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Seeds of Change Character for review:Huntress


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20 STR 10 OCV: 10

30 DEX 60 DCV: 10 (15)

23 CON 26 ECV: 7

20 BODY 20

30 INT 20 PD: 30 rPD: 20

20 EGO 20 ED: 30 rED: 20

20 PRE 10

20 COM 05

10 PD 06

10 ED 05

05 SPD 10

15 REC 04

56 END 05

52 STUN 10


TOTAL: 211



40 Trick arrows: Multipower 80 pts OAF--trick arrows


2u Shaped charge arrowhead: 3D6 RKA--armor piercing, 8 charges

3u TASER arrowhead: 8D6 EB, NND (hard armor covering or life support), 8 charges

3u Arc-light arrowhead: 8D6 flash vs sight; area of affect: Radius, 8 charges

3u Net arrowhead: 4D6 entangle; area of affect: Radius, 8 charges

1u Line arrowhead: 20" swinging, 16 charges

4u Torch arrowhead: 1D6 RKA, area of affect, hex, penetrating, uncontrolled, continuous, sticky, damage shield 8 1-turn continuing charges

3u Bolo arrowheads: 6D6 entangle, 8 charges

2u Smoke arrowheads: Darkness to sight group 6" radius, 8 1-turn charges, removed by strong winds or rain

2u Standard arrowheads: 2D6 RKA--24 charges


18 Combat luck: Armor: 9 PD/ED--luck based


20 Cinematic toughness: 1/2 physical reduction--luck based

20 Cinematic toughness: 1/2 energy reduction--luck based


35 Find weakness w/ arrows 14-


10 15 pts flash defense OIF: goggles


08 +4" running

03 +3" swimming


03 Acrobatics 15-

03 Acting 13-

03 Breakfall 15-

03 Bugging 15-

03 Climbing 15-

03 Combat driving 15-

03 Combat piloting 15-

03 Computer programming 15-

03 Concealment 15-

03 Contortionist 15-

03 Conversation 13-

03 Criminology 15-

03 Cryptography 15-

03 Deduction 15-

03 Demolitions 15-

03 Disguise 13-

03 Electronics 15-

03 Interrogation 13-

03 Inventor 15-

03 Lipreading 15-

03 Lockpicking 15-

03 Mechanics 15-

03 Navigation 15-

03 Paramedics 15-

03 Riding 15-

03 Security systems 15-

03 Shadowing 15-

03 Stealth 15-

03 Streetwise 13-

03 Survival 15-

03 Tactics 15-

03 Tracking 15-

02 Weaponsmith: Muscle powered ranged 15-


03 PS: Wildcatter 15-

03 PS: Writer 15-

03 KS: secret societies 15-


15 3D6 luck


15 Linguist

French Spanish

German Italian

Japanese Cantonese

Mandarin Tagalog

C++ Unix

Perl Java


03 Well connected

05 Contact 11- (Gadget freak); has extremely useful skills/resources, on good relationship w/contact

05 Contact 11- (Conspiracy theorist); has useful skills/resources, has access to major institutions, on good relationship w/ contact

05 Contact 11- (Underground webzine publisher) has useful skills, has contacts of his own, on good relationship w/ contact


21 Kyujutsu Phase OCV DCV Rng Damage/FX

Defensive shot 1/2 -1 +2 +0 Weapon strike

Distance shot 1+1 0 -2 +6 Weapon strike +1 seg

Far shot 1/2 +1 -1 +4 Weapon strike

Quick shot 1/2 +1 0 +0 Weapon +2 DC strike

Disarm 1/2 0 0 +0 Disarm, +15 STR


01 WF: Bows


28 Karate Phase OCV DCV Damage/FX

Atemi strike 1/2 -1 +1 2D6 NND

Block 1/2 +2 +2 Block, abort

Disarm 1/2 -1 +1 Disarm, +15 STR

Dodge 1/2 --- +5 Dodge, abort

Legsweep 1/2 +2 -1 STR+1D6, target falls

Punch/snap kick 1/2 +0 +2 STR+2D6

Side/spin kick 1/2 -2 +1 STR+4D6


30 +3 overall levels

15 +3 levels w/ DCV

10 +2 levels w/ INT based skills


10 Rapid attack--ranged and HTH attacks


10 Defense maneuver IV

15 Transport familiarity: Riding animals, skateboards, common ground vehicles, two wheeled motorized ground vehicles, tracked military vehicles, wheeled military vehicles, small planes, large planes combat aircraft, helicopters, small wind powered boats, hang gliding, SCUBA, railed vehicles


02 Deep cover (Elaine Hanna, phone line jockey)

02 Deep cover (Anne Perry, acrobatic clown)

02 Deep cover (Hanna Ainely, merchant marine)

02 Deep cover (Anna "Trick" LeClaire, wildcatter)

02 Deep cover (Claire Anne Perri, administrative assistant)

02 Deep cover (Perry Greene, computer programmer)

02 Deep cover (tr1xx13, computer phreak)


03 Absolute range sense

39 Danger sense 22-

05 Eidetic memory

03 Lightning calculator

03 Lightsleep

06 +4 lightning reflexes


539 Powers

211 Characteristics




15 Heavy kevlar: Armor: 11 PD/ED--OIF: armor (-1/2), half mass (-1/2), real armor (-1/4) weight: 20 kg





15 DNPC (Amanda Hastings) 8-, normal, unaware of identity as Huntress (knows her as Claire Anne Perri)

25 Hunted by United States Law Enforcement (all of them) 11-

20 Hunted by organized crime 11-

20 Hunted by the "conspiracy" (use your imagination) 11-

15 Hunted by international terrorist organizations 11-

15 Psych lim: Paranoia

15 Psych lim: Defiant of authority

10 Psych lim: Vengeful

15 Reputation 11- "Another Unabomber in the making"


150 Total Disads

600 Base




BACKGROUND: Lisa McCain was a hardworking young lady in just about everything she put her mind to. She was a bit of a "jack of all trades", except that whatever she put her mind to, she succeeded in rather well. Her parents were worried that she might be bipolar, but those worries were put to rest as the years went by.


She graduated 2 years ahead of schedule, and graduated in the top percentile of her class at college. After that, she joined the real world, and got herself a high paying job in Silicon Valley.


What she did there, and who she worked for don't really matter. One day, she came across a computer file that was mistakenly sent to her. It looked like an internal memo talking about doing something rather illegal...and apparently they were getting help at the "highest levels".


She wanted to investigate further, but someone found her out. She found her telephone bugged, spyware on her personal computer, and she believed that she was being followed.


Some people would call her paranoid at this point, and her coworkers were a little worried when she requested to take her PTO. As she drove into the Shasta Mountains, she started to think that maybe she might be overreacting...


Until a large SUV tried to run her off a cliffside highway, that is! She fought tooth and nail to shake her pursuer, and finally the two of them went off the freeway. When she woke up, she made her way to the car that had been chasing her...and got a queazy feeling when the wallets of the two men inside had badges of an unknown US agency inside--and both of them were dead.


When she made her way to civilization, she found that she was suddenly wanted for the murder of two Federal officers (she had left her car and fingerprints at the scene). She didn't stick around. On that day, Lisa McCain disappeared from the face of the Earth.


Now, the Huntress works to trace the shadowy conspiracy that seems to be encompassing not only the United States, but the world itself. From FEMA, to the Tri Lateral Commission, to the International Monetary Fund, to shadowy fraternities at Harvard and Yale, she puts the pieces together, compiling her research on paper, making sure that the bulk of her knowledge is written down, and not put on a computer.


After all, it was a computer that got her into trouble in the first place...


Note: Unique among the PC as the only non Seedling

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Re: Seeds of Change Character for review:Huntress


Overall, very nice take on the charater type. Normally I only comment on story rather than mechanics, but there are a few areas you might want to consider here:


1) Buyng computer languages as regular languages. Is this a house rule? As you know, in Hero System, this is by default covered by Computer Programing skill. Just IMO, it seems overly granular in a Supers game to require the purchase of every computer language skill.


2) Multiple Instances of similar Maneuver in two Martial Arts Packages. You can just buy the maneuvers once, buy the ranged element in addition to the default HtH element, and buy a KS in both martial arts. It saves points, saves space on the sheet, and its perfectly legal. List her Fast Strike as Quick Shot / Punch / Snap Kick to retain the flavor.


3) 5 Point Levels in INT skills. There are tricks you can do with skill levels you can't do with a stat. but I'd consider suggest merging these into a single Overall level (which has much more uitlity in game), especially as she already has a 15 or less in most of her INT skills.


4) With all of those Transport Familiarities, are normal vehicles free in this game, or do they cost points? If they cost points, maybe she should cut that list down, make cuts elsewhere, and buy a few vehicles?


5) Her origin says nothing of the years in Asia it would take to master all of those languages and (presumeably) martial arts. A few lines about that would be worthwhile.


6) Your non-seedling has 4 times the Strength of the average man (and without the body weight for that), Legendary Dexterity, Legendary Perceptiveness and speed of thought ... some mention of why or how would help.

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Re: Seeds of Change Character for review:Huntress


Overall, very nice take on the charater type. Normally I only comment on story rather than mechanics, but there are a few areas you might want to consider here:


1) Buyng computer languages as regular languages. Is this a house rule? As you know, in Hero System, this is by default covered by Computer Programing skill. Just IMO, it seems overly granular in a Supers game to require the purchase of every computer language skill.


Good point, I'll have to ask what the player was trying to accomplish with this.


2) Multiple Instances of similar Maneuver in two Martial Arts Packages. You can just buy the maneuvers once, buy the ranged element in addition to the default HtH element, and buy a KS in both martial arts. It saves points, saves space on the sheet, and its perfectly legal. List her Fast Strike as Quick Shot / Punch / Snap Kick to retain the flavor.


I'll mention that to player.


3) 5 Point Levels in INT skills. There are tricks you can do with skill levels you can't do with a stat. but I'd consider suggest merging these into a single Overall level (which has much more uitlity in game), especially as she already has a 15 or less in most of her INT skills.


4) With all of those Transport Familiarities, are normal vehicles free in this game, or do they cost points? If they cost points, maybe she should cut that list down, make cuts elsewhere, and buy a few vehicles?


Normal vehicles are free or can by accquired with resouce points.


5) Her origin says nothing of the years in Asia it would take to master all of those languages and (presumeably) martial arts. A few lines about that would be worthwhile.


6) Your non-seedling has 4 times the Strength of the average man (and without the body weight for that), Legendary Dexterity, Legendary Perceptiveness and speed of thought ... some mention of why or how would help.


Thematically, its because she is going to be this world's Batman or Deathstroke. The token that shows human do still matter. :) Gamewise, there is a reason but I don't want to spill it here.....

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