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Mechwarrior , Revised (2004-05-07)


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Mechwarrior Sergeant Erik “Jack Rabbit†Magnisson, House Davion, 1st Federated Suns Armoured Cavalry, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Company, Recon Lance.


Val CHA Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 150 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage

18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6 / DCV: 6

15 CON 10 12-

12 BODY 4 11-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

14 EGO 8 12- ECV: 4, 3 MD

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

14 COM 2

8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD / 3 rPD)

7 ED 4 Total: 7 ED / 3 rED)

4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12.

6 REC 0

32 END 1

32 STUN 5

Total Characteristics Cost: 88pts.


Movement: Running: 8" / 16"

Swimming: 4" / 8"

Jumping: 3â€H, 11/2V


Cost Powers & Skills

Martial Arts: (AFFS Combat Training)

Manuevers OCV DCV Damage

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

4 Martial Dodge - +5 Dodge, Abort

4 Martial Strike +2 - 6d6 HA

4 +1 Damage Class (already added in)


3 Weapon Elements: Clubs, Knives, and Polearms/Spears.


5 +1d6 Luck

4 +2†Running: 8†/ 16â€

2 +2†Swimming: 4â€/ 8â€



2 Fringe Benefit: Mechwarrior

5 Fringe Benefit: Rank 5 (Sergeant)

1 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance - 3

10 Vehicle: Medium Battlemech, of own Choice, Owns ‘Mech (Chameleon Variant)


3 Combat Luck 3rDEF

15 Danger Sense: (out of combat, sense, Intuitional), 11-

3 Environmental Movement: (Zero-G)



E Acting, 8-

3 Acrobatics, 13-

3 Analyze Combat Style, 13-

3 Breakfall, 13-

3 Climbing, 13-

5 Combat Piloting (BattleMechs), 14-

6 Combat Skill Levels +2 w/ all Martial Arts Manuevers

5 Combat Skill Levels +1 w/ all Ranged Attacks

10 Combat Skill Levels +2 w/ all Vehicle BattleMech Weapons

2 Computer Programming, 11-

2 Concealment, 11-

E Conversation, 8-

E Deduction, 8-

5 Defence Manuever (Type I “from behind†& Type IV “senseâ€)

2 Electronics (BattleMechs), 11-

2 High Society (AFFS Military), 11-

E Knowledge Skill: (area) Vanaheim, New Syrtis, 8-

3 Knowledge Skill: Armed Forces Federated Suns, 12-

2 Knowledge Skill: Battletechnology, 11-

2 Knowledge Skill: Military History, 11-

2 Knowledge Skill: The Inner Sphere, 11-

2 Knowledge Skill: Capellan Confederation Armed Forces, 11-

E Language Skill: English is Native, Literate

3 Language Skill: Chinese Mandarin, Fluent Conversation, Literate

2 Mechanics (BattleMechs), 11-

3 Navigation (Land), 13-

3 Paramedics, 12-

E Persuasion, 8-

E Professional Skill: Zero-G Operations, 11-

3 Professional Skill: Mechwarrior, 13-

2 Security Systems (BattleMechs), 11-

E Shadowing, 8-

3 Survival (Forest, Tempret), 13-

3 Stealth, 13-

3 System Operations (BattleMechs), 13-

3 Tactics, 13-

3 Teamwork, 12-


E Transport Familiarity: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

2 Transport Familiarity: BattleMechs (Light & Medium)

1 Transport Familiarity: BattleMechs (Anthropomorphic & Ostrich)

1 Transport Familiarity: Parachuting, Basic

1 Transport Familiarity: Parachuting, Advanced

1 Transport Familiarity: BattleMech Combat Drop

1 Transport Familiarity: Jump Pack

1 Weapons Familiarity: Swords

6 Weapons Familiarity: Common Military Weapons

1 Weapons Familiarity: Vehicle: BattleMech Weapons


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 117pts. (-55pts., Package Deal)


Total Character Cost: 200pts.


100+ Disadvantages:

-15 Enraged: if Non-Combatants injured or killed (Uncommon) go 11- , recover 11-

-5 Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Concealed, Is Always Noticed/Recognized)

-5 Distinctive Features: Spurs [Mechwarrior of House Davion] (Easily Concealed, Is Always Noticed/Recognized)

-10 Hunted: AFFS Command (More Powerful, Non-Combat Influence, 8- , Watched)

-10 Hunted: the Enemy (As Powerful, Non-Combat Influence, 8- , Capture or Kill)

-15 Hunted: Blood Feud / the Sinclaire Family of Big MAC’s (As Powerful, NCI, 11-, Kill)

-20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

-15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to House Davion (Common, Strong)

-15 Psychological Limitation: Enlisted Man’s Code of Honour (Common, Strong)

-10 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Non-Combatants (Uncommon, Strong)

-20 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Common, Total)

-5 Rivalry: Professional, Other Military Services, As Powerful

-10 Susceptibility: Disorientation Syndrome (Common, Instant, +2d6 Drain to DEX, return rate 1pt. /hr)

-5 Quirks: Loves kids, Always wears Sidearm/Knife, Hates Capellan Military/Government, Military bearing, and Distrusts the Nobles of the Capellan March.


Total Disadvantage Points: -105pts. (-55pts. Package Deal)


Experience: 0pts. (+25 Bonus Points)




Battlemech/Piloting: 4 (equals Combat Piloting [battlemech], 14- )


Gunnery/Battlemech: 4 (equals Vehicle Battlemech Weapons, OCV 8)




DMI Profile: Erik “Jack Rabbit†Magnisson

Position: Mechwarrior Sergeant

Born: 27 January 3005, Vanaheim, New Syrtis

AFFS Career:

Warrior’s Hall, New Syrtis (Student) 3019-21

New Syrtis March Militia (Training Cadre, Lance) 3021-23

1st Federated Suns Armoured Cavalry (Lance Co.) 3023-25


Background/History: Mechwarrior Sergeant Erik “Jack Rabbit†Magnisson was born in 3005 in Vanaheim, New Syrtis (capital of the Capellan March in the Federated Suns). The first born son of Heather (nee Wells) and Walker Magnisson’s two children. Erik had a normal upbringing and was a natural athlete and student. He surprised of family and friends after he graduated from high school and enlisted in the AFFS. He completed Basic Training where aptitude tests indicated a high degree neural interface control and excellent reflexes. He won a scholarship to Warrior’s Hall Mechwarrior’s Academy and graduated among the top ten of his class.


Erik opted to join the Capellan March Militia’s Training Cadre and was assigned to the New Syrtis MM. He distinguished himself in action against the 1st St.Ives Armoured Cavalry on Kittery and again on against McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry on Beiton Kaitos on 22 April 3023. He was awarded the Chameleon BattleMech for his actions and a transfer to a line regiment, The 1st Federated Suns Armoured Cavalry.


On 11 September 3025, the 1st FSAC assaulted the world of Mitchel. Intelligence reports indicated the garrison force consisted of the Planetary Militia, the Baron’s Personal Guard, and a two Battalions of House Hiritsu which were scattered all over the world. Erik’s company was assigned to secure the landing zone and initiated a high orbit combat drop. They landed right into the lap of an ambush by a company of Liao Death Commandos and a battalion of conventional forces. The battle lasted for hours before a rescue force combat dropped on top of the ambushers. When the dust settled and the landing zone secured. Only the young Leftenant’s Chameleon remained operational. The rest had either been killed or left critically wounded. The regiment succeeded in achieving its’ objective, but was mauled in turn by the unexpected presence of a regiment of McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry.


The 1st FSAC withdrew in good order and returned to their home base on Ashley. Erik received the New Syrtis Medal of Honour and a months leave. When he returned from leave he was assigned temporary command of the 22nd’s company until the Captain recovers from her injuries. The Combined Arms units were up to full strength, but the ‘Mech Company needed new recruits and eight new ‘Mechs before it reaches operational strength.


Mechwarrior Sergeant Erik “Jack Rabbit†Magnisson is a decorated veteran of over twenty engagements and has been credited with 15 kills. He earned his nick name for his battlefield tactics and his skill with his BattleMechs jump jets, bounding across terrain and jump kicking his opponents at the controls of the “Perilous Beastâ€.


Personality/Motivation: Erik is a complex individual. On one hand he loves to piloting his ‘Mech and trying various stunts and tricks. On the other he hates when civilians get caught in the line fire. He hates collateral damage as well. He joined the AFFS after his best friend was killed in action defending his home world. He dedicated himself to protect the people of the Federated Suns from all threats. Being a Mechwarrior allows him to be a modern Knight who remembers his vows.


Quote: “Military Intelligence, yeah right.†– Murphy’s Law


Powers/Tactics: Erik prefers to out manuever his opponents whenever possible. Luring them onto a battlefield of his choosing and avoiding civilian casualties and collateral damage whenever possible. When pressed he utilizes the terrain to maximum effect. He waits patiently for the enemy to make a mistake and then pounces. In personal combat he tends to use whatever is available to gain the advantage.


Appearance: Erik is a good looking man of Nordic descent. He stands 6’0†and weighs in at 2l5lbs all muscle and cat gut. He has blue-green eyes and wears hair bright red hair short. He is usually dress in AFFS uniforms. Of duty he tends to where bland clothing and blends into the background. He generally carries a personal sidearm, a combat knife, and his duty gear. In dress uniform he always wears his spurs


The “Perilous Beast†is a modified Chameleon BattleMech. It’s personal device is a White Shield bearing an Anthropomorphic Jack Rabbit BattleMech. A legend on the bottom reads; “Of coarse you realize this means WAR!â€

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