persistent power.

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