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Question regarding Gestures/Incantations


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Presently, I am re-writing some character sheets of characters I use in some fanfics. One is Lady Silver who I've mentioned quite a bit here. In her experienced form, she has an 80 pt VPP with the limitation of variable limitations of -1/2. Normally she uses Gestures and Incantations to help her focus her spells although Extra Time and Increased Endurance can be used instead as needed.


One spell she knows (there's a zero point limit of only known spells from a list- basically it just keeps with the special effect and would prevent someone from using her powers in ways that I don't think apply) is a spell that conjures up a powerful blade (a HKA). If Gestures and Incantations limits are used, are these limits satisfied just by using them to conjure the blade or must they be used with every attack?


Help would be appreciated. Writing up characters like wizards can be tough in that VPP's cost alot of point so you need to shave here and there (even at 600 total points for the experienced level- I can't see justifying anything higher right now which is funny since I'm the only person who has to be satisfied...). Also, if you're not careful a VPP becomes abusive so I want a sheet that reflects my view of her as well as distinguish it from other characters with similar abilities so that her powers (like a Dr. Strange) seem different from a more cosmic VPP like the Silver Surfers or even a Green Lanterns.


Anyway I'm babbling. Help on how gestures and incantations would work in this case would be appreciated, thanks.

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Re: Question regarding Gestures/Incantations


If I understand the rules, and your question correctly. I do believe that if you add Gestures and Incantation to the HKA you would need to do that for every attack. But have you thought about 'Charges' as a possible solution. This way you have X amount of swings. But I would probably buy it as an RKA no range that way you could similate an HKA, but a mystical sword energy, where the blade doesn't do additional damage based on Strength. Heck, you might even get away with a Focus limitation, so it can be taken from your grip.

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