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Character review: Lillith

hooligan x

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This is Terror's character in our game. She has a metric butt-load of XP unspent and is unsure how to spend it. Any thoughts?


Lillith Gagne


Player: Terror


Val Char Cost
10 STR 0
14 DEX 12
15 CON 10
17 BODY 14
20 INT 10
24 EGO 28
20 PRE 0
14 COM 2
7/22 PD 5
7/22 ED 4
5 SPD 26
9 REC 8
30 END 0
30 STUN 0
6" RUN00" SWIM-22" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 117


Cost Power END
60 Brain Zap: Ego Attack 6d6 6
15 +15 Mental Defense (20 points total)
5 Dealy Attraction: +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Limited Power Only when interacting with the dead (-1)
22 Sixth Sense: Detect ghosts A Class Of Things 13-, Discriminatory, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Range, Sense
20 Ghost Manipulation: Elemental Control, 40-point powers
32 1) Phantom Touch: Telekinesis (20 STR), Based On EGO Combat Value (Standard Defense; +1), Range Modifiers Apply (-1/4) (52 Active Points) 5
20 2) Eyes of the Dead: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups) (50 Active Points); Blackout (-1/2) [Notes: Sees through the senses of ghosts who witnessed the past] 5
25 3) Ghostly Shield: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED/15 Power Defense) (45 Active Points) 4
35 4) Call Spirit Allies: Summon 50-point Ghosts (x4 Number Of Beings), Amicable Devoted (+3/4), Specific Being (+1) (55 Active Points) [Notes: Nunzio, Pidgeon, Kip, and Frederick] 5
Powers Cost: 234



Cost Skill
2 Animal Handler (Felines) 13-
3 Systems Operation 13-
4 KS: Haunted Places (INT-based) 14-
2 AK: Boston 11-
1 AK: NYC 8-
3 PS: Researcher (INT-based) 13-
1 Language: Spanish (basic conversation)
10 +2 with EVC
3 Scholar
1 1) KS: Occult symbols (2 Active Points) 11-
2 2) KS: Ghosts (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 13-
1 3) KS: gothic literature (2 Active Points) 11-
1 4) KS: Victorian authors (2 Active Points) 11-
Skills Cost: 34





Total Character Cost: 385


Val Disadvantages
10 Distinctive Features: Full body tattoos (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10 Hunted: Papparazzi 8- (Less Pow; Mildly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)
20 Hunted: Moira 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find)
15 Hunted: Gerhardt Biv 8- (Mo Pow; Watching; Extensive Non-Combat Influence; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find)
20 Enraged: when mocked or teased (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 8-
20 Psychological Limitation: Fear of bodies of water (Common; Total)
10 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful (Common; Moderate)
15 Psychological Limitation: in love with Mad Angus McCrae (Common; Strong)
10 Dependent NPC: Cloe 8- (Normal)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Mental attacks (Common)

Disadvantage Points: 150


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 35

Total Experience Available: 120

Experience Unspent: 85

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Re: Character review: Lillith


How about adding to the EC with something like:


20 5) Walk with the Dead:Desolidification (40 Active Points)


Or maybe a change environment that calls ghosts in the area to distract foes?


What about a mode of transport, say Teleport with the SFX that she travels through the planes of the dead to get to her target?


or say, an EGO transfer to EGO, call it "Your Will is Mine!" and have it siphon off a person's life force...


More points in Ego Attack never hurt anyone... well... except the bad guys ;)


Overall Skill levels with an activation to simulate her getting information/help from ghosts?

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Re: Character review: Lillith


Seeker ghosts: Mind scan, maybe with the "visible" limitation

Ghastly grasp I: Entangle, BOECV, take no damage from attacks, blocks t-port, cannot form barriers

Ghastly grasp II: ranged continuous STUN Drain or continuous NND energy blast.

apparitions: Images, fixed effect

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Re: Character review: Lillith


I forgot her background...


Height: 5' 5" Hair: Black


Weight: 135 lbs Eyes: Green


Appearance: Lillith is covered in occult tattoos from the neck down. She always dresses in black, conservative dresses for work and black leather while adventuring. She is usually surrounded by ghosts, although they are not always visable to those not sensitive to spirits.


Background: Lillith's mental powers first manifested at age six, when she almost drowned in a boating accident in which her twin sister and father died. After the accident, Lillith was able to see and communicate with the dead. She found it easier to relate to these spirits than the classmates who labeled her "weird" and taunted her mercilessly. As she grew up, she developed close bonds to four ghosts who are totally devoted to her. She became interested in the occult and parapsychology. She graduated with a degree in liberary science and began working for the Boston Public Liberary.

Lillith's unique abilities came to the attention of the mysterious man who recruited Team F-Up. Since joining the group, Lillith has literally been to hell, fought in an extradimentional gladiatiorial game show, been to several alternate Earths, and fought her dead twin. She is currently engaged to reformed super-villian Mad Angus McCrae, a fixture in the tabloids.

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