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NPC Dark Knight


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Ok, I created my major Villain (not really) today and I really don't know if everything is right, basicly he is the soul of a General trapped in an magical armor. I created the armor as power... well first try. Could someone please tell me if the weapon is made right, it's a basic greatsword without "real weapon" the costs schould be right.


Ok, free for discussion, if somebody knows how to create such a mystical tragic knight better... please tell me :)

(especialy the armor things puzzles me, don't know but somehow he should get doesn't bleed or something like this but on the other side... if someone cuts his armor a flame made of blue light erupts. Oh and the thing with his COM, somehow this doesn't feel right but as you know I'm new to the system)


Oh btw. sorry for some grammarmistakes and so on, I forgot to mention that english is not my mothertongue... I can understand it very good but... :(


so, here he is... the Dark Knight,aka Liodan Hammerfest


Player: NPC; General of the Undead Armies


Val Char Cost

20 STR 10

15 DEX 15

20 CON 20

20 BODY 20

15 INT 5

16 EGO 6

16 PRE 8

0 COM -5


8 PD 4

8 ED 4

3 SPD 5

8 REC 0

40 END 0

40 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

4" LEAP 0


Characteristics Cost: 96


Cost Power END

45 Dark Knight Armor 0

Armor rPD10 rED10, reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2),

Inherent, Hardened against AP (+1/4), Hardened

against Penetating (+1/4); Always on (-1/2)


26 Unlife support: Immunity to all poisons and diseases

doesn't need to breath, eat and drink and sleep


Powers Cost: 71


Cost Martial Arts

Generals Personal Fightingstyle

4 Powerslash (Martial Strike)

5 My Blade is My Shield (Defensive Strike)

1 Weapon Element: Blades

4 +1 DC


Martial Arts Cost: 14


Cost Skill

3 Analyze 12-

3 Climbing 12-

16 CSL All Combat +2

12 CSL Blades +4

8 Defense Maneuver III

3 AK: Imperial Provinces 12-

3 KS: Imperial Army 12-

8 KS: Military Strategy 18-

8 PS: Leading an Army 18-

0 Native Language, fluent 4

5 Riding 13-

7 Tactics 14-

1 WF: Blades


Skills Cost: 76


Cost Perk

8 Reputation: Evil General of the Undead Army (A large group) 11-, +4/+4d6


Perks Cost: 8


Cost Talent

6 Lightning Reflexes +4 for all actions


Talents Cost: 6


Val Disadvantages

20 Distinctive Features: black plate armor that glows lightblue as body (not concealable;

Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: Imperial Witchhunters 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

15 Physical Limitations: Armor is his body (All The Time, Slightly)

25 Physical Limitations: Damned to obey Necromancers commands (All The Time, Fully)

20 Social Limitation: Inhuman Appearance (Very Frequently, Major)


Disadvantage Points: 100



Stormfang, magical Greatsword:

HKA 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)

Armor Piercing (+1/2); OAF (-1),

Required Two Hands (-1/2), Unreal Weapon (-0),

STR minimum (17;-3/4) Total Cost: 18 points


OCV+1 (5 Active Points); OAF (-1),

Required Two Hands (-1/2) Total Cost: 2


Total Cost 20 (not into TCC because Heroic-Game)


Total Character Cost: 171


Height: 1.91 m Hair: unknown

Weight: ??? Eyes: a fine line of blue light through his visor



The Dark Knight apears as a royal Knight of the Imperial Army in full plate armor,

no skin can be seen and he wears his helm all the time. Through the connections

of the armor you can see ghostly blue shimmering light.


Personality: Dark Knight was once the personal bodyguard and first general of

King Hagbard Lunidor. He was tricked by a diabolical conspiration and lost

his soul to an Necromancer not known by name. Dark Knight obeys every of his

orders the same way he obeyed his King.

After some legends you can hear him crying in his armor after he killed a lot

of people, it looks like he can't control his actions.


Quote:"please forgive me..."


Background: Liodan was once the first General and personal bodyguard of the

King. The Kings daughter became ill and he had to go, search some obscure

formula that would be able to heal the terminal disease of the kings daughter.

He found an old Wizard in the Mountains of Norvgarand, far in the north of

the land. He made a terrible trade, a trade that should costs his soul.

He returned to the King, the daughter could be cured but he left short after

he gave the formular for the potion to the Kings Healars.


he was never seen again... until now, 300 years have gone by and some people

with knowledge about the time of the first King know that this Armor is his

and that this General of the Undead is the damned soul of Liodan.


Campaign Use: Leader of the Undead Armies, first general under the command of

the Necromancer who is only known as the Dark Lord at this time.

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I like the concept.


Knight is the Armour: Not taking it as a Focus is the right thing to do here, but since he in essence is the armor it should be at least "Difficult to Dispel" if not fully "Inherent". Since his essence embedded in the armour essentially makes it magical you might want to emphasize the potence of the armor with the "Hardened" Advantage.


Undead Form: The Automotan powers definately are appropriate (if not strictly necessary) for this character. You won't want the "Does Not Bleed" since you describe the flame erupting like blood, but "Can't Be Stunned", "No Hit Locations" would make sene, I don't know about going all the way to "Takes No STUN", but I'd probably go with the other two. You might also want to think about Rapid Healing or Regeneration to make him seem more undying. Anything that makes him tough to kill by conventional means will make the PCs have to think to defeat him. As a ghost, he really should have some "(un)Life Support" powers -- not eat, sleep, immune to disease, poison, etc.


Cut armor = flame of blue erupts: if this is just a visual effect then it's part of the Distinctive Features, if the flame actually does something then it might be a Damage Shield.


Sword: I think it's OK as is, but it would be better with some sort of minor special power -- e.g., Penetrating or Armor Piercing, if not something greater -- to make the villain a bit more feared in battle, as it is he just doesn't seem to be very scary in his ability to dish out damage. Maybe an Extra DC or two as part of the sword or Martial Arts with blades to boost the damage to the point that he is to be feared by other plate-clad heroes.


Combat: How about giving him some Martial Arts with Swords, not 100% necessary considering the CSLs but does give more options and flavour.


Ghosty EssenceSince he is a ghost you might want to give his "Affects Desolid" as a naked power advantage so he can hit other ghosts. Trapped in the Armor himself he can't really be desolid but it makes sense for him to be able to affect others who are.


Characteristics: the PD/ED seems a bit low for a champion knight. Make the STR an even 20.


Riding: He should have Combat Driving (Combat Riding) as well. It might be interesting to have him have a faithful steed that has followed him into undeath and is trapped in its plate barding as he is in his plate armor.


Henchmen/Followers: what is a villian without underlings. Clearly he has an army at his disposal they could be followers, or maybe not but some details on his force's size to put things into perspective. As an extra scary thing for PCs let him be able to summon the souls of those that he has defeated to fight for him for a time, and the PCs will have to face the fear fighting their own (other PCs and DNPCs).


Anyway, I like where you're headed with this guy. Hope those few suggetions help.

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Ok, I updated the Dark Knight, 3 questions:


1) affects desolids as an naked advantage, only again ghosts how much would this cost. I can't find the place in the book where it is stated how much naked advantages costs


2) Is the way I used (un)life support right?


3) can I just give him "No hit locations" and "does not bleed" for the point costs that are used for atomatons or do I need to find another way to give him this boni...


So, now... first a big thanks for the suggestions, he will not have a noble steed, he will use an standart undead horse for riding and in a great battles he is normaly seen on foot.


His... well the undead army, the army of that necromancer are over thousand skeletons, some of them archers, some zombies and one or two realy neasty undead creatures.

Skelatonogres, or an undead zombiegiant... something like this. The necromancer isn't in the army or near the army, he will have a mind link to the Dark Knight and will be able to control, give him orders all the time. The army is created to follow the commands of the dark knight.


btw the necromancer is now a powerfull Liche, after 300 years you will not looking good... lol


For this short campaign I have in mind this will be like an army from Warhammer Fantasy. After all I got my Inspiration for my Short Campaign from WH F and Warcraft, the characters will not be a part of the big battles (at least this isn't planned) but I'm used to stat out possible big bads or main characters of the side stories.


The players will get precreated characters, not really powerfull but the children of some of the most famous adventurers and heroes. Their relatives going for the war and they will have the task of finding some magic item or so... and then one of their parents get killed by the Dark Knight.


Well this is the plan as far as I have planned.


This will be more or less an introduction into my own world (well most things are fine rip-offs of other games :) ) If the didn't like the characters they can make their own after the initial adventure.

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