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re: side effects value



I have re-read 5er pp. 281-282, as well as the Side Effect writeup. However, my doubts remain. So I have to ask a further clarification.


Let's assume an Armor that causes the Side Effect: -2 to DCV and DEX-based rolls whenever and as long as the power is in effect. In rule terms, Side effect is 20 AP worth (it's the equivalent of four DCV CSL), therefore a minor Side Effect, -1/4. Side effect causes the same effect each time (worth 1/4 less). Side effect occurs every time power is used (x2). It appears, because of the way modifers apply (adders first, multipliers last), such a limitation would be worth +0. I ask: is this result the express intent of the rule system, or some kind of "at least worth -1/4" would be needed. The idea a Side Effect that equals three or four negative DCV CSL would be worth +0 just because the character can plan for it is dizzying my head...

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Re: side effects value


First, you seem to be mis-applying the Side Effects rules. There is no 1/4 reduction for "always has the same effect." There is a 1/4 reduction for always does the same damage, which is a different thing. Unless I'm misreading your brief description, the value of the SE you’re describing is -1/2 (a Minor SE that always occurs). There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples of powers with Side Effects similar to what you’re describing in books like the FHG and FHG2, if you want to take a look at some of them for comparison; none of them apply the “defined damage” reducer as far as I can recall or find.


Second, if there is a defined minimum value for a given Limitation other than -0, the rules will state it, as noted on 5ER 282.

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