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Star Wars: Jedi characters and Miscellaneous


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I've been working on some game rules for a Star Wars setting, and would like some input for you folks hanging out on the boards. The attachment consists of some rules for Jedi characters, as well as some miscellaneous equipment and healing rules. I’ve been using the D6/d20 books for reference, adapting the material to a Heroic-level game. Rather than messing with Frameworks, I’ve been building Force Powers and assigning subjective point cost based on how useful the power might be in a game while trying to keep game balance in mind (tricky with Jedi). Is this a good way to go, or should I stick with Multipowers?


Based on the point costs, I would expect a Padawan to graduate to Jedi with 7-10 powers and Force Skill rolls of 13-. This should work out to around 60-70 character points spent on Force Powers and Skills. For a Jedi master, I would expect around 25 powers and Force Skill rolls of 18- or better, which would cost around 150 points for Force abilities.


I haven’t yet written up all the Force Powers that I would expect to see in a campaign, but what I have here should give a good indication as to where I’m heading with this. If any GMs (or the more vocal players) have any critiques or suggestions, I’d love to hear them. Thanks!


(BTW, I appologize for the rough draft appearance of the attatchment. I will revise and standardize it, but I'm holding off until I'm fairly certain that this is the way I want to handle force abilities. If you need anything clarified, please feel free to ask.)

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Re: Star Wars: Jedi characters and Miscellaneous


Hello NSS , I think it looks great so far . What I would like to see are a few pregenerated charcter Heroes ( Jedi , Rebel Trooper , etc ... ) , Villians ( bounty Hunters , Storm Troopers , etc ... ) , and a few important NPCs yu have planned for your game .


Storm Troopers suffer 3d6 Unluck w/first shot Blasters Only . ;) Oh and yah gotta have various STAR WARS sound tracks playing quietly in the background .


What else are you looking for ?






P.S. : I like the rough draft . I can actually download it .

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Re: Star Wars: Jedi characters and Miscellaneous


Hello NSS , I think it looks great so far . What I would like to see are a few pregenerated charcter Heroes ( Jedi , Rebel Trooper , etc ... ) , Villians ( bounty Hunters , Storm Troopers , etc ... ) , and a few important NPCs yu have planned for your game .


Storm Troopers suffer 3d6 Unluck w/first shot Blasters Only . ;) Oh and yah gotta have various STAR WARS sound tracks playing quietly in the background .


What else are you looking for ?






P.S. : I like the rough draft . I can actually download it .


Well, of the top of my head, here's some potential stats for your typical Emporer's Finest, along with weapon and armor stats. I based the character off the Skilled Normal stats, but depending on how "realistic" one wants to be, Competent Normal would probably be more accuate.


Any thoughts about the Force Powers? Good as they are, or should the be multipowers? How about game balance compared with non-force using characters, etc.?

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