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Healing from Transform

Lord Quintus


Sorry if this question has already been answered, but transform really confuses me. From what I can gather, all organic targets will gradually transform back into their original state unless a specific way to heal is specified. But some of the examples, like blindness or psychic surgery don't make sense. They say that they heal back normally, but what good is removing someone's memories if they will come back. And the discussion of the blindness example led me to believe that the sight would not return (barring some sort of spell or something that the creating player wouldn't have to think of in advance and define as a specific way to heal back) however, it seems that according to the rules, in a few months, possibly a year or two even, the sight will be back. Am I just misinperterpting the rules or something? Also, what if a transformation is irreversible? For example, I am getting ready to start a campaign centering on vampires. Once a human has been transformed into a human or ghoul (basically a zombie) the process cannot be reversed. How are my players to build that power?

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Re: Healing from Transform


If you think that a given healing condition doesn't make sense, change it. It's all a matter of correctly defining the healing condition to simulate what's going on with the power you have in mind.


There's no such thing, under the rules, as an "irreversible" Transform. However, since it's your campaign, you can define the healing condition as being something that's virtually impossible to achieve/occur.

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