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New Spell


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These are spells from the anime series, The Slayers, starring the genius Sorceress Supreme Lina Inverse and her dim-witted companion Gourry Gabriev. I am really fond of this series, so I thought I'd try to create some of the spells seen in the series.



Effect: Energy Blast 6d6

Target/Area Affected: 2†radius

Casting Time: Half Phase (Attack Action)

Casting Procedures: Incantations

Duration: Instant

Range: 350â€

Magic Roll Penalty: -1

END Cost: 3


Description: With the caster at the center, this spell can blast anything upwards within a circular range of the ground, including dirt, rocks, or anyone inside. Since this spell's effects aren't lethal (though the resultant fall might be), it can be used to knock targets unconscious and capture them. In addition, the pillars of displaced dirt and rocks can be used to hide from or blind the target. There is a chance that nearby party members or hired help will also be blasted, but there's little chance they'll perish, so, in a way, there's no need to worry when casting this spell. Of course, there's no harm in exercising caution, either.


Game Information: 5d6 EB (vs. PD), Area Of Effect (2†Radius; +3/4), Double Knockback (+3/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (69 Active Points); Incantations (-1/4), Only Affects Targets On The Ground (-1/4), Knockback Can Only Be Straight Up (-1), Requires A Shamanism (Earth) Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2). Total cost: 20 points.


Below is a spell I saw written up by Michael Surbrook. I took it and modified it to closer represent the spell's visual effects. Thank you, Mr. Surbrook :)



Effect: Energy Blast 30d6, AVLD (Power Defense), Does BODY, Explosion

Target/Area Affected: 8†Radius

Casting Time: One Turn (Post-Segment 12)

Casting Procedures: Gestures (Holding hands together and building a power ball), Incantations ("Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows; buried in the stream of time is where your power grows. I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hands! Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess. DRAGON SLAVE!")

Duration: Instant

Range: 3,000†(6 kilometers)

Magic Roll: -20

END Cost: 30


Description: The Dragon Slave calls on the power of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdo, leader of the dark forces in the Slayers world. This is the strongest spell that humans can cast without a talisman of some kind; its effect is broad and destructive enough to level a city. The name was originally Dragon Slayer, but as the legend was passed through the years, it became garbled into its current form, "Dragon Slave."


Game Information: Energy Blast 30d6, AVLD (Power Defense; +3/4), Does BODY (+1), Explosion (-1 DC/3â€; +1), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (600 Active Points); Can Only Be Used At Full Power (-1/4), Concentrate: 0 DCV (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 Turn (-1 1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Requires A Black Magic Roll (-1/2), Spell (-1/2) (total cost: 133 points).


Designer Notes: This spell uses the Skill Roll penalty of –1 per 30 Active Points.




Effect: RKA 3d6-1, Explosion

Target/Area Affected: 8†Radius

Casting Time: Half Phase (Attack Action)

Casting Procedures: Gestures, Incantations (“Source of all power, light which burns beyond crimson, let thy power gather in my hand. Fireball!â€)

Duration: Instant

Range: Range Based On Strength

Magic Roll: -6

END Cost: 6


Description: A ball of fire appears between the hands of the caster, which can then be thrown. Upon contact with an object, the ball explodes, spreading flames. Caution is necessary when using this spell in enclosed areas or forests because this spell affects a wide area. This is the most popular offensive spell. Being able to cast this spell is one of the criteria for a full-fledged mage.


Game Information: RKA 3d6-1, Explosion (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Range Based On Strength (-1/2), Requires A Shamanism/Fire Magic Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Spell (-1/2). Total cost: 20 points.


Designer Notes: This spell uses the Skill Roll penalty of –1 per 30 Active Points.

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Re: New Spell


One of my favourite anime series (I now have three seasons on DVD).

Have you done/are you doing the other spells?

Ra Tilt, Gigaslave, etc?


I seem to recall a fansite listing all the spells and magic - but the URL escapes me at the moment, let me search around a bit.


Here we go-


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