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Blackout - help with powers pls


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Alrightythen! First off I want the character to have a completely uncontrolled effect - lights near him spontaneously flicker off. The area in which this happens - maybe 40 meters (20 hexes) all around him. IN other words he's walking down the street and street lights are going out, front door lights go out, maybe even homes loose lighting as he passes. I plan to adjust this one up or down once I get an idea of how it's built and think more what range I want.


Second - I want the character to be able to black out a large area - say a whole good sized building (small 10 story office building). This would be from the outside - more as an attack power. I don't want it to do anything to the electricity, just the lights ( they are on - they should be working, they are not giving out any light!).


Inside the building people may use flashlights and what not - he'd have to "attack" them one at a time or get close to them and they'd go out due to the first effect.


My thinking is maybe some sort of electrical cyberkenesis - only to shut down lights. There are so many ways to build things though - good to get ideas from others!



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Re: Blackout - help with powers pls


Lessee here now ...


You could do an AE Suppress of all Light powers (would a laser pistol or a light-powered hero be affected by this power, or just regular old standard household lighting?) or a Change Environment that creates dark environments for the 'overall' dimness, with Continuous, Persistent, Always On and Mobile.


For the intentional building-shutdown, you could just expand the above powers, but without the Persistence and Always On.


Just out of curiosity, how does this power work with non-electrical light sources like fire or chemical phosphorescence (like glowsticks or glow-in-the-dark watch faces)?

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Re: Blackout - help with powers pls


Here is a crazy idea which is extremely obvious, possibly so much so that most people would not think of it. For the general "lights-out" field purchase a darkness field defined as turning off active light sources with the selective limitation and costs 0 END and is always on. Take it this way and it will effect all light sources, if the limit electrically powered only then only light sources that are electrically powered will be turned off, not any non-electrical sources (innate power, chemical fires, glow-sticks, etc). As for the attack, use the method described by CrosshairCollie. :bmk:

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Re: Blackout - help with powers pls


Funny how characters start to develop themselves...

Originally the character would only cause electric lights to go out. Later the thougth is that lighters, glow sticks, candles, etc would work fine, just not really cast any light - when close to the character. You'd see the light, but it would just sort of dissipate into the gloom.

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