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Weapon Summoning


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I am new to the Hero System and have previously only made rather simple characters and powers while a learned the game. Recently I had the idea of making a character that conjured his weapon from nothing. I thought that this might be a summoning power but in the summoning section its says that it would be HKA. On top of the weapon being summoned I wanted it to have a cost in phases or turns, like a constant effort for creating it, as well as if it becomes parted from the character it instantly dissapears and is no longer in existance. I am not to sure on how to do this. I think it would probably be summon, but I dont know how exactly to put the constant effort on it or its dissapearance when being disarmed.


I also have a related question; can the summoned weapon be used as a foci for other powers?

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Re: Weapon Summoning


Since this is really a "how to" question and not a rules question, I've moved it to the "Discussion" board so that anyone who likes can offer a suggestion.


My two cents: the power you're describing is really just an HKA -- the character has the ability to make the weapon appear at will. Since it can't be taken away from him (he could just "summon" it again), it's not a Focus or anything like that, just a straightforward HKA.


As for giving it a "duration," that should be easy enough to do with a Limited Power Limitation -- the power costs END to maintain in Phases in which the weapon is "in existence," even if the character doesn't actually use it against anyone. That's probably a -1/2 in most campaigns, but you should check with your GM.


Welcome to Hero!

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Re: Weapon Summoning


If you want to do something like "cast a spell" or the equivalent to "summon" the HKA, and thereafter have it stick around for a while, you could consider using the Lingering Advantage.


There are a gazillion ways to build a construct like that, but here's one that is charge based. If it's your character's main offense, you'd want more Charges, or remove Charges altogether...also, obviously, the dice, AP, and STUN Multiple are all configurable/optional as well.


Conjured Blade of Smiting

RealCost 32

ActiveCost 105


Creates a magical sword with an unearthly keen edge that the caster may lay about with in melee. Does not require proficiency. Crumbles to dust after 1 minute.

HKA 2d6 + 1 (vs. PD), +1 STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Lingering up to 1 Minute (+3/4), AP (x2; +1) (105 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1 1/4), Concentration 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Gestures (-1/4)

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Re: Weapon Summoning


Thank-You both for your input/help. The concept for the character is a mystical martial artist who uses his ki to conjure his primary weapon. For this idea I find that charges would probably not be applicable, so I followed Steve's suggestion. Please tell me if im on the right track or have made a mistake (as I am new at this).


Spiritual Weapon

Active Points: 20

Real Points: 15

The character uses their ki (Ki being END) energy to summon a weapon (1d6+1) to fight with in battle. However the character must sustain a flow of ki to their weapon to keep it in existance (Endurance Limitation, every phase -1/2)


Though in my original post i asked if it could be used as a focus, for example:


Spiritual Slash

Active Points: 20

Real Points: 10

A character with a spiritual weapon may attack another characters ki directly. This does 2d6 damage to the targets ki. (Drain 2d6 END, 20 points) However this can only be done with a spiritual weapon (Focus Spiritual Weapon OAF, -1).


Is this at all possible, could the character only use this power if he had his spiritual weapon currently summoned? If so would the weapon be considered a focus?

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Re: Weapon Summoning


If I understand your concept correctly, the weapon cannot be taken away, lost, etc. If that's true, Focus really isn't an option. If disarmed, for example, he just manifests a new one (and I'd assume the first would disappear).


I'm thinking Linked is the simplest way to go with your End Drain, assuming again that you must strike the opponent's body (HKA) to strike his Ki (Drain). That would cover the requirement of having the Spiritual Weapon available.


Or... make them slots in either a Multipower or an Elemental Control.


Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (20 Active Points); Limited Power(Must pay END every phase; -1/2) 13 Real Cost


Drain END 2d6 (20 Active Points); Linked (Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand; -1/2) 13 Real Cost


Of course, there are probably at least another dozen ways to build this. That's the beauty of the Hero System :hex:


Edit: re-organized my thoughts

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Re: Weapon Summoning


Keep in mind Vibilo, that an Attack Power such as HKA, costs Endurance each time it is used to attack. Thus your 1D6+1HKA Ki-blade is going to cost 2End each time you use it to attack in addition to any Endurance spent from Strength used to enhance the attack.


This is not the case with weapons considered equipment...you only spend Endurance for the STR used in the attack (i.e. based on the STR Min of the weapon and including any extra used to increase damage)


If you want a weapon that doesn't cost Endurance per attack, but costs endurance per Phase, try this:


Ki-Blade: 1D6+1 HKA(20) Reduced Endurance (+1/4) 1/2End 25 Active

-- Costs Endurance (-1/4) Restrainable (-1/4) 17 real points


Reduced Endurance reduces the "cost per attack" to 1 Endurance, plus whatever STR used to enhance the damage. This is reasonable.


The Cost Endurance limitation represents a power that already costs Endurance "to activate" but you want to increase this so that it costs endurance "to maintain". This is a -1/4 limitation as per the 5th Edition page 185. The Reduced End and Costs End adjustments seem like they would be mutually exclusive, but because of the way they work they are not. Now because of the addition of the Cost Endurance (to maintain) limitation, this power costs 2 Endurance per Phase to maintain. If you don't have the End to maintain it, it goes away.


You notice the Restrainable limitation? The reason I added this was because of the nature of the power. Its Ki based. This means a Tien Hsueh master could use his skill to block energy pathways in the characters arm and prevent Ki energy from manifesting, thus preventing the character from formulating his Ki-blade. Should be rare, but in a campaign that includes Ki-mastery, its possible for it to happen. Thus the restrainable limitation is applicable.



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Re: Weapon Summoning


Again thanks for helping me out...

I didnt even know about the linked limitation but now that you have pointed it out to me it seems to acomplish exactly what I want. I had also wanted to pay it every phase and had forgotten about the use of END. So thanks for pointing that out and giving me a way to achieve what I want. Between the two of you I think that my idea has been acomplished.


The character that I have in mind uses his ki weapon to activate a variety of techniques such as the END drain used in the example. Since there are a number of these "techniques" that all use the limitiation of linked with the ki weapon would it be best to use a power framework? I think that if it were to be done this way a VPP would be inappropriate as the character uses set "technques" that he has learned and perfected through practice. So would a Multipower or EC:Ki Techniques (or something) Framework work best for this idea? Or because im using the linked limitation for most of the "techs" is it pointless to use a power framework or if i used a power framwork, pointless to use the linked limitation?


I know that these must be pretty simplistic questions but this is all new ground for me... but im pretty sure this is the last one.

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