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The Random Golden Age Name Generator

Doug McCrae

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This is a set of tables for generating Golden Age superhero names. Feedback welcome.


Section 1: Name Form



Table 1


Roll 1d6, 1d6


1, 1-6: The [Nouns 1]

2, 1-6: [Nouns 1]

3, 1: [Nouns 2]

3, 2-4: The [Adjectives 1] [Nouns 1]

3, 5-6: The [Adjectives 2] [Nouns 1]

4, 1-3: [Adjectives 2] [Nouns 1]

4, 4-6: [Titles] [Nouns 1]

5, 1-3: [Titles] [Adjectives 2]

5, 4-6[Nouns 1] [Persons]

6, 1: [Prefixes] [Persons]

6, 2-4: [Adjectives 2] [Persons]

6, 5-6: Roll on Table 2



Table 2


Roll 1d6, 1d6


1-2, 1-6: (Mythological/legendary name) - Example: Vulcan

3, 1-2: [Adjectives 1] (Mythological/legendary name) - Example: Young Hercules

3, 3-4: [Adjectives 2] (Mythological/legendary name)

3, 5-6: [Titles] (Mythological/legendary name) - Example: Madame Satan

4, 1-2: (Normal first name) [Nouns 1] - Example: Johnny Thunder

4, 3-4: (Normal first name) [Adjectives 2]

4, 5-6: [Nouns 1] (Normal surname) - Example: Blaze Baylor

5, 1-6: (Imaginary name) - Example: Zatara

6, 1-6: [Roll on Table 3] the [Roll on Table 1, reroll 'Roll on Table 2'] - Examples: Namor the


Sub-Mariner, Sandy the Golden Boy



Table 3


Roll 1d6


1-2: (Normal first name)

3-4: (Imaginary name)

5: [Nouns 1]

6: [Nouns 1] (Normal surname)



Section 2: Names



Nouns 1


Roll 1d100


01: American

02: Angel

03-04: Arrow

05: Atom

06: Blade

07: Blaze

08: Blazer

09: Bolt

10: Bombshell

11: Bullet

12: Centaur

13: Circle

14: Cloak

15: Clock

16: Comet

17: Dart

18: Demon

19: Doll

20: Dragon

21: Dwarf

22: Dynamo

23: Echo

24: Face

25: Fireball

26: Fist

27: Flag

28: Flame

29: Flash

30: Fury

31: Ghost

32: Halo

33: Heap

34: Hood

35: Hunchback

36: Hurricane

37: Imp

38: Inferno

39: Key

40: Lantern

41: Lightning

42-44: Marvel

45: Mask

46: Miracle

47: Monster

48-50: Phantom

51: Powerhouse

52: Rainbow

53: Ray

54: Robot

55: Rocket

56: Shield

57: Spark

58: Sparkler

59: Spectre

60: Spirit

61: Spook

62: Star

63: Streak

64: Sword

65: Target

66: Terror

67: Thunder

68: Thunderbolt

69: Top

70: Tornado

71: Vision

72: Voice

73: Volt

74: Web

75: Whizzer

76-78: Wonder

79-80: Yank

81-90: Animals Subtable

91-00: Professions Subtable



Nouns 2


Roll 1d6, 1d6


1, 1-4: America

1, 5-6: Asbestos

2, 1-2: Dynamite

2, 3-4: Fate

2, 5-6: Justice

3, 1-2: Magic

3, 3-6: Midnight

4, 1-4: Mystery

4, 5-6: Quicksilver

5, 1-2: Radar

5, 4-6: Steel

6, 1-2: TNT

6, 3-4: US

6, 5-6: Victory



Adjectives 1


Roll 1d6, 1d6


1, 1-2: American

1, 3: Blazing

1, 4: Fiery

1, 5: Fighting

1, 6: Gay


2, 1: Great

2, 2: Hooded

2, 3-4: Human

2, 5: Kid

2, 6: Magnetic


3, 1: Masked

3, 2: Mighty

3, 3: Shining

3, 4: Star-Spangled

3, 5: Veiled

3, 6: Young


4-6, 1-6: Colors Subtable



Adjectives 2


Roll 1d100


01-02: Air

03-04: Amazing

05-10: America

11-12: Asbestos

13-14: Atomic

15-16: Courageous

17-18: Daring


19-20: Dynamic

21-22: Dynamite

23-24: Fate

25-26: Fearless

27-28: Flint

29-30: Freedom

31-32: Future


33-34: Ghost

35-36: Invisible

37-40: Jungle

41-42: Justice

43-44: Magic

45-48: Midnight


49-50: Moon

51-54: Mystery

55-58: Mystic

59-60: Occult

61-68: Phantom


69-70: Plastic

71-72: Quick

73-74: Quicksilver

75-76: Radar

77-78: Sky

79-80: Space


81-84: Steel

85-86: Strange

87-90: Strong

91-92: Terrific

93-94: TNT

95-96: US

97-00: Victory





Roll 1d6, 1d6


1-2, 1-6; 3, 1-4: Captain

3, 5-6; 4, 1-4: Doctor OR Doc

4, 5: Lady

4, 6: Madame

5, 1: Master

5, 2-3: Miss

5, 4-6; 6, 1-3: Mister

6, 4: Princess

6, 5: Sergeant

6, 6: Uncle





Roll 1d6, 1d6


1, 1-6: Boy

2, 1-5: Girl

2, 6: Kid

3, 1-2: Lady

3, 3-6; 4-5; 6, 1-4: Man

6, 5-6: Woman





Roll 1d6, 1d6:


1, 1-3: Aero

1, 4-6: Aqua

2, 1-3: Cosmo

2, 4-6: Hydro

3, 1-3: Hyper

3, 4-6: Hypno

4, 1-3: Pyro

4, 4-6: Ultra

5-6, 1-6: Super



Professions Subtable


Roll 1d6, 1d10


1, 1-4: Avenger

1, 5: Challenger

1, 6: Clown

1, 7-8: Commando

1, 9: Conqueror

1, 10: Crimebuster


2, 1-2: Crusader

2, 3: Daredevil

2, 4: Defender

2, 5-6: Destroyer

2, 7: Detective

2, 8: Empress

2, 9: Firebrand

2, 10: Flame Breather


3, 1: Gladiator

3, 2: Goddess

3, 3: Guardian

3, 4: Hangman

3, 5: Horseman

3, 6: Huntress

3, 7: Jester

3, 8: King

3, 9-10: Knight


4, 1: Lama

4, 2: Liberator

4, 3-6: Magician

4, 7: Manhunter

4, 8: Musketeer

4, 9-10: Mystic


5, 1: Oracle

5, 2-3: Patriot

5, 4: Queen

5, 5: Raider

5, 6: Rajah

5, 7-9: Rider

5, 10: Saint


6, 1: Sorcerer

6, 2: Spy Smasher

6, 3: Sub-Mariner

6, 4: Valkyrie

6, 5: Vigilante

6, 6: Warrior

6, 7: Witness

6, 8-10: Wizard



Animals Subtable


Roll 1d6, 1d6


1,1: Ape

1,2: Bat

1,3: Bee

1,4: Beetle

1,5: Bird

1,6: Canary


2,1-2: Cat

2,3: Chameleon

2,4: Cobra

2,5: Duck

2,6; 3,1: Eagle


3,2-3: Falcon

3,4: Fly

3,5: Fox

3,6; 4,1: Hawk


4,2: Hornet

4,3: Leopard

4,4: Lynx

4,5: Moth

4,6: Mouse


5,1: Owl

5,2: Panther

5,3: Rabbit

5,4: Raven

5,5: Spider

5,6: Tarantula


6,1-2: Tiger

6,3: Turtle

6,4-5: Wasp

6,6: Zebra



Colors Subtable


Roll 1d6, 1d6


1, 1-6; 2, 1-3: Black

2, 4: Blonde

2, 5-6; 3, 1-2: Blue

3, 3: Crimson

3, 4-5: Golden

3, 6; 4, 1-3: Green

4, 4: Grey

4, 5: Purple

4, 6; 5, 1-6; 6, 1: Red

6, 2: Scarlet

6, 3-4: Silver

6, 5-6: White

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