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Which is the 'more power' spell-VPP?


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My magic system needs two VPPs, one I use for trained mages and the other for wild mages.


If given the choice between the two, which would appeal to you more:


assuming something like 'The Gift' in Fantasy Hero (page 265)...

  • In one system for every point you pay you get 3 points for the pool, and skill checks are at -1 per 10 active points in the spell.
  • In the other system for every point you pay you get 5 points for the pool, and skill checks are at -1 per 5 active points in the spell.

The general rules on both these VPPs:


You must buy it for your element of magic: Earth, Air, Fire, or Water and that governs what spirits you call upon and how your magic shapes - not just physical elements.


All spells cost at least full END - you can also get increased END, but no reduced END.


All spells have the side effects limitation.


Control skills are as per style of magic and you can have several of them - each dictates a way you work magic and you can choose with each spell cast what skill to use by situation. Examples: ritual, tantric, battle, skirmish, performance, social, alchemy, charms, etc...


The Wild mages have a more severe side effect (not sure by how much yet), and cannot cast the exact same spell more than twice a day. It has to be at least slightly different each time.


The trained mages have a list of known spells, though they can add to it by simply making a control skill roll when observing somebody else casting a spell. A new spell is at a -2 skill roll however.


The 'major side' effect I envision:

  • failure: lose 1d6 END per 10 points in spell (1/2 active points EB)
  • fumble: (failed by 5-9, or rolled 18) take 1/2 active points as normal damage EB.
  • massive fumble: (failed by 10 or more) 1/2 active points as a killing attack.

The failed by 10+ would only happen if your roll was 8- or worse, as an 18 only triggers the critical failure. Perhaps Wild Mages would have all the above with the explosion advantage - hurting them and bursting out of them as well (so an extreme side effect rather than major as per the trained mages).


Of the VPPs, which is more potent. How would you shift their numbers so they are about equal. Once I have them about equal but still different I plan to assign one to wild mages and one to trained mages.

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Re: Which is the 'more power' spell-VPP?


hmmm...don't know. Let's consider. Assume I want a 60 point VPP, for the sake of argument.


Trained requires 20 points of VPP, and I'm at -6 to the roll.


Wild requires 12 points of VPP and I'm at -12 to the roll. It will cost me 12 points to buy +6 to the roll to offset that penalty.


That was easier than I expected. I'll be Trained.


TEST: 30 point VPP


Trained requires 10 points of VPP, and I'm at -3 to the roll.


Wild requires 6 points of VPP and I'm at -6 to the roll. It will cost me 6 points to buy +3 to the roll to offset that penalty.


TEST: 90 point VPP


Trained requires 30 points of VPP, and I'm at -9 to the roll.


Wild requires 18 points of VPP and I'm at -18 to the roll. It will cost me 18 points to buy +9 to the roll to offset that penalty.


Yep - Trained. Now, I will be able t have more spells at a time in my Wild pool, but that just means a bigger penalty to my skill roll.



How to fix it? Good question. You could change the ratios of "spent to power pool", I suppose, to ensure that the added skill penalty for Wild is no more expensive than the extra cost for the same pool for Trained. This would have the result of making it easier for Wild to cast small AP spells, since they'll generaly buy their skill up higher, but cheaper for them to have a bigger pool that can hold high AP spells.

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