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Jet City Champions Campaign Log


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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


Question on Blink Dog. Why didn't you buy safe blind teleport rather than the Danger Sense and remote senses? Cost issue?


Safe Blind Teleport would ensure that BD never blinks into a wall. This ensure that not only will he not blink into a wall, but if he blinks into a room full of gunmen, he'll appear in a spot where he can't be seen or shot. It allows him to see/danger sense the area he's teleporting into and adjust his target as he's coming in. It was really important to Nick that it function this way.


Also, that's how they built it in the UNTIL Super Powers Database.

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


If you could only spoof the danger sense you could still get him to port into a room filled with co2 or other invisable nastieness. Even hard vacume. Hard to keep him there though. Hardened forcefields/entangles or mental powers would be your best bet.

BD is the only one of the team to cause Stronghold anyheadaches. Just take Arsenal and the Bullethead's toys away and make sure Washi is kept away from paper or cloth. Or i suppose london broil/cold cuts. *shudder* imagine the dragon made of meat *shudder*

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


If you could only spoof the danger sense you could still get him to port into a room filled with co2 or other invisable nastieness. Even hard vacume. Hard to keep him there though. Hardened forcefields/entangles or mental powers would be your best bet.


It would take triple hardened walls to keep him in.


BD is the only one of the team to cause Stronghold anyheadaches. Just take Arsenal and the Bullethead's toys away and make sure Washi is kept away from paper or cloth. Or i suppose london broil/cold cuts. *shudder* imagine the dragon made of meat *shudder*


Arsenal and the New Rocketman wouldn't go to Stronghold, they'd go to Riker's or Sing Sing or somewhere normal. Lunchmeat Dragon would be funny, but no, that's not happening. Sandwich Wrapper Dragon might happen.

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


It would take triple hardened walls to keep him in.


OUCH!! I say again, good build. They'd have to tranq him then. Or implant something a'la Escape from New York.


I see an UNTIL think tank somewhere. "All right" agent drops a stack of files on the conference table "this is what we know about him, now how do we hold him?"


hmmm i wonder if BD would cooperate with Stronghold/UNTIL in developing triple hardened forcewalls etc. PLOT HOOK!


Or an idea for a WWYCD.

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


OUCH!! I say again, good build. They'd have to tranq him then. Or implant something a'la Escape from New York.


I see an UNTIL think tank somewhere. "All right" agent drops a stack of files on the conference table "this is what we know about him, now how do we hold him?"


hmmm i wonder if BD would cooperate with Stronghold/UNTIL in developing triple hardened forcewalls etc. PLOT HOOK!


Or an idea for a WWYCD.


I shouldn't say this, but Nick is lazy and won't rea dit, but I already have a scene in mind in which Utility tranqs him and locks him in a DOUBLE hardened room witha video monitor. Utility is like "Muwhahhah! Your powers have been nufflified Blink Dog, you'll remain in this ro...hey...HEY! WHERE DID HE GO!?!"

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


LOL. Oh no...this could be a running gag. Unility keeps tranqing BD again and again as utility keeps building better and better mousetraps. Eventually he gets to 3x hardened. While utility is gloating ofer the failed attempt to 'port out BD concentrates and poof - into blink space. Utility runs in saying "What!? Not again." bd then returns and ports out the door Utility left open. The Finial iteration will have BD really trapped. Then the rest of the team shows up.

"Hello, Foxbat? This is Utility, Is that sidekick position still available?"

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign LogEpisode Two: Dragons Over Jet City! (September 16th, 2004)Last episode ended with the Jet City Champions forming for the first time, and now a week later the Jet City Champions have convened for their first official meeting. They convene at the base of the historic Space Needle. Badly damaged during Destroyer's rampage, the Space Needle has been rebuilt and renamed - it's now Champions Tower, headquarter's for America's Greatest Heroes.It's at this meeting, arranged by Blink Dog, that the Champions meet UNTIL's Major George Moore. Former head of UNTIL Intelligence's Eastern Europe Operations Branch, Moore is now commanding the Jet City UNTIL Base, and will be working directly with the Champions to build a world class rapid response superhuman team. Moore introduces the five heroes to their new support staff, a full compliment of administrative and security personal, as well as giving them a tour of their new base, complete with the latest force screen technologies, and a full suite of labs and repair shops. After a brief walk through of the soon to be completed rooftop hanger, the group ends their tour in their new state of the art Command Center, where they meet their benefactor, megawealthy industrialist Adam King, CEO of King Enterprises, one of the world's largest manufacturing and research consortiums, and his son William.William King, following in the footsteps of his grandfather Jeffery King, has taken up the mantle of Rocketman. The newly formed Champions also learn (somewhat to their dismay) that though William has no superhero experience, he is the only man Adam King trust to take the position of Team Leader.William promises the team that he will do his best to be a good leader, and that he wants the team to be democratic in it's decision making. No one seems to have problems with this, though experienced combat veteran Arsenal clearly bristles at the idea of following a rank amatuer into combat. As the others mull this over, the awkward silence is punctured by the ringing of alarms. A technician monitoring the television and satellite feeds switches a newsfeed to the mainscreen.There they see the towering CKK Building, headquarters of CKK - Japan's bleeding edge construction company, and the builder of 40% of the post-Destroyer construction in Jet City, owned and led by the esteemed grandfather of Kumagoro "Washi" Hongo - Takehide Hongo! Smoke and flames pour from the side of the building, while a frantic reporter describes a sudden and unexpected asault by flying supervillians. Spotting a civilian clinging desperately to the side of the building, Blink Dog instantly teleports to the scene and makes a successfull rescue attempt - caught on camera!The Champions pile into Moore's helicopter, and are wisked away to the scene, but arrive long after the villains have fled. They gather enough information to narrow down the list of suspects to the Dragon Raiders, a Tokyo based Yakuza gang that uses (possibly stolen) supertech Rocket Gliders in the commission of their crimes. Though the Dragon Raiders are not known to operate in America, a quick call to Washi's grandfather confirms that the Yakuza have been threating CKK with extortion.Working with CKK technicians, the Champions install skyward looking security cameras at all of CKK's major Jet City buildings. The gambit pays off when the Dragon Radiers attack another CKK owned building. Only Blink Dog and Rocketman are able to reach the scene fast enough to mount a response, and they work out a quick plan.Rocketman flies straight at the Dragon Raiders, catching them in the middle of the first pass at the building. He flies straight towards the Raider's leader, Dragon Raider Kaicho, hoping to distract him. DR Kaicho unleashes a massive blast from his force lance, stunning the unprepared hero. Before he can recover, DR Kaicho rams him with the fully powered lance, knocking him unconscious and dropping him from the sky. Rocketman's parachute activates himself, and he floats gently to the ground, where he recovers consciousness. His jaw hurts and his ears ring, but the worst wound is to his pride. Not exactly an ostentatious first appearance.Dragon Raider Kaicho, unprepared for sucha rapid, if ineffective, response, calls off the attack. As he banks sharply he fails to notice Blink Dog standing on the rooftop far above him. Only a few of the raiders notice when Blink Dog teleports again, catching the last raider mid-air. The two grapple for a moment before the raider attempts to sideswipe the building and knock Blink Dog off. Instead, Blink Dog teleports to the other side of the window, and waves to the startled raider as he frantically corrects to prevent his own collsion.The raiders soar off, dissappearing into what appears to be some sort of cloaked airship, making a clean escape from the Champions - or so they think! For none of them notices the small paper frog that crawls out from that last raider's armor, secretly planted by the nimble fingers of former pickpocket Blink Dog. And so, as the Raiders plot their next move, they have no idea there is a spy in their midst...Next Week: Into The Dragon's Lair!Dragon Raider KaichoPlayer: NPC Villain

Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
21 DEX 33
18 CON 16
15 BODY 10
15 INT 5
18 EGO 16
25 PRE 15
16 COM 3
5/15 PD 2
5/15 ED 1
6 SPD 29
10 REC 6
50 END 7
50 STUN 18
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 166
Cost Power END
Battlesuit, all slots OIF (-1/2)
20 1) Armor (10 PD/10 ED) 0
13 2) Energy Damage Reduction, 50% 0
13 3) Physical Damage Reduction, 50% 0
4 4) Mental Defense (10 points total) 0
5 5) Knockback Resistance -4" 0
6 6) Clinging (25 STR); Only To Resist Knockback (-1/2) 0
8 7) Life Support (Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) 0
2 8) Parachute: Gliding 5", Trigger (If KO'd And Falling or Trigger Word; +1/4), Persistent (+1/2); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), Only To Slow Descent (-1) [1 cc]
30 Dragon Lance: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots OAF (-1)
3u 1) Force Blast: Energy Blast 8d6, 16 Charges (+0), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) [16]
3u 2) Force Lance: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6-1, 16 Charges (+0), Armor Piercing (+1/2) [16]
2u 3) Force Blade: Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 0
25 Blaster: Energy Blast 8d6, 32 Charges (+1/4); OAF (-1) [32]
14 Grenades: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Explosion (+1/2); OAF (-1), 4 Charges (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [4]
Powers Cost: 148
Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
4 Charge: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -2 DCV, 5d6 +v/5 Strike, FMove
4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4 Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
5 Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 3d6 +v/5; FMove
5 Passing Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 3d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove
4 Quick Shot: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +0, Strike, +2 DC
5 Offensive Trip: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +0, Strike +v/5, Target Falls
1 Weapon Element: Lances
Martial Arts Cost: 32
Cost Skill
16 +2 with All Combat
3 +3 with Force Lance
9 +3 with Martial Maneuvers
3 Acrobatics 13-
3 Breakfall 13-
3 Bribery 14-
3 Combat Piloting 13-
10 Defense Maneuver I-IV
3 Demolitions 12-
2 Gambling (Go-Moku, Hasami Shogi, Mahjongg, Siang K'i, Wei-Ch'i) 12-
3 Interrogation 14-
2 KS: Criminal Behavior 11-
2 KS: The Yakuza 11-
1 Language: English (basic conversation)
3 Leadership 14-
2 PS: Crime Boss 11-
3 Security Systems 12-
3 Streetwise 14-
3 Tactics 12-
Skills Cost: 77
Cost Perk
5 Fringe Benefit: Yakuza Boss
10 Contact: A Great Lawyer (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources) 16-
4 Reputation: Ruthless Bandit/Supervillain (KS: Yakuza) 14-, +4/+4d6
34 Dragon Glider  (HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook, pg. 150);
Perks Cost: 53
Val Disadvantages
20 Hunted: Japanese Authorities 14- (As Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Capture)
15 Psychological Limitation: Resents Maintream Society (Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Overly Cautious About Superhumans (Common, Strong)
30 Berserk: Berserk When Class Issues Are Raised (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 11-
15 Psychological Limitation: Vicious, Likes Cruelty (Common, Strong)
15 Reputation: Vicious Yakuza Killer, 11- (Extreme)
5 Social Limitation: Shameful Family (Occasionally, Major, Not Limiting In Some Cultures)
15 Social Limitation: Wanted Criminal (Frequently, Major)
20 Watched: Yakuza 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 126Total Experience Available: 126Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 476

Height: 5' 9" Hair: Black
Weight: 152 lbs Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Personality: Akae Kato is fueled by intense resentment and hatred towards the Japanese upper and middle class. He enjoys nothing so much as lashing out at them and destroyingt eh thinsg they value.


He is a harsh and unfair leader, prone to temper tantrums and unpredictable rages.

Quote:"Dragon Raiders - ATTACK!" (In Japanese)Background: Akae Kato was born in the slums of Tokyo, his mother a prostitute and his father an unknown. Unable to earn the respect of his peers, he fell in with the yakuza. Angry over the sometimes brutal classism of Japanese society, Akae found the Yakuza gave him plenty of opportunity to vent his rage and frustration. He soon rose through the ranks on the power of his own viciousness, and foudn himself in command of a group of soldiers doing legbreaking and extortion work.


Akae would have probably remained there, had he not gotten a lucky break. No one is quite sure where he got them from, but one day he showed up with a set of ten state of the art rocket gliders, and flight suits to match. He quickly put together a squad of elite riders, and they dissappeared for several months of training.


When they reappeaered, they called themselves the Dragon Raiders, with Akae as their Kaicho (Chairman). They have since rose to the top of the Japan's public enemy list, and are responsible for millions of dollars of property damage.

Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: Dragon RaiderPlayer: NPC Minion
Val Char Cost
13 STR 3
14 DEX 12
13 CON 6
10 BODY 0
11 INT 1
10 EGO 0
13 PRE 3
10 COM 0
4/10 PD 1
3/9 ED 0
3 SPD 6
6 REC 0
30 END 2
25 STUN 1
6" RUN02" SWIM02 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 35
Cost Power END
25 Blaster Rifle: Energy Blast 8d6, 32 Charges (+1/4); OAF (-1) [32]
14 Grenades: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Explosion (+1/2); OAF (-1), 4 Charges (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) [4]
9 Body Armor: Armor (6 PD/6 ED); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) 0
12 Flight Suit: Life Support (Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) 0
2 Parachute: Gliding 5", Trigger (If KO'd And Falling or Trigger Word; +1/4), Persistent (+1/2); Only To Slow Descent (-1), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), OIF (-1/2) [1 cc]
5 Headset Radio: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Hearing (-1/2) 0
14 Experienced Flyer: +12 DEX; Only To Match Glider's Dex (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)
Powers Cost: 81
Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
4 Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4 Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
5 Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 2 1/2d6 +v/5; FMove
5 Passing Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 2 1/2d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove
4 Charge: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -2 DCV, 4 1/2d6 +v/5 Strike, FMove
Martial Arts Cost: 22
Cost Skill
3 Concealment 11-
2 KS: Hobby 11-
1 KS: Superheroes 8-
2 PS: Yakuza Soldier 11-
3 Stealth 12-
1 TF: Rocket Glider
2 WF: Small Arms
3 Teamwork 12-
3 Combat Piloting 12-
3 Breakfall 12-
3 Power: Use Rocket Glider 12-
4 +2 with Blaster
Skills Cost: 30
Cost Perk
2 Fringe Benefit: Yakuza Member
25 Vehicles & Bases
Perks Cost: 27
Val Disadvantages
20 Hunted: Japanese Authorities 14- (As Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Capture)
15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal To Kaicho (Common, Strong)
10 Reputation: Vicious Yakuza Killers, 8- (Extreme)
15 Social Limitation: Wanted Criminal (Frequently, Major)
20 Watched: Yakuza 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
Disadvantage Points: 80

Base Points: 90Experience Required: 25Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 195

Height: 5' 6" Hair: Black
Weight: 142 lbs Eyes: Brown
Appearance: The Dragon Raiders wear dark green battle armor with gold accents. Both their armor and their gliders have distinctly Asian detailing.Personality: The Dragon raiders see following Kato as a route to power, wealth and a life of easy luxury. They love the attention and respect their gliders earn them in Japan.Quote:"The Dragon Raiders are invincible!" (In Japanese)Background: The Dragon Raiders all began their lives as street toughs in youth gangs. Eventually they worked their way up into the Yakuza, and came to work as soldiers for Akae Kato. Several of them worked for Kato before he aquired the rocket gliders, many of them were brought in to replace less agile soldiers.Powers/Tactics: The Dragon Raiders use their high manuverability and super fast speeds to strike targets quickly and run away. They are not fond of sticking around for long.


Each Dragon Raider is equipped with an armored flight suit, a blaster rifle, several explosive grenades, and a rocket flyer (HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook{/i}, pg. 150).

Campaign Use: The Dragon Raiders are Dragon Raider Kaicho's muscle, his soldiers.
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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


Episode Two: Dragons Over Jet City! (September 16th' date=' 2004)[/b']

His jaw hurts and his ears ring, but the worst wound is to his pride. Not exactly an ostentatious first appearance.


Excuse me? The plan worked perfectly. Yes i got pasted, I was the distraction, I was supposed to get pasted. Only 2 members of the team could reach the site in timeto anything but help sweep up the glass. Even if Blink Dog and myself were pure combat monkies we could not have defeated a far more powerfull and experienced super like Dragon Raider Kaicho . Esp. since DRK was backed up by 10 very well armed and mobile agents. The whole goal of the incident was to plant Washi's frog. And that went without a hitch. The fact that DRK and his goons also think the Jet City Champions pose about half the threat of your average boys chior is an added bonus. With any luck secutity will be a bit lax when the whole team comes to pay a social call next week.

Of course I still expect i'll just get pasted again but hopefully we'll do enough damage to stop the raids on CKK. I suspect however that DRK is only the tip of the iceberg. Someone hired DRK and i dont think the Jet City Champs will be on their xmas card list.


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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


Excuse me? The plan worked perfectly. Yes i got pasted' date=' I was the distraction, I was supposed to get pasted.


I can see you explaining that to a reporter:


Rocketman: "I meant to get knocked out in three seconds! That's was the plan!"


Reporter: :lol:


Meanwhile, the rest of the Champions stand behind you snickering.


No, I know it was the plan, it's just that it's a funny plan.

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign LogWell, we're almost done. The second to last of the Jet City Champions first line-up: NEBULA, the team's Mentalist (and therefore, the character most likely to throw a monkeywrench into my plans).NebulaConcept: Superhero Mage/MysticPlayer (Creator): Rob (Rob/story, Ken/character build)

Val Char Cost
13 STR 3
20 DEX 30
18 CON 16
13 BODY 6
15 INT 5
23 EGO 26
20 PRE 10
18 COM 4
10/20 PD 7
10/20 ED 6
6 SPD 30
10 REC 6
60 END 12
35 STUN 6
6" RUN02" SWIM02 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 167
Cost Power END
50 Psychic Powers I: Multipower, 50-point reserve
5u 1) Beguile: Mental Illusions 10d6 5
5u 2) Confuse: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Works Against EGO, not STR (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) 5
4u 3) Destruction: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 4
5u 4) Disruption: Energy Blast 10d6 5
5u 5) Domination: Mind Control 10d6 5
2u 6) Obfuscation: Invisibility to Sight, Hearing and Mental Groups, Danger Sense and Combat Sense ; Visible to Machines, Animals, Aliens (-1) 4
5u 7) Psychic Search: Mind Scan 5d6, Cumulative (120 points; +1) 5
4u 8) Restructure I: Cosmetic Transform 3d6 (Anything into Anything), Improved Target Group (+1), Continuous (+1) 4
3u 9) Restructure II: Minor Transform 1 1/2d6 (Anything into Anything), Improved Target Group (+1), Continuous (+1); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 8
2u 10) Restructure III: Major Transform 1d6 (Anything into Anything), Improved Target Group (+1), Continuous (+1); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2) 12
2u 11) Retrocognition: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Requires An EGO Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; +0); Retrocognition Only (-1), Time Modifiers (-1/2) 5
5u 12) Telekinesis: Telekinesis (20 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation 5
4u 13) Telepathy: Telepathy 9d6 4
10 Psychic Powers II: Elemental Control, 20-point powers
7 1) Precognitive Defense: +4 with DCV; Costs Endurance (-1/2) 2
10 2) Psychic Shield: Force Field (10 PD/10 ED) 2
6 3) Levitation: Flight 10"; Levitation (-1/2), no Noncombat movement (-1/4) 2
0 Psychic: Mental Awareness 0
5 Sensitive: Discriminatory with Mental Awareness 0
2 Strong Willed: Mental Defense (7 points total) 0
Powers Cost: 141
Cost Skill
5 +1 with HTH Combat
3 Acrobatics 13-
3 Analyze: Mental Powers 12-
3 Breakfall 13-
3 Climbing 13-
3 Concealment 12-
3 Contortionist 13-
3 Criminology 12-
3 Deduction 12-
2 KS: Shamabala Philosophy 11-
1 Language: Shamabalan (basic conversation)
2 PS: Accountant 11-
3 Stealth 13-
Skills Cost: 37
Cost Perk
3 Anonymity
2 Deep Cover
Perks Cost: 5
Val Disadvantages
20 Watched: Cth'zon the Demon of the Dark 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Nightmare Magicks (Uncommon)
5 Unluck: 1d6
15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)
10 Social Limitation: Dark Secrets (Occasionally, Major)
15 Psychological Limitation: Wants To Save Humanity From Itself (Common, Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Obsessed With Death Of Former Lover (Uncommon, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Must Obey Cth'zon (Uncommon, Total)
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Vs Killing (Common, Total)
15 Physical Limitation: Powers Do Not Affect Cth'zon (Infrequently, Fully Impairing)
10 Distinctive Features: Aura of Mystic Energy (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
5 Accidental Change: When Injured/Wounded 8- (Uncommon)
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350

Height: 6' 7" Hair: Brown
Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Personality: Ben wishes to make the world a better place, and is convinced he was given his powers to do just that. But he is overwhelmed by grief and a sense of rage and anger, and so long as he i unable to focus his mind completely, he cannot tap the full extent of his powers. He knows he could easily transform the world if he only had clairity of purpose, but for now he must settle for small changes.Quote:"Do not bother with lies, I can see the truth written across your mind."Background: Benjamin was born into the Bratt family that traced it's pedigree to before the Mayflower. They were actually landed nobility in England, but possessed of an adventurous spirit, they founded a separate, much smaller expedition to the New World that has been lost to the history books. Through shrewd investments and a lack of ostentiousness, they have managed to channel their wealth down through the generations.


However, there has been a change in the air with the most recent generation. Rather than following his in his father's footsteps, young Benjamin became enamored with enjoying the fruits of his ancestors as oppposed to building on them. A natural athelete, Benjamin excelled in gymnastics and acrobatics in high school. However, a disagreement with this coach over his practice schedule (he wanted Benjamin to be more focused and spend less time with his latest conquests) from trying out from the Olympic games. Benjamin quit in a fit of pique and never looked back.


After drifting for a couple of years and trying various positions at his father's corporation, fate struck like lightning. While attending a play at

the local theater as a favor for his mother's birthday, Benjamin was struck with love at first sight. She had long, curly redhair and was the star in a Streetcar named Desire. After two months of unrequited flowers, chocolates and expensive jewelry, which was all returned unopened, Chastity (which was her name) was walking home after a late performance and decided to take a shortcut through the park. Benjamin, who had been at her performance was morosely driving by the park when he heard her screams.


Forgetting himself he veered his car into the park and towards the sound of trouble. Three young hoodlums had surrounded her and were taunting her. Benjamin squealed to a stop and relying on his acrobatic training and a heretofore untapped rage, he literally assaulted his opponets both mentally and physically.


It was a life changing moment for both Chastity and Benjamin. She agreed to go on a date with Benjamin and he started to grow up. It was a short whirlwind romance and engagement a few weeks later with a wedding planned for the coming spring.


Unfortunately fate struck again, yet this blow was a cruel one. Chastity developed a rare form of bone cancer. All of the specialist in the world could do nothing to save her. There was a unique, untested medical procedure that could possibly cure her but would undoubtedly lead to brain damage or worse.


It was a week after learning of this procedure that Benjamin had a strange dream where he appeared to be flying. He seemed to fly across the world to Tibet and to the top of a snow-peaked mountain. There a man appeared to him with a faint blue glow and the most serene sense of peace that Benjamin had ever experienced.


He spoke to Benjamin of strange things which he could barely comprehend, but seemed to pull inside his body and felt as if his very cellular structure was being altered. The man ended by promising Benjamin aid in finding a cure for his ailing fiancee. Benjamin woke up the next day and was struck by how very real the dream had seemed. So real the dream and so desperate Benjamin, that he struck out two days later for Tibet, promising his Chastity that he would return in one month's time.


After two frantic weeks searching for every clue he could find and talking to practically everyone he met, Benjamin met an old man who had been a Sherpa since he was a boy, but had been forced to retire after a tragic accident 10 years ealier. Something in Benjamin's eyes called to the old man and he miraculously rose from his chair and pledged his aid to Benjamin's cause. The expedition set out three days later. Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro was no easy task and on the fifth day of the journey tragedy struck in the form of a particularly viscious snowstorm. The rest of the expedition was lost to Benjamin's sight in the buffeting snow and all he could hear was what sounded like the voice of the old man.


Benjamin followed it has best he could until the whipping of the wind drowned even that out. Stumbling for hours and moving purely on the love he held for Chastity, Benjamin eventually spotted a dim blue glow in the distance. Following it, Benjamin collapsed yards before an elborately carved stone door that appeared to have been carved in the very side of the mountain.


Benjamin woked up two days later and found himself in what seemed a truly magical land. He was informed that he had found the fabed Shambhala. A city that had been hidden from the rest of the world until it was time for it to return to usher humanity into a new era and evolution of it's existence.


Benjamin faced a heart-rending choice. His mind was opened to the world and he could see that humanity was on the brink of extinction. However, a slim hope remained within him. As one who had walked the path of numbness and blindness and had been awakened by true love, he could live to serve as the Lord of New Creation and usher the world into it's next phase. However, this meant letting Chastity live out her karma and passing from this world.


Benjamin struggled against his destiny, but in the end his new found sense of maturity won out. He stayed in the fabled city and dedicated his life to the mystic training that would transfer him from simple Benjamin Bratt into the Lord of New Creation. Seven years later the newly transformed being appeared back on the side of the mountain and walked back down to the village. The old man who had originally been his guide and passed on, but his son still lived in the village and remembered the stranger. Rumours flew and people began to worship this new entity. However, Benjamin knew that this was not his calling, to be seen as a God.


So, he quietly slipped out a week later in the middle of the night and returned to the United States. What he found on his return was appalling. Chastity had been turned into a medical experimentation monstrosity. Flying into a rage, Benjamin leveled two floors of the hospital and several innocent people were hurt and Chastity herself woke briefly from a coma and leaped from her window, upon viewing her unsightly visage in the mirror.


Benjamin, aghast at what had happened spent a large amount of psychic energy to undo the damage, but while he was able to restore the innocents hurt to health, he could not bring Chastity back to full health and did not want to restore her to the coma in which he knew she suffered much pain. Letting her go was the hardest thing Benjamin had to face and his human response stripped much of his power as the Lord of New Creation. The next phase for humanity would have to wait.


Benjamin assumed a new identity as Paul Stokes, an unassuming CPA and took on the moniker of Nebula, to work on restoring his lost power to usher in the new age of humanity and to fight evil and decay on a smaller scale in his superhero identity by night and complicated tax returns by day.

Powers/Tactics: Ben/Paul/Nebula has tremendous powers at his disposal. He is a powerful psychic, so strong that he can even rearrange matter with his mind. His powers derive from some mysterious and magical origin - the truth is he hardly understand his powers, and has no idea what his full capabilities - or weaknesses! - are.Campaign Use: 
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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


Ummm either it wasn't Mt. Kilimanjaro or the expidition wandered quite a bit. I'm assuming that you used that as a filler name?


Rob used it as filler. He wrote the background, I just cut and pasted. Rob and I already discussed the inaccuracy, but lazy ass that I am, I forgot to correct it. Good catch.

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


Episode Three: Into the Dragon's Lair! (September 23rd, 2004)


Last week: Thanks to Washi's folded frog and Blink Dog's nimble hands, the Jet City Champions were able to follow the Dragon Raider's back to their hidden lair: an abandoned and condemned warehouse in one of the uncomplete sectors of central Jet City.


Now, the Jet City Champions prepare to perform the same sort of lightning strike that is the trademark of the Dragon Raiders. They attack at the stroke of midnight, catching the Dragon Raider's completely off guard.


Washi sends a crane into the warehouse to perform reconnaissance, and finds several of the Dragon Raider's sleeping, others playing mah-jong, and only to bored Raider's sitting in sentry positions by the door. Dragon Raider Kaicho and the tenth Raider are nowhere to be seen, but the Dragon Raider's cloaking transport flying-wagon seems a likely place.


Blink Dog teleports himself and Nebula into the flying-wagon, where they catch Dragon Raider and his lieutenant going over the plans for their next raid. Blink Dog sends a signal to the rest of the team before launching an attack at Kaicho, while Nebula attempts to dominate the Dragon Raider's mind. Kaicho and Blink Dog battle back and forth, Blink Dog playing it safe and teleporting around Kaicho's deadly energy lance, while the rest of the Champions launch their main assualt.


Rocketman II carries Washi into battle, and the Origami Master unleashes both his Paper Dragon and Paper Beetle, but both will prove unnesessary. The Fremont Troll leaps into battle, with Arsenal riding piggyback. Arsenal hits the ground running, firing first a knock out gas arrow and then an oil slick arrow, the gas sends the unprepared agents to the floor, and the super slick oil keeps them there, neutralizing 70% of the Dragon Raider's fighting force before the battle has even begun!


The Troll carefully opens the door to the flying-wagon, reaches inside, and hauls Dragon Raider Kaicho out, holding him secure in one giant hand. Blink Dog, seizing the opportunity, delivers a vicious kick to Kaicho in a delicate place, and the put upon extortion artist collapses from the pain.


Rocketman blasts a nearby wall with his disintegration raygun, revealing one of the two sentries. He demands the immediate surrender of all the Raiders, and recognizing they face inevitable defeat, they throw down their arms and give themselves up.


After securing the Raiders, Rocketman calls in the police (who show up right after[/i[ the media arrives) and they take the Raider's into custody. Rocketman and Washi give a short interview to the media while the other Champions standby - except for Arsenal, who slips out the back and dissappears into the night.


Next Week: Plan 23 From Outer Space!

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


Sounds like a fun campaign.


Nebula is a fairly interesting character with a kick-ass costume - though I would suggest he consider pulling the Mind Scan out of the Multipower and putting it into the EC, so he'll be able to use some of his other powers via the Mind Scan.


The idea is that he's a mage, and can only use on spell at a time.


Also, he's badass enough as it is!!!

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Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


Hmmm must buy life support.


Gorund control to major Tom....


Oh, y'all won't be going into space. Next week I'm introducing Invader Zurg, who will be launching Plan 23...from Outer Space!


Which is, of course, a reference to the Ed Wood movie Plan 9 From Outer Space. Plan 9 is the "ressurection of the dead" (Spaaaaaace Zombies!!!). You'll have to wait til Thursday to fidn out what Plan 23 is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Jet City Champions Campaign Log


Episode Four: Grond Smash Puny Heroes! (September 30th, 2004)


The Jet City Champions respond to an emergancy call from the Jety City Police Department - Grond is rampaging through downtown!


The heroes arrived in short order, and found Grond smashing an antique fountain - a cherished landmark from Old Seattle. They engage the brute, but find that he is far too powerful for direct confrontation. Luckily a Confusion spell from super-mage Nebula ends the rampage...but not before Rocketman II has a somewhat embarassing encounter with the media. The novice hero, caught up in the heat of the moment, tries to intimidate a news crew into seeking safe shelter. Unfortunately, the episode is caught on camera, and Rocketman doesn't look too good in the footage. Later, when he finds out that that same news crew was there at the request of Champion's PR director Penelope Penny, he has an angry confrontation with the team's finacial backer, his father Adam King.


After a brutal lecture from his father, Rocketman has a startling revelation - could his own father have set up Grond's rampage to get good press for the team? He banishes the thought to the back of his mind, where it continues to gnaw at him.

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