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Sabre - Needs checking.


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Okay, his name is sabre, and he's more or less my take on a psychic warrior of the modern age. I've done some messing around lately to try and get the proper fit as far as powers and characteristics are concerned.


I'm going to be using this character in a game that's coming up, but I have a nasty suspicion that I may have made a few errors, or that there may be some bugs in the powers that may need ironing out.


Anyhow, tell me what you think. If there are any glaring errors that I may need to correct, feel free to let me know.




Updated 23, August 2005


Well, I've decided to give up on this. Apparently my intention to create a Mentalist/Powered Armour character didn't work out as well as I thought it would.


Hopefully, I'll revisit this concept when I've got more experience with the system under my belt.




Champions character - Sabre



Champions character - Rapier 200/150)




Val Char


15 STR Lift 200kg 3d6 HTH END [1]


18 CON

13 BOD

18 INT PER Roll 13-

25 EGO ECV: 8

15(+15)** PRE PRE Atack: 2d6

12 COM

8 PD Total: 8/20PD (0/12rPD)

7 ED Total: 7/19ED (0/12rED)

4(+4)* SPD Phases: 2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12

10 REC

70 END

33 STN


Movement: Running: 6" END [1]

Swiming: 2" END [1]

Leaping: 3" forward, 1.5" upward



Total Characteristics cost = 135 points


* = +4 SPD, only for Mental/Telekinetic abilities (-1/2)

** = OIF; (-1/4)



Cost Skill (* = Everyman Skills)


* Acting

* Climbing

* Concealment

* Conversation

* Deduction

* Lanuage: English - Fluent Conversation; literate)

* Paramedics

* Persuasion

* Shadowing

* Stealth

* TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles


3 Acrobatics: 11-

2 City of operation: AK 11-

3 Computer Programming 11-

10 Defense Maneuver I-IV

3 Electronics 13-

3 Fast Draw 11-

13 Telekinesis: Power 16-

3 Systems Operation 11-

2 SS: Psychotronics 11-

2 KS: The Superhuman World 11-

2 WF: Blades, Energy Blades, Unarmed Combat

12 +4 With Mental/Telekinetic Powers


Total Skills = 58 points



Cost Power


5 Money: Money: Well Off

3 Absolute Range Sense

3 Absolute Time Sense

3 Lightning Calculator

5 Eidetic Memory

3 Bump Of Direction


Total Talents = 22 points




Cost Power


30 Psychotronic Armor: Armor (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+1/4); OIF (-1/2)

7 Psychotronic Armor: Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Resistant Defenses

(10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

3 Armor Design: +13 PRE; OIF (-1/2), (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic)



8 Psychotronic Helmet: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points),

Hardened (+1/4); OIF (-1/2)

13 Life Support: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation;

Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum;

Self-Contained Breathing); OIF (-1/2)

10 Polarised Helmet Visor: Sight Group Flash Defense (15 points); OIF (-1/2)

3 Infra-Red Vision: Infrared Perception (Sight Group), OIF (-1/2)

3 Nightvision Lenses: Nightvision; OIF (-1/2)

6 Communications Suite: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2),

Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group

[very common Sense] (-1/2)


57 Psi-Rapier: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4),

Armor Piercing (x2; +1), Does BODY (+1), Penetrating (x2; +1), Attack Versus Limited

Defense (Defense is Force Field, Force Wall, or Anothr Energy Blade; +1 1/2)

(172 Active Points); OAF (-1), No STR Bonus (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4),

Required Hands One-And-A-Half-Handed (-1/4) End= 16


27 Speed of Thought: +4 SPD (40 Active Points); Custom Modifier

(Only for Mental/Telekinetic abilities; -1/2)

5 Mental Defense: Mental Defense (10 points total),



20 Elemental Control, 40-point powers


24 1) Mental Blinding: Sight , Hearing , Mental and Smell/Taste End= 4

40 2) Psionic Invisibility: Groups Flash 4d6, Personal Immunity

(+1/4) (44 Active Points) Invisibility to Sight , Hearing and

Mental Groups , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)

20 1) Telepathy: Telepathy 4d6, Armor Piercing (x2; +1) End= 4



60 Psionic Powers: Multipower, 60-point reserve


6u 5) Telekinetic Manipulation I: Telekinesis (40 STR) End= 6

6u 5) Telekinetic Manipulation II: Telekinesis (33 STR),

Fine Manipulation End= 6

6u 5) Telekinetic Manipulation III: Telekinesis (26 STR),

Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)

6u 4) Telekinetic Blast: Energy Blast 12d6 End= 6

6u 6) TK Flight: Flight 20", x32 Noncombat End= 6

6u 7) Instantaneous Movement: Teleportation 20", x32 Noncombat End= 6


Total Powers = 5872 Points




Cost Disadvantage


10 Distinctive Features: Mutant; (Not Concealable; Always Noticed;

Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)

20 Hunted: Psi 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity - Jason Maxwell (Frequently, Major)

15 Psychological Limitation: Likes to taunt opponents (Common, Strong)

15 Dependent NPC: Kate Rogers - Crime reporter, Girlfriend 8- (Incompetent; Useful Noncombat

Position or Skills; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

20 Dependent NPC: Kimberly Maxwell (16-Year-old Sister) 11- (Normal;

Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

15 Enraged: If a Villain injures or kills an innocent (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-

20 Psychological Limitation: Prefers to work alone (Very common, Total)

10 Distinctive Features: Neural Enabler Interface (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Electrical Attacks (Uncommon)



Total Disadvantages = 150 points


Total Spent = 350 points










Reasons for editing:


-Fixed up errors in PD/ED

-Changed characteristics according to the Champions character generator

-Changed Physical damage reduction to Mental Damage Reduction

-Edited Psi-Sabre

-Removed Missile Deflection

-Removed Physical Damage Resistance

-Mental Defense is no longer part of a focus

-Added more skills

-Shifted Telepathic powers into a seperate Element control

-Added More Talents

-Changed character Disads

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Re: Sabre - Needs checking.


Well, the [censor profanity] laptop just erased everything I typed, which took me about 15 minutes to do. :mad:


Here are some basics to consider (accept them, discard them or adjust them to fit your needs):

-For a mentalist, your EGO is LOW - Boost it up

-Do you really need a 30 STR?

-You have Sight Flash Defense down twice; 10 points hardened and 15 points

-As a mentalist, your helmet shouldn't provide you with Mental Defense, that should be natural; I recommend 10 points.

-As a mentalist, your turn goes of EGO, not DEX and ECV, not DCV. I highly suggest getting rid of +10 DEX; it only helps the Psi-Sword, which should be a last defense item.

-You should get rid of the Dmg Resist Hardened, you already have armor and you probably shouldn't be on the front line, but as a range attacker.

-Consider removing the Phys Dmg Red and replace it with Natural 25% Mental -Dmg Red; with your 10 pts Mental Defense, this should be plenty for starters.


-Boost your personal PRE, reduce or eliminate the suit PRE, or make it +10 only for defense (-1).

-Get some Stun! You'll be out in 2 hits from your average 12d6 EB! Three hits with a 10d6 EB!

-Consider removing the SPD bonus from the suit and giving yourself "Speed of thought" +3 SPD, only for mental/tk powers (-1/2). This means you go on 2 4 6 8 10 12, but the bold ones are your physical actions (where you would do half-moves and such).

-PSI might be considered to have NCI

-Do you really want a DF that causes abject fear?

-Get some CSL's with your Multi-Power



Well, you asked. :)

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Re: Rate my character - Sabre


21 Psi-Sabre: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2);

OAF (-1), No STR Bonus (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) End= 7


12 Psi-Sabre Defense: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection,

Reflect At Any Target; Limited Power - Power loses all of its effectiveness

(Can only be used when the Psi Sabre is Active and in the character's hands; -2),

OAF (Psi Sabre Unit; -1), Only In Heroic Identity (Nessecary Speed and reflexes

only available when wearing the armour; -1/4)


Two tweaks. Your psi sabre should either be a HKA with No Str Bonus (-1/2) or RKA with No Range (-1/2). It should not have both disads. Also, if you are going for the lightsaber effect, you may want to consider an additional level of AP or something like AVLD Does Body (Defense is Combat Luck + FF). If you do the later, you can bring down the total number of dice.


Second, the -2 limitation on the Missile deflection seems a bit thin. You are effectively suggesting that you need to have the psi sabre to deflect. That limitation is covered by the OAF. It seems the -2 is a double dip.


I agree with the previous post that you should buy up your Ego.


Seems like an interesting character. Good luck.

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Re: Rate my character - Sabre


To reiterate, BUY UP YOUR EGO.




I'm also in agreement about the high Dex score, and just because it's me I'd probably lower his BODY by 2 and put it in CON.


PD & ED: I'm all confused about that. In the first section you claim a 3 PD/3 ED, but paranthetically to the side you show 5 PD/3 ED. Where'd the extra PD come from?


Later you show a total of 8 PD/3 ED with the armor, but don't show where the extra 5 PD came from.


Later you have Damage Resistance for 10 PD/10 ED, but neither of those characteristics even comes close.


I see your character having a 3 PD/3 ED under normal circumstances, boosted to 15 PD/15 ED (12/12 resistant) with the armor. With the TK shield, that'd be boosted to 33 PD/33 ED (30/30 resistant). Which, in my opinion, is defensive overkill--especially with the Damage Reduction--but your mileage/campaign may vary.


I have no idea where the other totals come from, but maybe I'm missin' something.


Oh, and buy up your EGO.

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Re: Sabre - Needs checking.


Heh, nice to see so much feedback with this.


As it is, I'm doing this almost completely unassisted, and my experience with the system isn't so great.


As for the PD/ED issue, I think I may have simply lost track of things along the way. I have, since gone back and bgun fixing up most of the more glaring errors...


And here I thought I had done a pretty good job for my first attempt at writing this solo... Ah well.


Another thing was, rather than having the Psi-Sabre and Missile Deflection as two seperate powers, would it make more sense to link them?


Anyway, kudos to everyone who replied! :)

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Re: Sabre - Needs checking.


Heh, nice to see so much feedback with this.


As it is, I'm doing this almost completely unassisted, and my experience with the system isn't so great.

No worries. Even veterans make mistakes. The fact that you posted it for feedback shows a willingness to take critique, and no one means any offense. We just take you at your word when you say "feedback welcome" :)


As for the PD/ED issue, I think I may have simply lost track of things along the way.

Gosh, I've never done that... :rolleyes:


And here I thought I had done a pretty good job for my first attempt at writing this solo... Ah well.

Hey, if this is your first time then you're doing a helluva job. Don't sweat it, man. This is how you learn.


Another thing was, rather than having the Psi-Sabre and Missile Deflection as two seperate powers, would it make more sense to link them?

Definitely not. They're two different powers, one offense and one defense. Keep 'em separate, just like you have 'em.


Anyway, kudos to everyone who replied! :)

And kudos for asking. Feel free to post updates as you go. That way folks can see how it's coming along.

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Re: Sabre - Needs checking.


Well, I've done a few changes... I'd make more, but keeping within the 350 total is proving to be rather... difficult.


Anyway, here's the newest version I could manage for the time being... I'd do more, but I seriously have doubts as to whether I can keep the 'flavour' and still make the needed changes.

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Re: Sabre - Needs checking.


It doesn't look like much has changed, except for the EGO and MP. However, your multipower, with all ultra slots, means you can't even be invisible and fly away, or more importantly, you can't defend and attack in the same phase. Your defenses and movements should really be in an EC. Though, I don't know why you'd want a FF as well as the Armor (and why the dmg resist still?). I suppose if you want to run away or shield someone, you have high defenses, but this write up -to me- still seems like you're trying to cover every base mechanics-wise without a real character inside.


Personally, I wouldn't allow the character in one of my games, but I think you should really check with your GM. If your GM is for a FtF game, he should be able to sit down with you and create a better character. If it's for a PBeM, then probably won't. YMMV.


Good luck on it, though.

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Re: Sabre - Needs checking.


Looking at your Missile Deflection, I don't believe you can buy it as a Focus as well as OiHID without GM permission. And with a 30 STR, I -as a GM- wouldn't see how that would limit you. A 30 STR lets you lift 1,600 kg, which is the same as a small car or a large missile. So, pretty much only if a brick throws a small car at you would this come into effect, because a missile that heavy would be coming off a plane.

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Re: Sabre - Needs checking.


Well, I did a few more changes, but it seems that he won't be suitable as a PC character. The concept was to combine aspects of a Powered Armour character with a Mentalist, but It seems I missed the mark by alot.


One of the other ideas I had was instead of having Sabre a mentalist, I wanted him to be a powered armour wearing mutant whose mutant ability was to copy the abilities of others and then use them agains this opponents.


For now though, I'll just stick with a normal Powered Armour character... Seems that I'll need a bit more practice before I try an original concept.


Thanks for the help... For now,I'll post a 587 point version of Sabre. I'll write up a character background for him sometime this week.

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