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A couple of questions...


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Hi all,


I am sort of returning to Champions after having been away for a long time. I'm an experienced gamer (20+ years) and am familiar with an old edition of the rules but I belive it to be lost after several adress changes. I'm wondering a few things befoe I get started (or restarted)


One: Do I need to purchase BOTH the HERO system core rules and the Champions rules to run a campaign? I imagine at the very least both rule books would be helpful, but an investment of $80 is not inconsiderable. What I'd liek to know is if you can just buy the Champions book to run just a Champions game?


Two: Which really is an extension of my first question. Do you need to buy the Champions rules AND the Dark Chapions book to play a Dark Champions type campaign or can the rule sets stand independent of each other?


Three: Has anyone here made or know of a website were they have made and posted stats for either Planetary (Elijah, Jakita and The Drummer) and/or The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen (the COMIC version not the movie)?


Anyway thanks for any and all help you guys can provide, I appreciate it. I'll probably have more posts as needed and chip in when I can.




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Re: A couple of questions...




One: HERO Rulebook or the Big Bulletproof Book or 5ER or reFred or what ever you want to call it (I call it mine!), is the only absolute essential for the game. As a toolkit and not a complete game it allows you and your troupe to create a game for nearly any imagined scenario. The Champions book, unlike in other older editions, is just a genre book and provides no real rules although it does have a generic quick creator for characters (I use it for NPCs that I have to wrench out really really quickly). You cannot run HERO using just the genre book.


Dark Champions is a combination of a GENRE book and a systems book in that it has loads of new ways of doing things and new rule variants. You still cannot play with HERO. You do not need Dark Champions at all if you and your troupe are willing to put in the grunt work and develop your own system for Street Level heroes in the HERO system.


As to Three I'll let the resident linkmiesters handle that but Surbook's Stuff might just have what you are looking for.


and as a plug SIDEKICK is a rules lite version of HERO available at your FLGS or online as either a paperback or a .PDF file. Cost is very little and gives you more than enough to play the game.


BTW welcome aboard.



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