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System Comparison Request


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out of curiosity, can anybody perhaps tell me how the diferent systems ( SAS, SAS D20, M&M, FREd ) stack against each other, where do each shines, and such.


in playing CoH i have toyed with the idea of making the Origins ( Mutant, Science, Technology, Natural, Magic ), Archetypes ( Blaster, Controller, Defender, Scrapper, Tanker ) and Power Sets. Yes i know this is restrictive but is a fun way to introduce new ppl to the game. ( less time setting up, less decisions made )


How would this comparision be made... I have an idea, since i have a CoH character i will try to define him in general terms and see if anybody is willing to write him up in the Diferent systems this would help me ( and hopefully other ppl ) know how the systems differ and where are the strength and weakness of each.


Now my Character's name is Ashlain ( his mother being of Earth origin and his father coming on tour from the star Beta Aquilae, hence Ashlain ). He is lvl 16 in game so fairly low powered ( the game goes up to lvl 50 )


the powers are in categories.


Traveling Powers. ( cant be active at the same time )

- Walk 2"

- Run 4"

- Hover 1": increase defense and Accuracy.

- Fly 8": Decreases accuracy.


Attack Powers.

( in city of heroes powers have certain amount of recharge time, not sure if its worth simulating but i have included the info in the spirit of maintaning the original feel of the power )

SFX: Concentrated energy blasts and minor energy manipulation, has a chance of doing knockback also, the amount of hexes of knockback is indicated by KnBck X"


- Power Bolt : Fast Recharge, Medium Range, Low Dmg, KnBck 1"

- Power Blast : Normal Recharge, Medium Range, Medium Dmg, KnBck 2"

- Energy Torrent : Normal Recharge, Medium Range, Very Low Dmg, KnBck 3"

- Power Burst : Medium Recharge, Short Range, High Dmg, KnBck 2"

- Sniper Blast : Long Recharge, Very Long Range, Extreme Dmg, KnBck 2", Long Time

- Aim : Medium Recharge, Self, Increases Accuracy ( 30% ), increases Dmg ( 20% )


Secondary Powers.


- Electric Fence : Normal Recharge, Normal Range, Very Low Dmg, Minor End Drain, Set Movement to 0"

- Build Up : Medium Recharge, Self, Increases Accuracy ( 20 % ), Damage ( 30% ),




Aim and Build up when activated last for 3 or 4 seconds wich is enough to fire 1 Sniper Shot or 2 Normal Blasts.


Sniper Shot can be interrupted because it takes 1 full turn of charging energy before firing.




Now it would be interesting to see what you guys come up with. Sadly i am too new to hero and dont know the other 2 systems enough to writh this myself.

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Re: System Comparition Request


We're probably a bit biased. I like HERO myself. However, if you want to run with a given set of archetypes, you could probably use any of the systems. HERO shines when you try to do something that doesn't fit just one archetype. The combat system for HERO is fairly simple. It's the character construction that takes some time.


Now, if you want the advantages of an easier to learn system, I would try HERO Sidekick. It strips down the complexity of HERO and provides many of the benefits. If you find yourself enjoying Sidekick but wanting to build more complex characters, you can always buy up to Fifth Edition and you'll already know the basics.


And HERO Sidekick is an awesome buy at $9.95 I believe. The only other one you could buy for that price range is the Stingy Gamer's Edition of d20 SAS but there is a reason it's called stingy. It's in a small font and everything is crammed together. (Since I bought it to flesh out my "alternate Earths" I bought the Stingy version of d20 SAS instead of the regular version.)


As for me, I will use FRED!

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Re: System Comparition Request


thanks, i favor Hero too, but i know some ppl on the board play M&M or SAS or even SAS D20.


i just thought it would be interesting to see the same character fleshed out in the diferent systems and since i havent played champions i figured to use my CoH character. Anyway it was just a thought.

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Re: System Comparition Request


thanks, i favor Hero too, but i know some ppl on the board play M&M or SAS or even SAS D20.


i just thought it would be interesting to see the same character fleshed out in the diferent systems and since i havent played champions i figured to use my CoH character. Anyway it was just a thought.

Okay, well I'm not really qualified as I don't play City of Heroes but I'm sure some will be happy to translate your character into system terms.


Enforcer? Killer Shrike? A character needs making!

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Re: System Comparition Request


Killer is travelling in the Czech Republic and has few spare acces to a computer AFAIK.



That's too bad. I know he is very informed about both Hero and City of Heroes.


Of course, I saw Enforcer84 posting over on NGD. Maybe you should challenge him in his Character a Day thread? Or you could just PM him.

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Re: System Comparition Request


Ill try to remember to take a look at this when I get home. Ive been idly considering doing a write up of the CoH version of Hype.


Hype was one of my characters in the Millennial Men campaign, and I reenvisioned him in CoH. He's a level 36 MA/SR Scrapper currently and while his powers arent exactly as the original Pen & Paper version, he's pretty close within the limitations of the CoH engine.




Without having actually put in the time to figure it all out on paper, my initial thoughts is that most of the powers could be handled via set based MPs and ECs, depending on the correlation towards Passives, Toggles, and Activated abilities. Some sets, like SR, are kind of odd, but in general this approach would cover most of the powersets.


Someone was running a City of Heroes HERO thread previously; a board search would garner the original poster. You might want to send him an eMail in the meantime to see how they handle it.

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Re: System Comparition Request


i think maybe including ashlain in this thread was a mistake. Only reason i dragged him in was because i figured the best way to see how all the systems are diferent is to make the same character done in all four ( SAS, D20SAS, M&M, FREd ), but since i also posted my idea that it would be a cool jumping off point for someone new to the genre/game of super heroes it seems to have derailed.



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Re: System Comparition RequestWell, I tend to feel the transferranc. And sadly, I am most familiar with HERO I actually have the other books but I am far from an expert and I don't think I'd do conversions justice. I will say this, if you can find a copy of Reality Storm: When World Collide from Guardians of Order and HERO...both online stores have it if I am not mistaken. They have a SAStoHEROtoSAS conversion and from there you could easily extrapolate a d20SAS version. I wish I could be more help......hereAshlainPlayer:

Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
23 DEX 39
20 CON 20
10 BODY 0
15 INT 5
11 EGO 2
20 PRE 10
10 COM 0
5 PD 2
5 ED 1
5 SPD 17
7 REC 0
40 END 0
30 STUN 2
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 103
Cost Power END
75 Energy Manipulation: Multipower, 75-point reserve
6u 1) Electric Fence: (Total: 67 Active Cost, 57 Real Cost) Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4) (37 Active Points) (Real Cost: 37) plus Drain END 2d6, Ranged (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Linked (Entangle; -1/2) (Real Cost: 20) 7
7u 2) Energy Torrent: Energy Blast 8d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (70 Active Points) 7
6u 3) Power Blast: Energy Blast 10d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (62 Active Points) 2
6u 4) Power Burst: Energy Blast 15d6 (75 Active Points); Limited Range (187"; -1/4) 7
5u 5) Powerbolt: Energy Blast 8d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points) 2
67 Sniper Blast: Energy Blast 18d6, Increased Maximum Range (675"; +0), No Range Modifier (+1/2) (135 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2) 26
Buff Powers
11 1) Aim: +4 with Ranged Combat (20 Active Points); Can only be used for 3 Phases then needs to be turned on again (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 2
11 2) Buildup: +5 with Ranged Combat (25 Active Points); Can only be used for 3 Phases then needs to be turned on again (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 4
Movement Powers
62 1) Flight: Flight 20", x8 Noncombat, combat acceleration/deceleration (+1/4) (62 Active Points) 6
22 2) Hover: (Total: 25 Active Cost, 22 Real Cost) Flight 5" (Real Cost: 10) plus +3 with DCV (15 Active Points); Linked (Flight; To Hover Flight only; -1/4) (Real Cost: 12) 1
Powers Cost: 278

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 181Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 381

Height: 2.00 m Hair: Brown
Weight: 100.00 kg Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Personality: Quote:Background: Powers/Tactics: Characteristics are whole cloth, this is what a blaster probably looks like. Your brawl skill is a bit anemic this way, but you could always add an HA to bring it up. Campaign Use: 
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