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Would you let this be common?


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Re: Would you let this be common?


On cost endurance: Actualy this is similar in effect (as imagined) to Iceman's armor costing to get it started:


Per Steve Long (END only to activate (after the Extra Time, et al)), this actually doesn't work for an instant power like Aid, as they implicitly already only cost END to activate.


I understand what you are trying to get at with the concept of costing END to "Prime the pump", but the rules really don't support such a construct. Of course, this could be an issue where the rules don't really meet the needs that you have.


On the other hand, the END cost probably doesn't matter the way you have it set up. Since they likely won't be using the power in a combat situation, END doesn't really matter. So, this part of the discussion is probably moot.


However, I still like the idea of requiring some sort of immobile focus... such a ritual should require a place to mediate/chant/cast at, IMHO.


Another idea (that may have already been broached)... instead of using END, perhaps using charges, which may be expensive/difficult to replace? Maybe the spell requires the use of dragon's blood, or some other magical reagent?


Just an idea...

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