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A Vechicle Question


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I had another, probably basic question.


One of the players in my campaign wants to be able to call his vehicle and have it come to him. My question is what is how would you stat that?


Would it be a summon? An Computer aboard the vehicle with Programs?


Also how would you do a lock down on the vehicle where only the owner could use it?

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Re: A Vechicle Question


I'll have to check the Ultimate Vehicle tonight, but would suggest in any case you check that book out if you have a lot of vehicle interest. Off-hand, I believe having a vehicle come when you call could simply be the SFX of it unless you have a disad related to it not being available (such as Focus or the like).


As to the lock down, I believe that's just buying a Security Systems roll for it by adding Negative Skill Levels for Security Systems - same could be done for the requisite Driving Skill if you want to make it harder on others.


PS - you might want of course to purchase the Negative Skill levels with "Personal Immunity", though I'm not sure if GMs require that or what tUV recommends on this count. Personally I'd require it, and it's only +1/4 IIRC.

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Re: A Vechicle Question


As I look through the book now, the question occurs "why can't someone else drive/pilot it?" There are many ways to manage this, from anchors to security systems and so on. The book uses Security Systems as a skill; you could apply others depending. So it depends, anyway, on what you mean "can't be driven". In most cases you would apply a Trigger advantage to the desired effect, whatever that effect is (could be a self-Drain on movement, etc.).


As to the summoning, I didn't see anything specific, but certainly the PC could buy Summon for the vehicle. Also, you could define the vehicle with its own Teleport, with a floating location for the PC - that's the easiest way I think. Of course you could also do as they do in the Vehicle books and buy the vehicle with its own Piloting skills and Navigational skills and a computer/INT, then add a Mindlink or Clairsentience on the vehilce's part to know where the PC is and voila.


The book doesn't say this, but an interesting approach would be Physical Lim: Requires Single Driver as a Disad, along with any the positive part. This would allow the vehilce an appropriate Disad if the vehicle simply can't be driven by anyone else.


Thanks for "making" me check out the Vehicle books (I also looked through the HERO System Vehilce Sourcebook) as they are quite good, interesting. And reminded me as I have a modern high-heroic/very-low-super campaign about to start I need to do some serious boning up on vehicles.

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