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Chemo - Global Guardians Universe (South Warriors)

Iuz the Evil

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Ok, so here's my Chilean Metamorph 'Chemo' (shorthand for Química Organismo - yes I know, I know... I'll try to get it changed to Qemo maybe, I haven't decided yet). He's an obvious 'homage' to Metamorpho, and a member of the GGU's South Warriors (as of about a week ago). Anyway, thoughts on how I can develop his multipower with additional chemical 'tricks' he'd commonly be able to utilize would be appreciated - I was thinking Freon/'Canned Heat' effects as a new multipower slot, maybe some 'variable sfx' energy blast, but haven't gotten much beyond that.


EDIT: It occurs to me I should encourage people to check out Jack Butler's Global Guardians Universe PBEM homepage Global Guardians


Character Name: Chemo

Real Name: Bernardo Denestro

Concept: Metamorph

Player Name: James Diel

Nationality: Chilean

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Place of Birth: Valparaiso, Chile

Date of Birth: November 23, 1977

Height/Mass: 1.8 meters tall/ 96.5 kilograms


Background Information:

Bernardo grew up in a moderate income portion of Valparaiso, the child of a government waste-water administrator and a public school teacher. His childhood was pleasant and unremarkable, and Bernardo showed an aptitude for the physical sciences from an early age, and quickly gravitated towards various applied sciences (especially Chemistry). He was awarded a modest scholarship and graduated from the Universidad de la Chile at the top of his class.


Bernardo’s super-human abilities manifested themselves shortly after he began working as a chemical engineer for the Conquistador’s large multi-national corporation in Santiago, just after graduating. The metamorphic polymer his team was working on was inadvertently exposed by one of his colleagues to highly unstable radiological materials, resulting in a massive explosion. Working diligently, he was able to rescue over a dozen trapped, burned, and poisoned colleagues while working in conjunction with the rescue crews. Bernardo found that he now had the ability to radically alter his body’s structure, transforming not only his shape, but his chemical composition to a variety of substances. He’d always wanted to help others, inspired by tales of the Global Guardian heroes, especially those featuring Lumina, the abuses of Conquistador’s fascist super-dictatorship, and the horrors of the Xorn invasion to realize that all the peoples of the Earth needed those willing to protect them from the dangers which lurked in the world. Bernardo enthusiastically embraced his newfound powers, determining to flee Chile rather than risk drawing the Conquistador’s attention to his family. Crossing the Andes with his new found abilities was no great task, and he acted for the next several years as a superhero in neighboring Buenos Aires, Argentina. During this period, he adopted the identity of ‘Chemo’ and worked actively with local law enforcement, developing a reputation as a force to be reckoned with as well as the enmity of various organized crime families.


When word reached him that the South Warriors were recruiting new members for a new regional super-team, Chemo jumped at the opportunity. His departure from the local police force was met with mixed sorrow and relief by his former colleagues, as though the officers found him likeable enough his incessant wisecracking and unnerving powers had a tendency to be rather ‘off putting’. His parents are incredibly proud of him, and he hopes one day to see them live free outside of Chile’s borders. Chemo is ready for action, standing tall and working to defend all the peoples of Latin America.



"Easy there amigo… don’t get all bent out of shape. That’s my job"



Bernardo is a friendly, extroverted young man who is highly motivated to ‘serve and protect’ the normal people he encounters every day. In many ways he is naïve, tending to see the best in others and overlooking the more unpleasant aspects of what is going on around him. Despite this eternal optimism, he’s more than willing to roll up his sleeves and ‘get his hands dirty’ if he feels the cause is just (and he usually does). He has learned to manage his anxiety in combat situations by bantering with his opponents, making self-deprecating jokes, and generally being a ‘combat comedian’ (occasionally to the annoyance of his teammates). Bernardo is confident, cheerful, and enjoys social gatherings of all sorts.



Bernardo is a muscular, athletic, attractive Hispanic male who appears to be in his early twenties. He has brown eyes and straight dark brown hair, which he keeps cut at medium length and parted on one side. In his 'hero identity', Chemo wears red and white trunks and little else as his transformations tend to be hard on his apparel. His physical form morphs into a variety of different substances during combat, from fizzing green acids to searing golden flames to shining silver metal in the blink of an eye, demonstrating unnatural elasticity and resilience regardless of chemical composition.



Chemo has developed near-absolute mastery over his body’s chemical and structural composition, transforming at will from flesh-and-blood to a wide variety of solvents, metals, vapors, and fluids, and changing shape at his mental command as well. Initially, he was limited to two or three forms (fire, metal, and inert gas), but has since moved beyond this to a much wider application of his power. He can become choking, caustic gas to incapacitate an opponent, then transform into an enveloping metallic prison around them (his ‘metal form’ plus his ‘enveloping strength’ are a potent combination); or burst into flame, then flow through a crack in a wall as a cloud of vapor. The possibilities available offer him a potent array of responses to adversaries, and as he grows in skill his knowledge as a chemist proves increasingly useful in determining new applications of his abilities.


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

21 DEX 17

20 CON 20

4 BODY 12

3 INT 13

2 EGO 11

10 PRE 20

1 COM 12

6 PD 10

6 ED 10

20 SPD 5

0 REC 8

0 END 40

3 STUN 35


OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 4 DECV: 4

rPD/rED: 8/4 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

Mental DEF: 0 Power DEF: 10

Movement: Run 6", Swim 2", Jump 4"

STR Roll: 13/less DEX Roll: 13/less CON Roll: 13/less

INT Roll: 12/less EGO Roll: 11/less PRE Roll: 14/less


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

60 Chemical Transformation – Multipower (60 Active Points)

6u. 1) Shroud of Flames/Corrosive Form/Shield of Blades: 2d6 RKA, Damage Shield (+1/2), Costs END only to Activate (+1/4), Variable Special Effects (fire, acid, or blades, +1/4) (60 Active Points) (3 END to Activate)

6u. 2) Corrosive Form II: Tunneling 6" through 16 DEF material (60 Active Points) (1 END/5”)

3u. 3) Body of Vapor: Desolidification (affected by wind powers), Costs END only to Activate (+1/4) (50 Active Points), Cannot pass through solid objects (-1/2) (4 END to Activate)

6u. 4) Body of Metal: Density Increase (up to x64 mass; +30 STR, -6” KB resistance, +6 nonresistant PD and ED), costs END only to Activate (+1/4) (37 Active Points) plus Armor 7rPD, 7rED (21 Active Points) (3 END to activate)


15 Amorphous Form Mastery – Elemental Control (30 Active Points)

20 1) Cohesion of Form: Healing 1d6, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), Self Only (-½)

12 2) Bodily Resilience: 50% resistant physical Damage Reduction (30 Active Points); Costs END to Activate (-1/4) (3 END to Activate)

12 3) Bodily Integrity: 50% resistant energy Damage Reduction (30 Active Points); Costs END to Activate (-1/4) (3 END to Activate)

13 4) Amorphous Form: +6” Stretching (30 Active Points), no non-combat stretching (-1/4) (1 END/5”)

7 5) Enveloping Strength: Strength +20 - 0 Endurance Cost (+½) (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-½), Only for Grabs, Escapes, and Throws (-½)


7 Vaporous Travel: Flight 5”, 1/2 END Cost (+1/4) (12 Active Points), Doesn’t work in high winds (-1/4), Linked to Desolidification (-1/2) (0 END)


17 Toxic Fume: Energy Blast 2d6, No Normal Defense (Self Contained Breathing or Immune To Poison, +1), Works While Desolid (+2), Continuous (+1/2), Area Effect: Hex (+1/2), Personal Immunity (+1/4) (52 Active Points), Requires ‘Transformation Tricks’ to Activate (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Linked to Desolidification (-1/2), Concentrate to ½ DCV Throughout (-1/2) (4 END)


6 Impressive Resistance to Harm: Damage Resistance 8rPD, 4rED

10 Impervious to Transformation: Power Defense 10 points

6 Walking Chem-Lab: Detect Chemical Composition (12/less), Discriminatory, Analyze (8 Active Points); Costs END to Activate (-1/4) (1 END)

8 Impervious to Chemicals: Life Support: Immune to terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents (10 Active Points), costs END to activate (-1/4) (1 END to activate)


Cost Skills

9 3 levels with Punch, Grab, and Haymaker

3 Conversation (14/less)

3 Oratory (14/less)

3 Persuasion (14/less)

5 Power Skill: Transformation Tricks (14/less)

4 Package: Scientist

Fringe Benefit: Doctorate in Chemistry

KS: Research Methods (12/less)

PS: Academic Researcher (11/less)

PS: Chemical Engineer (12/less)


SS: Mathematics (12/less)

SS: Chemistry (14/less)

SS: Organic Chemistry (12/less)

SS: Chemical Engineering (12/less)

SS: Molecular Chemistry (12/less)

Social Limitation: Occupation (scientist)

Social Limitation: Publish or Perish

3 Package: South Warriors

Criminology (12/less)

Deduction (12/less)

Fringe Benefit: International Police Powers (Sponsor Nations Only)

Fringe Benefit: South Warriors Membership

KS: History of the South Warriors (11/less)

KS: Known Supervillains Active In Latin America (11/less)

Team Base Donation

Team Communicator

Monitored by the Every Latin American Government, 8/less

Social Limitation: Subject to Orders

0 Package: Everyman Skills

Acting (8/less)

AK: Chile (11/less)

Computer Programming (8/less)

Concealment (8/less)

Language: Spanish (idiomatic)

Oratory (8/less)

PS: Chemist (11/less)

Shadowing (8/less)

Stealth (8/less)

TF: Small Ground Vehicles



Points Disadvantages

10 Accidental Change: Transforms (activates random multipower slot – flames, acid, vapor, or metal form) when surprised, 8/less

10 DNPC: Jaime and Estrella Denestro (parents), 8/less (normal)

15 Physical Limitation: Weird Biochemistry Requires Special Medical Care

20 Psych. Limitation: Code vs. Killing (common, total)

10 Psych. Limitation: Makes Jokes In Combat (common, strong)

15 Psych. Limitation: Optimist (common, strong)

5 Psych. Limitation: Talkative (uncommon, moderate)

15 Social Limitation: Impressively Obvious and Dangerous Powers (frequently, major)

15 Social Limitation: Famous (frequently, major)

20 Hunted by floating organized crime family, 8/less (mo pow, NCI)

10 Social Limitation: Public Identity (common, moderate)


CHA Cost = 106

Total Powers Cost = 214

Total Skills Cost = 30

Total Cost = 200 + 150 Disadvantages

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