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Adjustment powers followup



The FAQ says:


Q: Do Adjustment Powers (particularly Suppress) work differently if only the effects of the power, as opposed to the creator/originator of the power, is present? Examples would include Suppress Summon against a demon to “banish†it (even though its conjuror is not present) or Suppress Mind Control after the victim’s already been affected.


A: No.


A few subquestions on this one:


1) Is it correct that the to-hit roll to affect the effect is vs. the D(E)CV of the original effect's target (the demon, or the victim of the Mind Control), and not that of the owner of the effect?


2) If a Drain is used, does the owner of the original effect lose APs from his power, or is only that instance of the power affected? (i.e. The mind control on /this/ victim weakens, but others are unaffected)


3) If a Transfer is used, does the owner of the Transfer gain APs?


4) If the owner of the original effect has Power defense, does it apply? If not, what construct would you suggest for making a Mind Control that was difficult to drain away?



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1 answer to this question

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1, 4. If the target would be a being opposed to the character using the Adjustment Power (such as a demon serving the character’s wizard enemy), use the being’s DCV, Power Defense, or whatever. If it’s just some freestanding effect (like a Suppression field), use the original creator’s DCV, Power Defense, or whatever.


If you want the victim of something like a Mind Control to be less susceptible to having that effect Drained (or whatever), the person imposing the Mind Control also needs to have a Power Defense Usable As Attack ability to make the Mind Control more resistant to Drains and the like.


2. Only the instance of the power.


3. Yes.

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