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Known Space


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Re: Known Space


Has anyone ever run a campaign in Larry Niven's Known Space? Just wondering if someone had Hero stats and backgrounds for any or all periods of this series.


A long time ago I owned the RINGWORD RPG and the RINGWORLD COMPANION. I ended up getting rid of it (stuuupid me), but did agree with the assessment that Known Space is not a great place to adventure -- there's not a whole lot to do there. It's tiny (30 LY across, IIRC), heavily policed, and works on (mostly) science fact, not science fiction. That said, if I still had said books, you can be sure I'd be working up character sheets from the material.


Oh, and I tried looking for old/used copies online. Yeah... $125.00+ for the game. I think not.

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Re: Known Space


I wasn't really thinking about exploration but mostly a few specific periods. Belt colonization (kinda tough to RP this I think)' date=' Dream Park (I believe that's part of Known Space IIRC), ARM against the organ leggers (my personal favorite), Man-Kzin Wars, and Ringworld.[/quote']


Dream Park is not part of Known Space.


Ringworld becomes pretty much a "post-holocaust" game and/or a "fantasy" setting with various hominids instead of elves, dwarves, and orcs, and high-technology instead of magic. ARM would work, as you get to play police detectives in the future, while Man-Kzin wars lets the PCs play with various high-tech "superweapons" and deal with some pretty nasty alien enemies. In most cases, however, space combat would be pointless, as it is nothing like space opera and everything like an exercise in mathematics.

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Re: Known Space


Dream Park is not part of Known Space.


Oh well, I couldn't remember. I knew if it was then it was very early before the colonization of the Belt. Thanks for the info.


In most cases' date=' however, space combat would be pointless, as it is nothing like space opera and everything like an exercise in mathematics.[/quote']


And would Niven have it any other way?


I'd like to run one during the time of Gil Hamilton and ARM. Actually I'd like to play in one set in that time. My GM'ing is very rusty. Haven't GM'ed in 13 years or so.

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Re: Known Space


In the story Patchwork Girl, Gil used the imaginary arm to sift through tons of sand on the moon (I think it was the moon) and pick up a body from under it. He just had to use the holographic representation of the base to fool his arm into doing it. I guess the key would be the perceived weight of the object he was touching. Just as the perceived distance is important for reaching though a viewscreen. I have no idea how you would be able to replicate this ability in Hero, though. Because obviously his TK strength is greater than 2 but not as perceived by him. (Been a while since I read this book. He did lift the body out didn't he? Not just feel it?)

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Re: Known Space


In the story Patchwork Girl' date=' [/i']Gil used the imaginary arm to sift through tons of sand on the moon (I think it was the moon) and pick up a body from under it. He just had to use the holographic representation of the base to fool his arm into doing it. I guess the key would be the perceived weight of the object he was touching. Just as the perceived distance is important for reaching though a viewscreen. I have no idea how you would be able to replicate this ability in Hero, though. Because obviously his TK strength is greater than 2 but not as perceived by him. (Been a while since I read this book. He did lift the body out didn't he? Not just feel it?)


He only felt it, as I recall.

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