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Avoiding Flash



Hi Steve,


I have a question regarding Flash and the statement that at the GM's discretion a character can cover their eyes or ears to avoid a flash against that specific sense (in FRED under the description for the power Flash).


My questions are:


1. Under what circumstances would this happen?


2. If this were allowed (assume a flash vs sight group and the character covers his eyes), how is the action adjudicated? Does the character have to abort to cover his eyes? Is the protection absolute (ie. Stop all the Flash) or only partial (gives 2 points of Flash DEF for example). I know this may be effect specific but I am looking for a general rule to base my decisions by.


Thanks for your help.




PS - Thanks for the great forum and answering our questions so promptly.

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1 answer to this question

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As the rules indicate, this matter is totally up to the GM. Given the vast array of circumstances under which this sort of thing could come into play, I'd rather not make any specific rules about it and leave all the questions you asked in the realm of the GM's discretion, taking into account common sense, dramatic sense, and considerations of game balance. ;) If, as you say, you want a "general rule," I think you should create one for yourself based on the unique nature of your campaign.


However, I will note that since the text specifically requires that a character be "prepared" to do this, Aborting to it generally should not be allowed.

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