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WWYCD #118: A Study In Emerald


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Alternate Earth 21: A Study in Emerald


From this story: http://www.neilgaiman.com/exclusive/StudyinEmerald.asp


The Kings of Edom claimed this Earth long ago, but Humanity has survived. Things are just a little … different. The nobility of every country rules by right of Edomite blood. Doctor Jekyll is as well respected in 2004 as Doctor Freud, or more so. So is Doctor Frankenstein. There is no war, no desperate poverty, no starvation, and no disease of the mundane sort, and every day all over the world people die to feed or amuse the half-humans who make this possible. The Kings sometimes kill millions, apparently through inattention, and a very few have taken to “experimenting†with humanity. Human culture remains recognizable, save for the presence in every country of the half-breed nobles who rule in the name of the Kings. In 2004 the Earth boasts over 2 and ½ Billion Humans. The elite “nobles†number in the hundreds of thousands. Technology is largely Victorian, save for Mad Science and some of the strange technology of the Kings. Normal people can be born, grow up, fall in love, work, marry, grow rich, know joy … and may be killed at any moment by the whim of a passing noble, or by the uncaring passage of a King. Humans accept this as the best of all possible worlds, and the way things should be. Human criminals prey on humanity, and human cops, courts and “heroes†protect them.

Humanity has changed under Edomite rule; they breathe the new atmosphere, air which would in time have poisoned the "old" mankind. They survive under the greater atmospheric pressure and higher temperatures prefered by their masters. Many sport small modifications from a drop of Edomite blood here, a touch of Mad Sience there. Yet, all in all, they are still Human.


Your heroes fall through a dimensional rift or are pushed by a superweapon into this world. What do they do?

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