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Follow-up to CSL's

Just Joe


According to your answer, the character can use his 3-point CSL's in blades to add to his DCV even when he is performing a manuever (dodge) that does not directly use a blade. Does he at least have to be holding a blade? If so, would it be sufficient to have a knife in his off-hand? For example, could a right-handed character use these CSL's to add to his DCV against a HTH attack while firing a gun (point blank) with his right hand and holding a knife in his left?

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Obviously, if he has CSLs with Blades, he has to be using a blade for those Levels to apply. That would include dodging while in the middle of a swordfight, for example. But it doesn't mean that just having a blade out and drawn is sufficient either -- it's up to the GM to decide whether the character is legitimately using the weapon in a way that justifies application of the Levels, or the player's just trying to scam the system to get a benefit his character's not entitled to.


In the situation you describe, for example, it sounds to me like the character's chosen to use his gun. Just drawing his knife in his other hand seems like a cheap effort to try to use Levels he shouldn't be using, and I doubt I'd allow it in most circumstances.

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