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Prof. Muerte really truly dead?


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I felt it was forced and trite. Much like how, in the original Champions Universe book, they say: "The Blood went home to their own world" and "Dr. McQuark went out of business".

Excuse me? All except three of the Blood were born on earth, were costumed heroes, loved earth culture, GRAAARRGH!

It became a running gag that the other players knew which CU was mine because the feedback page was one long rant about these two entries.

So, what I'm saying, when you ditch a villain or character for a new edition, you're going to dissapoint some players will be dissapointed.

As far as Meurte coming back, I thought the set up was perfect. They melted the suit around him and dumped him in the ocean? Neither of them have any skills to deactivate any signal devices or make sure that the life support was deactivated. Hell, they didn't even open up the armor and make sure it wasn't a robot.

I used Meurte and Terror Inc as my Dark Champions level Dr. Destroyer. All that CKC did was mean I get to make new hench-villains for him and now his ego is fed because he was proven to be smarter than the dolts that worked for him. :D

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Here's my question:


They melted him into his suit and dropped him into the ocean, but his suit had a faceplate, right? And if it was melted they wouldn't have been able to open it, right? So how do they know it was him in the suit at all?


We've got you on this one, Steve...


Muerte lives. Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!!


(and in my game villians I bring back get a 50 point back from the dead bonus - it works better than a CAK)

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In my campaign, Muerte died back in the Nineties, killed by one of the heroes and left in a strange dimension where that hero got his powers. Terror Inc. broke up, which gives me the perfect opportunity to have Feur and Scorpio join Eurostar.


However, about two years ago Muerte reappeared in Central America and began rebuilding his organization but without contacting any of his old team (including Giganto, who is currently sitting in Stronghold). Oddly, he has exhibited new powers in addition to those recorded, mostly having to do with teleportation and seemingly magical in nature.


What really returned was not Muerte at all, but a creature of the other dimension who is wearing Muerte's armor. It's agenda is different than Muerte's was and it is currently seizing any magical artifacts it can while also creating a number of bases with genetic experimentation facilities and the ability to produce large amounts of protoplasm.


The players haven't encountered the new Muerte yet, but it should be interesting when they find him very different that their research indicates.

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