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A little help with a BG


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So...I was stumped for ideas while trying to come up with a character for a new campaign. I was just told "Oh, you're the brick" and that was about it. Now I'm ALWAYS the brick. I've already milked Thor (Warhammer), Captain Marvel (Titan), Rage (Rumble)...heh, I just realized even my names weren't all that original...anyway...I was stuck for a concept and was leafing through the Champs book for ideas before hitting the USPD. And it hit me....Checklist Hero! I could rip off Ultra Boy! (Massively down-powered of course) Thus was born Omni-Man. He has no flight, and much better defenses than just relying on his MP. STR is lower, it's 30 base and 70 when he powers up. Anyway, here is my basic concept for the BG.


Vandaar Kohl glanced around the museum with a slight sneer.

"Go work for the league...the pay will be good...make something of yourself already..." Sure, the paycheck was regular, but even in the 32nd century it was hard to admit that your job in working for the League of Teenage Super Heroes was basically one best described as "Maintenance and general cleanliness". Less glamorously, a janitor. Even here in their much vaunted museum, Vandaar's only contact with the mighty heroes was to dust off their statues. At times he almost hated them. Well, most of them. Mind Maven was always nice to him, and unlike what his buddy Kanjar said, she obviously didn't read his mind or she'd have already slapped him several times.


Vandaar dusted and dusted. Same job, different day. Hmmm...was it getting lighter in here?


Vandaar came to slowly, shapes and images around him just didn't seem to want to come into focus. Slowly though, he was able to fix his eyes on one spot. He could see the big "LTSH" logo on the wall. It looked a little funny though, and in a few moments he realized that it was backwards. Before he could ponder this further, a gentle voice grabbed his attention.


"Vandaar? Are you all right Vandaar?"


He glanced over and took in the form of Mind Maven seated at his side.


"Um...Hi. Yeah, just a little tired." His eyes continued to wander across her distractedly and then he suddenly blushed and buried his head. "Why are you naked?"


The gentle tone changed abruptly. "Why am I WHAT?!?"


Vandaar started to answer but then realized he could see the electrical conduits in the floor. "Oh this isn't good."


The soothing voice returned. "Ah, your powers. You had an accident Vandaar. You were hit with hard light while you were cleaning the statues. It seems to have imbued you with a host of our powers."


"It what?" emerged slightly muffled form the bed.


"You have a reasonable copy of most of our powers Vandaar. You can employ the Psychic Blade as I do, you can channel a significant amount of the might that Kor-el utilizes. You can pass through objects like Phase Lad and shift from the visible spectrum like Light Lady. Really, we're not sure which powers you don't have at this point. Brainy Yak has determined that you have only one true limitation. You can only use one set of powers at a time."


"Really? I have powers now?" Vandaar's head poked back out, a small smile starting to grow on his lips. "Does that mean I could join the League?"


A soft sad smile was his only answer. "I am afraid not. You know that each new member must be able to do something that no other member can do. You just replicate what we can do already. And...well there is something else."


Vandaar tried to not let his crushing disappointment show, but it was so difficult. His dreams crushed, he nodded. "Okay, what else...AM I GOING TO DIE?!?!?" He shot bolt upright out of the bed and started to grow exponentially.


"No! Calm down Vandaar, you are not going to die!" As he shifted back to a more normal size, Mind Maven continued. "The White Wiccan has sensed that you are part of something important. Something crucially important. You must go back in time to the forgotten age. To the first time of heroes. Once there, only your actions will ensure that our future even takes place."


Vandaar sat there a moment. Confusion warred with disappointment. Then a growing understanding of his role displaced everything else. He nodded. "Okay, what do I have to do?"


Over the next few weeks he was schooled in 21st century mannerisms, sayings and attitudes. He was taught a skill, that of a "Graphic designer" and readied for his trip. It was a sad farewell as he stepped through the time portal, but he had a job to do and a future that depended on him. Once in the 21st, he had to blend in and make his future a reality.


2003: Teleios rose slowly, shocked and dismayed that he had again nodded off while working. This was only the most recent of these events as well. He calculated that he had lost over 2 weeks of time in dribs and drabs over the last 2 years. 2 weeks...and nothing to show for them.


2004: Michael VanderKohl looked around his new apartment from the comfort of his bed. Sure, it was a primitive timeline, but since his arrival a year ago, he had made a name for himself as Omni-Man. He'd been fortunate enough to even hold on to a real job, following the hand written instructions that the League had given him. He didn't remember who wrote the note, but the distinctive bold handwriting had comforted him greatly with it's carefully laid out plan in those early days....


Notes: So, in a nutshell, Omni-Man thinks he is from the future, but is actually an accidental clone of Telios' make. He has awesome powers and is very very firmly convinced that he is in fact from the 32nd century. Captain Chronos has been trying to talk to him, but something about the good Captain upsets Michael, so he steers well clear of him and his "delusions".

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