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Knightraven's Achievements

  1. Re: Master List of Limitations Congratulations and, thank you very very much for all of your hard work. Its greatly appreciated!
  2. Re: Teleportation, useable as an attack... I'm afraid I've broken my poor players. They never even suggest any powers that might seem in the slightest way abusive. Part of me is grateful but I'd also like to be challenged occasionally. The most I got was a fella slipping buy me with a passing strike and enough levels that the non-com OCV penalty wasn't a problem. The first time he hit someone for 24 dice....
  3. Knightraven

    Not him!

    I've run for different groups over time and one recurring bad guy I've used is the Archmage. He's a bit of a combo of Archimago and Acererak. The funny thing is, they only faced him once. A long running subplot was his agents here on earth taking steps to ensure that, at a certain time and day, he'd walk free from his prison in the Dead Dimension of Dread. He would terrorize their dreams, hound them with nightmares. And, I was able to take advantage of a PC who's player had to drop out for school reasons. They had journeyed to his Dimension by accident. To cow and impress them, he used the Petrification spell on the PC. "STONE!" he intoned and the PC turned into a statue, which he then shattered with his fists of bone and ragged flesh. They all blanched and ran for the exit. One of the characteristics of his Dimension, and of the dreams he sent, was that the ground was made of black sand, cold black sand. All I had to do was say: "You feel gritty sand under your feet, cold on your bare skin", and they'd freak. The PCs did manage to stop him from walking free.
  4. What is the average point build for your game? A 90 point VPP? 43 Dex, 9 SPD. I'm betting you guys had each of the individual members of Eurostar beat on total Character Points. If that's the case, I don't really see where there was any real challenge involved. IMO.
  5. The point is, since it was and is so clearly rigged, why even bother letting us think our votes mattered? Why not just say: Go to the discussion boards and discuss who you think should win. We'll announce our selection of the winner at the end of the month. Because it sure looks like that's what they did. I don't mind if its rigged. I just don't like having my intelligence insulted. "New game ties old game with huge fanbase based on votes! No, really! You don't think we'd make this up, do you? What are you, stupid?" No, I'm not. BTW, I'll probably pick up Reality Storm, but I already have the Time of Crisis module for a good example of how to do cross-universe, cross-time adventures. (Or Champions in 3-D....)
  6. I like that idea, Jm. I use it alot myself for teleporters or ridiculously tough bricks. DCV levels are a perfect way to simulate that attacks just don't affect their target. after all, you specify the special effect when you buy it. so, +8 DCV, usable on others, restrainable. Maybe multipower it so there's actual missle reflection and deflection too.
  7. Other Uses Steve, as I was reading this book I came to a realization: This book is too limited in its title. Because, in my opinion, I don't think this is just a superpowered Database. It should also be called the Fantasy Hero Spellbook. I mean, you have your colleges, you have your variants, and all of these 'powers' would make truly awesome spells. Thanks for a wonderful resource. I'm sure this will help no matter what genre I try to apply it in.
  8. I like some of the stuff going back and forth, especially the Iron Guard replacement. I'll change the name from Bronze Avenger to Iron Avenger, I'm thinking. They don't lead assault teams as a standard, in my game. The are like a state marshal, going statewide, overseeing investigations and operations, interfacing with local police and heroes and generally making Primus a good name to cops and supers alike. Well, and a more feared name amongst the small time supervillains that think they run a little one-horse town.
  9. Yesterday, I was posting to my online game as the GM and I wanted to have a Primus Agent at the meeting. I didn't have my Primus book handy and I also wasn't sure I wanted a full-fledged Silver Avenger at a police meeting in coastal Mississippi. So, I created, on the fly, a new level of Avenger, the Bronze. The idea is that the Bronze Avengers are one per state and are the top of the top, much like Silver Avengers. The difference? They are Avengers that, for one reason or another, are physically unable to use Cyberline. They are given a suit that gives them hardwire connections between a visor and their weapons, small gadget pool, and the suit is wired to improve their reaction time. A small bonus to Str as well. -I haven't decided whether the name I put on her badge, Bishop, is a codename or her lastname.. Anyway, I was wondering if adding this level to Primus messes with me using the stuff from the book too much? (She can't use Cyberline because she is allergic to it.) Also, any ideas for other reasons a body might reject Cyberline? I was thinking, Diabetic, Anemic, or even just genetically incompatable. Thoughts, Ideas, Suggestions?
  10. one of my players wanted someone like wolverine, so I used Fenris. Got rid of the damage reduction and he bought a boxing package. Dropped the reduced end on the claws and dropped the focus limitation. Worked very well.
  11. Any WIld Heart pics lying around?
  12. /me sings: "She's a brick and I'm drownin' slowly...."
  13. What were Wild Heart's Powers/Background, if I may ask?
  14. Hey! Its the guy from the Adventures series!! He was the one washing his face in the toilet in the cyberspace adventure. I've seen this guy in over a dozen drawings, I'm thinking. So kewl to finally know his name and powers. Thanks alot, Storn. Any details on the other members? Like the flying gal with the short black hair and the heart motif to her costume?
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