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Living Darkenss manipulation

Michael Hopcroft

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Imagine if you will that something lives in the abscence of lightt darkness itself is alive.


Now imagine that you could manipulate lviing darkenss not only to create darkness fields but also to do other effects.


And imagine the darkenss was sentient....


One could easily imagine a darkenss-manipulator who controlled existing darkness would be utterly formidable at ngith (so much more darkness to manipulate!), somewhat elss so during the day, and could lose access to a lot of his powers if put under a spotlight or other extreme forms of illumination.

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Re: Living Darkenss manipulation


That sounds interesting. Is this a villain or PC your creating?

Could be an interesting hero concept, especially if a GM is willing to put up with a character with traces of anti-hero and a touch of the mysterious and slightly disturbing.


(Post #750!)

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Re: Living Darkenss manipulation


Or your character could be a true hero who, when presented with the opportunity to be given superpowers, mistakenly asked "for the Darkness" in the St. Thomas sense -- give me the people society rejects -- and as a result ends up with Green Lantern style darkness manipulation as well as more conceptual darkness-related powers. Instead of playing the predictable anti-hero, play a "true hero" whose powers and manners sets others on edge.


Sample Powers:

"Cursed with sight in a world of the blind" Darkness, Invisible to Sight. The victims can't see, but don't realize they're blind.


"Shade Effect" Change Environment, moderate -OCV in large area (megascale?). Great way to protect innocents by reducing the chance of anybody hitting anything.


"Globe of Darkness" Darkness, Usable As Attack (defense: sufficient light source to "peel" it off). Just covers the victim's head, allowing them to be shot normally.


Dispel vs Light based powers (Dispel is an underrated power IMO)


"Night Terrors" +30 PRE (or more), Costs END.

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