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Grabs and STR rolls follow-up



Under the Grab maneuver (FRed p.256) it says that to grab someone you must make an Attack Roll, and if successful the opponent is grabbed. Then it says that you have a choice to Squeeze or Throw.


It does mention later on that, beacause of the Casual Strength rule, that strong characters can effectively ignore Grabs from much weaker foes, beacause you can make a Strength roll immediately with said rule.


Where I encounter a problem is when I look at the rule for Grabbing Foci and Grab Bys:


Concerning Grabbed Foci, it says that the attacker can, after a successful Grab, wrench the Focus away, but it doesn't specify that the first "wrenching" attempt happens in the same phase, or on the next phase.


As for Grab Bys, it is obvious that for Grabbing Foci that there is a Strength Roll in the same phase, but does the owner of the Foci only use Casual Strength? I don't think so, since the struggle is initated by the attacker. What if the Grab By was to Grab someone instead of a Focus, is there an immediate Strength contest to see if he can hold to the person?


The point that confuses me is that there seems to be a difference in how Strength vs Strength constests are handled depending on if a Focus or an opponent is Grabbed.


I hope I haven't confused you. I think I may have confused myself... ;)


Note: Hmmm, you probably are getting ready for DundraCon and might not have immediate access to the books. If so, i can repost the question after Monday, if you wish. Hope everyone has a great time!

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