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The New Centurians:


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Well everyone, I have started* to redesign the Centurions** again, as I will have time to GM and two of them will be playing a major part in the next chapter I do.


I share this as I have mentioned them som much in the past I like to keep people updated.


I have decided to increase there power levels some. Currently they stand as follows:


Core Members (5) Will be built on 500 +200 points

Lunar Members (7) Will be built on 400 +200 Points

London, Paris, Moscow, New York, San Francisco, Rio De Jenario, Cario, Tokyo, Sydney (63) Will be built on 300 +150 points


Specilists will be built on the same point totals as above (ratio 1/2/22)


* I am still working on my western Champions and my Fantacy World as well...


** Centurians is a project to design a team of 100 heroes. the team is divided up into smaller sub groups around the world. Most of the sub teams are imagined to be around the Avengers in powers and abilities, while a single team (Located on the moon) will be more JLAish, further more there is a small group who leads the team overall. Each sub team has 7 members. 25 specilists are associated with the team, these individuals may have specilized powers or may be more of a reserve status.

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Re: The New Centurians:


I like the idea of larger organizations of Super Heroes. I use a similar concept in my own game; The G.U.A.R.D. Teams!! (Government Ultrahuman Allied Rescue and Defense)


I use the premiere members for GUARD Team USA and they are showing up slowly in my current campaign, centering around GUARD Team Atlanta.


Each of these goverment sponsored Super Hero groups operate in a territory or Juristiction. I have not fully defined all the teams or their individual membership...I tend to build it as I need it.


Right now I do know that I have the following:



GUARD Team New York

GUARD Team Atlanta

GUARD Team Dallas



I was worried about making my players feel unimportant in the campaign, but to my suprise, the players enjoy using the assistance and providing it to the other teams. It allows for guest spots and helps build tension when something bad is happening outside of their territory. It also gives my players a fairly accurate "yard stick" by which to guage their abilities.


Where can I find more information about the New Centurians? Iwould be very interested in seeing how you structure your organization.

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Re: The New Centurians:


My game is set in Star City NC, the closest team is NY, but every game I print out some "headlines" that includes what members of other teams are doing... (Also useful for forshadowing and plot hooks)

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