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Astrum Quadrivium Explorers

Super Squirrel

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I've finally come to my decision on what sort of Pulp Campaign I'm going to run. I'm going to be posted details as I work it out here in the pulp thread so that others can share, contribute, or just steal the ideas as they want.


In the game, for one reason or another the players have an interested in an ancient civilization known only as "The Crossroaders". The civilization once had cities located in Australia, Africa, East Asia, and South America. One of the mysteries is how this society was able to cross the globe with great ease. It is, of course, this mystery that will attract is fair share of advesaries.


I figure the game will be mostly exploration of new lands and hunting down relics that were discovered by previous explorers and are needed for whatever reason. This is about all the information I have decided on so far, however.

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Re: Astrum Quadrivium Explorers


Perhaps the PC's could work for an organization (secret ?Perhaps Govt. )which is trying to track down (or maybe supress) bits of information or technology that point to a "secret" history of the last hundred (or more) years. They are opposed by another secret organization (or govt) that wants to do the opposite ! Try to get a look at the T V show "Veritas: The Quest" for ideas on how this might work. You may well need scientists, explorers, two fisted adventurers, detectives and occultists working together to accomplish these goals, as might your opposition !

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Re: Astrum Quadrivium Explorers


If it's not too controversial, you could go read the first 2/3 of the really bad Clive Cussler novel 'Atlantis Found' for some ideas ;)


Antagonists - Nazis of course


Game year - circa 1938 (coinciding with Nazi expedition to Tibet, looking for signs of the Lemurian / Muvian master race)


Archetypes - explorer, archaeologist, soldier of fortune, macho woman with guns, jornalist / writer, transportation goon (pilot/sailor), psychic, occultist


Technologies - advanced astronomy and navigational abilities

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Re: Astrum Quadrivium Explorers


A weekend without internet definitely got my productivity in gear.


Here are some ideas I came up with:

Tell-tale signs that the society predates any other known civilization. At the start of the game the civilization has been connected to ruins in East Asia, the African Desert, the African Jungle, a Jungle in South America, an Island off the coast of South America, and some ruins in Northern Canada.


In truth, there are twelve ruins, one for each Zodiac sign. They are located in the following locations:


Australian Outback

Long Lost Ruins in the United Kingdom

South American Jungle

African Jungle

East Asia Jungle

Island off of Coast of South America

African Desert

In the Mountins of China

Icy North of Canada

Within the Vast Lands of Russia

Sunken Ruins in the Mediteranian

and last but not least...

Deep below the deepest subway station in New York City

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Re: Astrum Quadrivium Explorers


So far, these are the four character concepts I would find the most useful for this campaign type. While subject to change based on the release of Pulp Hero, the Descendent is the most needed of the group.


The Trophey Hunter

Isn't himself unless he has a gun in his hand. He can recognize a gun by sound or by sight. He can shoot with great accuracy at a great distance. His problems begin when ranged combat doesn't work well.


The Archeologist

Not much for combat but knows enough for survival. He likes to explorer ruins and find lost treasures. He has a knack for finding traps, usually, accidently. He knows nearly every language from every dark corner of the world.


The Descendent

Actual descendent of the Crossroaders. He knows he comes from them but knows nothing about his people. For him, this is a quest to discover his own identity than seeking great wealth or great power.


The Vehicle Expert

He isn't in it for the adventure. He is in it because he is one of the few that is good enough to get everyone from point A to point B. He can fix a vehicle from just about any condition if given enough time as long as their is gas to make the vehicle run.

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Re: Astrum Quadrivium Explorers


It is Latin and translates to "Star Crossroad"

I don't mean to lecture, but...


It is a word-for-word "translation" of the English "Star Crossroad". It isn't, though, a translation into Latin as such.


First: in Latin, in most situations, a modifier follows what modifies. Hence, "Quadrivium Astrum"


Second: astrum has more the sense of "constellation" or star-shaped object. "Stella" might be a better choice.


Third: in Latin a noun in apposition is used when one is giving a different term for the same thing. E.g., "That's my sister Julia." --- "Julia" is in apposition to "sister", and agrees with it in case (not number, gender, etc.). In your phrase, "star" is not another name for "crossroads." You should, therefore, put stella (or astrum) in the genitive case; literally "crossroad of the star".


Thus, you ought to use "Quadrivium Stellae" or "Quadrivium Astri". Or, if you think the plural sounds better ("crossroad of stars"), that's "Quadrivium Stellarum" or "Qaudrivium Astorum".


Hope this helps. :)

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Re: Astrum Quadrivium Explorers


Quadrivium Astorum Gateway: (Total: 104 Active Cost, 24 Real Cost) Teleportation 4", x8 Increased Mass, Usable By Other (+1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Continuous (+1), MegaScale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4) (92 Active Points); OAF Immobile (-2), Arrangement (-1/4), Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2), Conditional Power Requires Touch of Quadrivium Ancestor to Activate (-1), Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Can Only Use Fixed Points; -1), Limited Power Gate (-1/2) (Real Cost: 12) plus Teleportation: Fixed Location (12 Locations) (Real Cost: 12)


The Gateway is a large device in the center of each of the twelve ancient temples. Because all gateways are connected to the same, central, power source and the source has grown weak with age, the gateway does not remain open for very long at a time and requires to recharge before it can be operated again.


Because the Pisces gate is currently located below the Mediterranean Sea, opening the gate to that temple after the inner chamber has been flooded, will cause the temple the gate is opening from to flood as well. However, the Pisces gate also has a thirteenth fixed location point located above the Mediterranean Sea, permitting the inner chamber to be purged of flooded water. It is for this reason, that it is believed the temple was intentionally built below sea level.

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